
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: alexvidaa on September 26, 2018, 08:34:28 PM

Title: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 26, 2018, 08:34:28 PM
I posted almost 8 months ago with the backstory here: https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=321121.msg12938825#msg12938825

Long story short, we've been in a relationship for 1 year and 9 months. He has depression and anxiety and I'm pretty sure he is uBPD. We broke up in January/Feburary and then got back together at the end of February when I went to go end things for sure and give him his stuff back. He got on antidepressants which have been somewhat helpful. However, after I went to go get my things from him, he caved and said that he was sorry, didn't know how to process his feelings, and wanted to get back with me.

We were doing okay ever since and I even went to live with him in the summer so I could have some quiet time to study for my MCAT. He invited me to stay with him until he graduated in December. The apartment was a microscopic studio apartment and at times it was hard being on top of each other all the time. In hindsight, because I was studying so much we didn't spend too much time together outside of the apartment between my work and studying, and his work in the lab. Either way, things were going well besides the occasional issues with having to maneuver living together in such a small space (logistics of who cleans what, how often things are cleaned, grocery shopping, who makes dinner, etc). During that time I did need a little bit more emotional support due to myself going through more anxiety than usual because of the intensity of studying and the pressure to do well. I never neglected him despite that though, and always made sure I supported him through his anxiety and depression and trying to be the most understanding I could of him. We truly were doing good besides stupid fights here and there, most of which were emotional outbursts from him. We have pictures together where you can tell we truly love each other and people who hung out with us said that we seemed perfect together because we got along and loved each other so much.

About a month ago, probably around the time his semester was starting, he exploded on me and told me I needed to move out ASAP. He told me that I had compromised his safe space, his mental health of not having things not cluttered (there was obviously more things in the apartment than usual). We had oversaturated our time together and I think we just needed some time apart (something he agreed with!). He then revealed to me that it was too much for him to emotionally support me in the way he pressured himself to. The extent that he went to was almost insane and illogical. He stopped taking his antidepressants to supposedly increase his sees drive to make me happier and do better on the MCAT. To be perfectly clear, this is something i would NEVER ask nor expect, and in fact we've talked many times about because it does decrease his sexual desire but I reassured him that he NEEDED to be on the medication and we'd figure the rest out. Anyways, it was impossible at that time to leave that day and almost unreasonable to expect. I didn't take it well at first because he didnt offer any other explanation other than "LEAVE NOW!" and then launched into saying other mean things against me (partially verbally abusive). Once he calmed down from the emotional explosion, he said I could stay there and we negotiated when i could stay because after all, I had a job and was not able to finance an apartment on my own in a huge city. I had agreed to leave a month from then, which would allow me to finish the MCAT and to give my job enough notice. He agreed to this date.

Approximately a week later, we got into a small fight about him laying on my pillow for 10 minutes with a completely sweaty back. I was annoyed, but apparently being annoyed over that was unacceptable to him. Again, because he cannot take any conflict against him, he launched into a war against me with telling me mean and awful things about myself (still verbally abusive). I called him out on that, and that it wasn't acceptable to be telling me everything that I do wrong and to tell me very harsh and untrue things (like how awful I am, how I'm the needy one, how it's ridiculous that I like to text him). Then out of no where, he tells me he wants to break up with me and that he had been planning to do it after the MCAT. I thought he was just having another emotional outburst but he really can't ever be mature enough to talk something out. He then started talking about how he was not fulfilled or happy with his life anymore. He had stopped going to the gym too. He then told me he didn't know if he loved me anymore because he just felt annoyed at being around me all the time. I told him that it makes sense he felt annoyed because we were on top of each other all summer but that it was crazy to say he didnt love me anymore because of it. I told him we just needed some time apart because of over saturation of time together. We agreed to take a month break after my MCAT ended and after I left. It was a weird time because we couldn't truly take a break yet, so we used the time I still had left before leaving to take my MCAT to be closer to each other and more intimate (sounds contradictory now). But it was all done without any pressure. I was fine with being cordial and not being all lovey dovey, but we started doing nice things for each other and doing things together we knew the other liked (him listening to my radio show with me, and me watching his favorite shows with him and reading comics with him). We laughed and talked for hours and still had so many genuinely good moments. We still cuddled and all that other stuff and the night before I left he held me very tight and told me that he couldn't lose me and that his greatest fear was losing me. He also tried to say that he would use those days I was gone to see if he missed me because then that would mean he loved me. I told him that didnt make sense because he'd probably be elated to be by himself and get some alone time since that's what he's been wanting for a while. Again, it was a weird time and we talked about if we were going to talk for the six days that I was gone and he said that we would. So we did for the first two days. I jokingly asked if he missed me and he said no. After that, he had another emotional outburst and said I was just suffocating him and to not talk to him for the rest of the time I was gone. The day before my MCAT he called me to help me calm down and he assured me that everything was going to be okay with us and that we'd talk when I got back to the city. I called after the MCAT and he said the same thing.

Once I arrived back in the city after the MCAT for a few more work shifts and at this point only have 6 more days left. Right when I walked through the door he said he wanted to break up with me, that I didn't make him happy anymore, that he didn't miss or think about me at all while I was gone, that he didn't want the relationship anymore, and the worst part, he said that he had been faking the relationship for the past four months. Whenever he gets like this or in any fight where he has to try to "protect" himself, he becomes a pompous, cold, emotionless, and mean douche. Of course I was so hurt by his words. The conversation got worse as I resisted because I had been completely lied to and we had agreed to take a break. He said that I didn't matter anymore, and that there was nothing that I could say to change his mind. Almost everything he said contradicted something else he's tried to say to hurt me before. Again, it got to a point where it was emotionally abusive and I had to call my parents to come and get me because I did not feel emotionally safe. I felt so blind sided and betrayed by someone who claimed they couldn't lose me and that we were on the way to working things out and getting back to normal after we had some time apart to breathe.

When I was about to leave he kept trying to hug me for long periods of time and started to tear up. When I asked him, he told me that he was telling the truth before I left for my MCAT because he really felt like he couldnt lose me, that he was just trying to convince himself he was mentally health enough to be with me. He said he wasnt mentally capable of being in a serious relationship at the moment because he had gotten worse. Also he said that lots of things in the past four months were not fake. We shared a couple more inside jokes before I took all of my stuff and left. I told him that no matter what that I'd always love him and that the connection we had would never fade despite him trying to tell himself and convince himself he didn't love me anymore.

The day after, I found out that he had told mutual friends at his work that he was over the relationship 6 months ago and was told that he was doing just fine. Funny because 6 months ago he was contemplating suicide and wanted to get back with me? I called him out on it, to which he apologized for talking about me (not for what he said). He then blocked my phone number and then unfollowed me on all social media.

I'm just really confused because his emotions and actions literally took a whole turn around. Almost like a whole different person. I don't know how to decipher it. I don't even know what to do anymore. He went through something similar like described a little in the previous post, but this is so much more severe. The way he is able to emotionally dissociate himself from me is insane and it really feels like he believes his twisted reality he's lied to himself about. Literally everyone is shocked. I'm still hurt, and still left wondering. I hate how he makes me feel crazy and like it is my fault, but the truth of the reality is I'm not even sure he can decipher or process his own feelings. So the brunt of it is always just me.

The question is: is there hope? at all? or just i don't know. It's still a very fresh wound as the official breakup happened a week ago. Maybe I'm crazy for thinking there is still hope, but was wondering if anyone can give me any words of the worst of these admiration/devaluation cycles, and when you know it's over for good?

Title: Re: is there any hope left? HELP PLEASE
Post by: once removed on September 26, 2018, 10:46:00 PM
hi alexvidaa,

some people feel easily smothered and pressured. sometimes they take on pressures that no one is asking them to take on. and sometimes those people dont communicate it especially well, and resentment builds, until it explodes.

it sounds like there has been a great deal of pressure on the both of you in the last several months. living together can certainly do that, especially in a small space. throw additional stressful circumstances for both of you on top of that, and things start to boil over.

so i think this was a pressure cooker so to speak, and it wasnt all necessarily obvious to you at the time.

is there hope? i think there is.

the first, most important step is to stop the bleeding. i wouldnt approach him with any more of the information you hear. i wouldnt press for answers or to talk about the relationship. stop the cycle of conflict. the entire situation needs a lot of space if its going to get better.

you mentioned the official breakup was a week ago. how long since you spoke?

Title: Re: is there any hope left? HELP PLEASE
Post by: Radcliff on September 27, 2018, 01:27:56 AM
First, I'm sorry you were experiencing so much drama in the runup to your MCATs.  You must have been working so hard on your studies and on preparing for the MCATs.

As for whether or not there is any hope, that depends on what you are hoping for.  The chances that the relationship might recycle seem fairly good.  If it does, work with us on the Bettering board so we can help you learn tools to reduce the conflict.  His behaviors and issues may not change, though, and his push-pull behavior may prevent you from feeling safe in the relationship.  Hoping that he will become neurotypical is unrealistic.  With effort at learning coping tools and changing their own behaviors, some partners are able to have rewarding relationships with their pwBPD.  Every situation is different, since no pwBPD expresses traits in the same way or amount, and every partner has different needs and strengths.

Take a look at this page on What Does It Take To Be In a BPD Relationship? (https://bpdfamily.com/content/what-does-it-take-be-relationship)  Can you tell us what your thoughts are after reading that material?


Title: Re: is there any hope left? HELP PLEASE
Post by: alexvidaa on September 27, 2018, 08:51:11 AM

is there hope? i think there is.

the first, most important step is to stop the bleeding. i wouldnt approach him with any more of the information you hear. i wouldnt press for answers or to talk about the relationship. stop the cycle of conflict. the entire situation needs a lot of space if its going to get better.

you mentioned the official breakup was a week ago. how long since you spoke?

Well after I approached him with lying about the 6 month thing, he blocked me. Then unfollowed me on social media. He didn’t block me on whatsapp though. A few days later I found out that two of our mutual friends were diagnosed with life threatening illnesses and I was so worried about that. Since he was literally the only person in my life who actually knew both of them; I texted him on whatsapp explaining the situation. I told him I understood we both needed space but that literally two of our friends were dying and I didn’t know who else to go to. He took two days to read that message and when he finally opened it he didn’t reply.

I’m not sure what to do. He was and still is in my mind my best friend. We talked everyday since two years ago. It’s really hard. Is there a certain time, say, in so many weeks, that it’d be appropriate to text him? Or should I just wait?

Title: Re: is there any hope left? HELP PLEASE
Post by: alexvidaa on September 27, 2018, 09:11:45 AM
As for whether or not there is any hope, that depends on what you are hoping for.  The chances that the relationship might recycle seem fairly good.  If it does, work with us on the Bettering board so we can help you learn tools to reduce the conflict.  His behaviors and issues may not change, though, and his push-pull behavior may prevent you from feeling safe in the relationship.  Hoping that he will become neurotypical is unrealistic.  With effort at learning coping tools and changing their own behaviors, some partners are able to have rewarding relationships with their pwBPD.  Every situation is different, since no pwBPD expresses traits in the same way or amount, and every partner has different needs and strengths.

Take a look at this page on What Does It Take To Be In a BPD Relationship? (https://bpdfamily.com/content/what-does-it-take-be-relationship)  Can you tell us what your thoughts are after reading that material?


Hi RC, I think that for me it’s very difficult because I am a sensitive person to not take things personally. It’s hard when he tells me he hasn’t loved me for the past 4 months (even tho logically I can tell myself with eviddncd that it’s not true). To me those words are just cruel but at the same time he can’t seem to help himself to keep saying consistently more mean things to me. What’s worse is that I can’t seem to talk him out of it at all. He has a different tone and way of speaking when he gets that way but it’s frustrating because there’s no way for me to even get through to him during one of those times and leaves me feeling insecure.

I love him so much and it’s ridiculous because all of my friends don’t understand it. They think that he’s been awful and cruel to me and that it’s his loss if he doesn’t try to come back. I really want him to come back though. I know deep inside he is a good person with just terrible coping mechanisms and not a lot of emotional maturity.

He’s blocked me and won’t talk to me so I feel hopeless right now. When do you think it’ll start getting better or when he’d try to come back?

BTW, we *now* live 4 hours away from each other. We take a bus to get to each other usually before we lived with each other.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 27, 2018, 02:06:33 PM
It’s also my birthday today. Is it crazy of me to think he’d be decent enough to at least wish me a happy birthday? Or do pwBPD that are in the devaluation cycle not think that way? I’m just really confused. And sad.

I’m glad that I have this forum and you all to talk to about it. It’s hard talking to friends about it because to them they can only see him as a douche. While it’s not okay the way he treats me, I somewhat understand him. Honestly the worst position to be in!

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: macarena on September 27, 2018, 05:30:57 PM
Hi Alexvidaa,

And first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You deserve all the best!

Let me start by saying I am sorry, I feel your pain (similar situation) and I can relate to so much of what you are saying. Two months ago, I was exactly there, on my birthday, wondering if he would have the decency to say two words (he didn’t).
 To put it short (I’ve posted here the whole story as well), after a conflict situation and some accusations that were completely untrue, my person stopped communicating completely and then blocked me after I tried to explain how important he is for me and how lack of contact hurt me.

I know it’s nearly impossible not to take it personally, especially from a person you love the most. However, it’s teally important to keep in mind that your person has serious problems in emotional regulation. It doesn’t mean that everything should be excused (not at all), but also, it’s unrealistic to expect “normal”, healthy reactions in a complicated situation. For me, it helps to shift from thinking “what did I do?” and “I really don’t deserve this” to feeling compassion towards him and thinking of what I can do (both for myself and to improve the situation for both of us).

I understand your urge to talk to him to try and resolve the situation (I would so like to be able to do that!) but it seems to have the opposite effect.  As you said, when you tried to approach him, he retreated further (the same happened to me). It just seems that trying to talk and expressing your feelings (even if they are positive) stirs up all the conflicting emotions in them, and they are just unable to handle those complicated emotions, so they run. So the best approach, as Once removed suggested here, seems to give it time and space. I know, it’s incredibly hard (I used to talk to my person every day too, and he is one of my best friends and I want so bad to tell him about all the little achievements and disappointments) but it seems to be the only way out of this. They need to get to a point where they can somewhat handle their emotions. And to be fair, in these hurtful situations, we also need it (in a different way, but still).

Also, when you are thinking of his reaction to your messages about a friends’ illness, you are measuring it by the standard of a person more or less emotionally healthy. It’s true, it seems that any other person would at least say something, react, express compassion, etc. But they seem to be in such emotional turmoil that even reading the message seems something huge (same in my case - 1-2 days to read one), let alone respond. He probably feels lost/guilty/ashamed and many other things at the time, and doesn’t know what to do at all.

Give it time. I’m trying to do the same. Try to read more materials on this site as they are of huge help to understand our situations.

Please keep sharing how everything evolves.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 27, 2018, 09:01:30 PM

Give it time. I’m trying to do the same. Try to read more materials on this site as they are of huge help to understand our situations.

Please keep sharing how everything evolves.

Hi Macarena,

Thank you! I’ll keep things updated because I’m going back to the city in a week or so to celebrate my birthday with friends the way I wanted to, before he ruined all the plans. While I’m there I plan on giving him back stuff of his and just leave forever because I really think I’m too hurt. He throws me away like I’m trash and like our almost two years together meant nothing. I’m also afraid he might be trying to jump into seeing other people and that’s just even more hurtful. Tonight i saw he was out at a Mexican restaurant but idk with who. He never goes to restaurants by himself... .maybe I’m paranoid and maybe not. I don’t want to leave forever but he treats me like sh*t and doesn’t ever seem to have any remorse about it. Which all makes me devastated. I’m lost and upset and I just don’t even know anymore. Has your person talked to you?

Title: Re: is there any hope left? HELP PLEASE
Post by: Radcliff on September 27, 2018, 11:47:33 PM
It’s also my birthday today. Is it crazy of me to think he’d be decent enough to at least wish me a happy birthday? Or do pwBPD that are in the devaluation cycle not think that way? I’m just really confused. And sad.  
It's not crazy at all.  But may be unrealistic.  That kind of empathy may not be in his toolkit, especially when his mind is full of so many other emotions, fears, etc.

I love him so much and it’s ridiculous because all of my friends don’t understand it. They think that he’s been awful and cruel to me and that it’s his loss if he doesn’t try to come back. I really want him to come back though. I know deep inside he is a good person with just terrible coping mechanisms and not a lot of emotional maturity.
Yes, it can be hard with folks who don't understand why we love our pwBPD so much.  It makes it hard to have a discussion or get advice that rings true when we're not able to start at a similar place of understanding.  We understand how powerful those feelings of love can be.

He’s blocked me and won’t talk to me so I feel hopeless right now. When do you think it’ll start getting better or when he’d try to come back?
It's hard to know, and completely beyond your control.  This is going to sound like difficult advice to follow, but setting our hopes on other's behavior is a sure recipe for misery.  Your hopes and desires are totally valid.  We can't realistically ask you to deny them.  But, one way to address the feelings of hopelessness is to start filling your time with positive steps you can do to take care of yourself, doing things that are within your control.  Having a birthday celebration with your friends is a good example.  Can you think of any other opportunities?  Slowly, over time, it really works.


Title: Re: is there any hope left? HELP PLEASE
Post by: alexvidaa on September 28, 2018, 08:53:33 AM
It's not crazy at all.  But may be unrealistic.  That kind of empathy may not be in his toolkit, especially when his mind is full of so many other emotions, fears, etc.

It's hard to know, and completely beyond your control.  This is going to sound like difficult advice to follow, but setting our hopes on other's behavior is a sure recipe for misery.  Your hopes and desires are totally valid.  We can't realistically ask you to deny them.  But, one way to address the feelings of hopelessness is to start filling your time with positive steps you can do to take care of yourself, doing things that are within your control.  Having a birthday celebration with your friends is a good example.  Can you think of any other opportunities?  Slowly, over time, it really works.



When in the devaluation stage, is empathy towards the person that they devalue gone or is it for everyone? Also, is it typical for pwBPD to blame their SO for all their issues in life? He almost starts the devaluation process at the beginning of every school semester where he himself starts feeling low self esteem, self doubt, self hate, etc. Why would that translate into having to dissociate from the SO and convince themselves they don’t love them anymore?

And yeah, ive been trying to! I’m an emotional person and I’m very emotionally attached to him. It’s reslly really hard for me to deal with him being so cold. I don’t want to hold onto hope of him coming back if he’s not going to, which id why I feel so urged to talk to him. Usually on here after a drastic breakup, the other one comes back within a couple of weeks, but based on his actions to try to completely cut me out of his life, I’m just not even sure. Is this normal?

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: once removed on September 28, 2018, 12:01:33 PM
When in the devaluation stage, is empathy towards the person that they devalue gone or is it for everyone? Also, is it typical for pwBPD to blame their SO for all their issues in life?

another member here suggested looking for the human nature part of the equation before looking at BPD pathology. its good advice.

theres been a lot of pressure in/on this relationship, and a lot of conflict on top of it, some small, some big.

he wants away from that - far away from it, right now.

While I’m there I plan on giving him back stuff of his and just leave forever because I really think I’m too hurt.

if you are wanting to reconcile the relationship, i would encourage you not to take this approach. it is more pressure, more conflict, gasoline on the fire.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 28, 2018, 12:31:50 PM
another member here suggested looking for the human nature part of the equation before looking at BPD pathology. its good advice.

theres been a lot of pressure in/on this relationship, and a lot of conflict on top of it, some small, some big.

he wants away from that - far away from it, right now.

if you are wanting to reconcile the relationship, i would encourage you not to take this approach. it is more pressure, more conflict, gasoline on the fire.

Hi once removed,

I understand that part of it. Which initially is why we decided to take a break, despite the fact I really really didn’t want to (didn’t tell him that) because he tends to use time to himself to emotionally detach to make things easier. I know time apart was needed because of the craziness of the summer, but it really just leaves me so anxious because it seems like he’s closed the door on me forever. Blocked me, ignores me on whatsapp, unfollowing me... .I know it’s signs of needing space but it was all just so abrupt and my mind doesn’t know how to handle it.

I do want him back, but he’s acting like he’s done forever. I asked him why he was acting like I didn’t exist, something he of course ignored, and then posted a picture of the ground to a career fair he was going to on instagram. It’s out of character because he has always thought social media and posting things was stupid. In the entire two years I’ve known him he has only posted pictures of us. So to me it kind of felt like a message that he didn’t care about me at all anymore. Maybe I am just paranoid. I am going to the city next weekend and I do plan on just dropping his stuff off. I took his suitcase with me when I left because I didn’t have enough space to fit all of my stuff. I’m thinking of just writing him a letter because I do not want any conflict but I do want to tell him how I feel about the way he handled things. He may hate me forever or may decide to read it later in a better mindset. Isn’t that the way it is now though? He may decide to blacklist me forever or decide to talk to me again—on his terms.

It just seems like he’s acting out of sight out of mind. Our mutual friends don’t text me back anymore, so maybe he’s smeared me to them. I don’t know. All I know is that I’m not okay, and it’s jusy hard to make myself okay with someone treating me like this. I’m sorry if I seem annoying or contradicting (I love him but How do I make his Actions okay in my head?), but your advice and everyone’s advice on here means a lot to me during this confusing time.

Title: Re: is there any hope left? HELP PLEASE
Post by: Radcliff on September 28, 2018, 12:43:31 PM
While I’m there I plan on giving him back stuff of his and just leave forever because I really think I’m too hurt.
I'm going to take a slightly different spin on this than once removed.  Sure, being dramatic about it would add fuel to the fire.  But giving his stuff back to him in a considerate fashion might be helpful to you to allow separation from him, and could feel like a healing, gentle thing to do.  If you've got it packed up in a way it can be given to him without embarrassing him or making a big deal about it, saying that you thought he might want his things, that could work.  It also shows that you are willing to let go with love, which, paradoxically might make him feel less threatened and wanting to come back to you.

When in the devaluation stage, is empathy towards the person that they devalue gone or is it for everyone?
My personal experience, and I've heard similar stories from some others, is that my pwBPD's ire was almost exclusively reserved for me.  I got 90% of the nastiness.  Other members report that their pwBPD dishes it out to everyone.  Every pwBPD is unique.

Also, is it typical for pwBPD to blame their SO for all their issues in life? He almost starts the devaluation process at the beginning of every school semester where he himself starts feeling low self esteem, self doubt, self hate, etc.
It's been long enough since I read it that I can't remember the psychological explanation, but yes, pwBPD often have a very hard time seeing their responsibility for things and tend to blame others.  You are the closest, so you get the lion's share of the blame.  This tends to be a persistent issue.

Why would that translate into having to dissociate from the SO and convince themselves they don’t love them anymore?
One potential explanation is the psychological phenomenon called "projection."  They project all of their bad feelings about themselves onto their partner.  A related issue is "lack of differentiation."  That means that they have trouble understanding the boundaries between them and other people.  You and he are one person, so if he hates himself, he hates you.

And yeah, ive been trying to! I’m an emotional person and I’m very emotionally attached to him. It’s reslly really hard for me to deal with him being so cold. I don’t want to hold onto hope of him coming back if he’s not going to, which id why I feel so urged to talk to him. Usually on here after a drastic breakup, the other one comes back within a couple of weeks, but based on his actions to try to completely cut me out of his life, I’m just not even sure. Is this normal?
Yes, strong attempts to separate are common, and the separation can last a long while.  Very quick recycles are also common.  As I mentioned, every pwBPD is unique, so our members have a variety of experiences.

It can be especially tough on members who bond with a pwBPD relatively early in their dating lives.  It makes it hard to have a yardstick to measure things by.  Do you mind if I ask about your relationship experience before you met him?


Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: once removed on September 28, 2018, 12:44:18 PM
I’m thinking of just writing him a letter because I do not want any conflict but I do want to tell him how I feel about the way he handled things.

i think youve made this clear.

He may hate me forever or may decide to read it later in a better mindset. Isn’t that the way it is now though?

overpursuing this would push anyone in his position further away. are you prepared for that?

im not sure "the way it is" is limited to those two outcomes. giving space often gives the other party the room to get to baseline and more inclined to reach out.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: Radcliff on September 28, 2018, 12:52:08 PM
All I know is that I’m not okay, and it’s jusy hard to make myself okay with someone treating me like this. I’m sorry if I seem annoying or contradicting (I love him but How do I make his Actions okay in my head?), but your advice and everyone’s advice on here means a lot to me during this confusing time.

You are not annoying.  These are tough times.  We've all been there, and received support from others.  We're here because we want to be here!  And contradictions go with the territory -- it's one of the things that makes these situations so tough.  I'm sorry you're not OK, but am glad you're able to talk about it.  One thing that I found helpful is to depersonalize things by recognizing that the pwBPD's disorder means that the signals they are sending to us are "off."  We are used to seeing ourselves reflected in the people we are with, so when they are treating us poorly, we can feel bad about ourselves.  His poor treatment of you is due to his disorder, not because you have done anything to deserve it. 


Title: Re: is there any hope left? HELP PLEASE
Post by: alexvidaa on September 28, 2018, 01:41:02 PM
I'm going to take a slightly different spin on this than once removed.  Sure, being dramatic about it would add fuel to the fire.  But giving his stuff back to him in a considerate fashion might be helpful to you to allow separation from him, and could feel like a healing, gentle thing to do.  If you've got it packed up in a way it can be given to him without embarrassing him or making a big deal about it, saying that you thought he might want his things, that could work.  It also shows that you are willing to let go with love, which, paradoxically might make him feel less threatened and wanting to come back to you.
My personal experience, and I've heard similar stories from some others, is that my pwBPD's ire was almost exclusively reserved for me.  I got 90% of the nastiness.  Other members report that their pwBPD dishes it out to everyone.  Every pwBPD is unique.
It's been long enough since I read it that I can't remember the psychological explanation, but yes, pwBPD often have a very hard time seeing their responsibility for things and tend to blame others.  You are the closest, so you get the lion's share of the blame.  This tends to be a persistent issue.
One potential explanation is the psychological phenomenon called "projection."  They project all of their bad feelings about themselves onto their partner.  A related issue is "lack of differentiation."  That means that they have trouble understanding the boundaries between them and other people.  You and he are one person, so if he hates himself, he hates you.
Yes, strong attempts to separate are common, and the separation can last a long while.  Very quick recycles are also common.  As I mentioned, every pwBPD is unique, so our members have a variety of experiences.

It can be especially tough on members who bond with a pwBPD relatively early in their dating lives.  It makes it hard to have a yardstick to measure things by.  Do you mind if I ask about your relationship experience before you met him?


Hi RC,

I need to figure out how to individually quote but until then I’ll keep my replies in paragraphs in the order of yours!

I’m not trying to be dramatic about it at all. Last time I went to see him for the last time, he took it as now or never I suppose. I was ready to walk out for good at that point because he had made it clear that’s what he wanted and I really needed to heal. I am not good at being in an emotional limbo aka maybe he’ll come back maybe he won’t. I’m either all in or I need to heal. So in some ways, I’m hoping seeing him will give me a clue as to whether I can do it or not. But last time, something happened and when he saw me after all the nastiness and he tried to hide it for the first hour of the conversation, but then he came and sat next to me and asked to cuddle. However this was during a time of depression, which maybe he is still in... .but this time he’s trying very hard to make it very clear he’s over me by blatantly ignoring my whatsapp, blocking, unfollowing, I think attempting to go out with coworkers, and now I suppose posting random meaningless pictures. It’s bizarre and it’s almosf like maybe it’s him trying to convince himself. Meh.
I get the brunt of literally all his ___. Although when he talks to people he’s a sarcastic and dark and blunt person, and can come off as unbothered or uncaring, he doesn’t project the ire onto other people. He had told me stuff like I don’t matter anymore, accused me of being the one that gets angry all the time and has no emotional regulation, has told me he just doesn’t care about me anymore and etc. I’m literallt the only person he has in his life and even before I left to take the MCAT he said he trusted me and felt the most safe with me than Anyone else. His parents are absolute garbage which explains the probable  issues with BPD for him. Weirdly enough he did say he felt like we were too intertwined with our lives not being separate. I didn’t feel it being true because I have an outside network, but maybe for him because he only had me he felt that way.
I’m not sure how long this cycle will last. I realized from being on here that the devaluation process started a month ago, went into idealization again, and then snapped back into devaluation once I left to take the MCAT. Sadly he never went back to idealization and went the route of emotional dissociation. I’m just worried this is a complete discard... .How do you know the difference?

Honestly this was my first real love, relationship, and firsts of everything. It was the same for him too which made it more special.

Thank you for being so patient and understanding and for being a listening ear. I greatly appreciate it!

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 28, 2018, 01:48:31 PM
i think youve made this clear.

overpursuing this would push anyone in his position further away. are you prepared for that?

im not sure "the way it is" is limited to those two outcomes. giving space often gives the other party the room to get to baseline and more inclined to reach out.

I understand what you’re saying, however, my mental health matters just as much as his does. My anxiety is poorly controlled right now because I can’t be in the emotional limbo of “what if” for long. If I go see him I won’t be making a scene. Just politely giving his stuff back and seeing if I can talk to him calmly without it being emotionally charged. Also I don’t know when I’d ever have the chance to randomly go up to the city  again so it’s kind of like now or never for me. It’ll give me the chance to make the decision to completely move on, or if we can talk and decide to meet up in a month or two then maybe. But it doesn’t seem realistic with How he currently is. I’m not prepared for any of this, whatsoever. I really thought we were back on track for a good while until this popped up and threw me off. It seems very unpredictable anyways

Title: Re: is there any hope left? HELP PLEASE
Post by: once removed on September 28, 2018, 01:54:41 PM
I am not good at being in an emotional limbo aka maybe he’ll come back maybe he won’t. I’m either all in or I need to heal.

i can very much appreciate this. my breakup, at the time, felt sort of ambiguous to me... .i wasnt sure whether the door was closed or not. my every instinct and impulse at the time, was to reach out.

good mental health is about making difficult choices, often the most difficult choices.

Honestly this was my first real love, relationship, and firsts of everything.

breakups hurt, a lot. the person on the receiving end often feels blindsided, has a slew of questions, and just wants to reverse the pain. the way he went about this one obviously hurts. the information youve heard subsequently adds to the pain.

in the process of that pain, those questions, we often have a tendency of acting on impulse in ways that, if we want to reconcile the relationship, actually hurt the chances... .reinforce the other persons decision to breakup, and even increase our pain.

my suggestion, if you want to reconcile the relationship, is not to do those things. to not act on impulse or emotion.

youre hurting, and you have let him know it. its understandable. from his perspective (he wants space), it looks like jilted lover stuff, and reinforces his decision. hes blocked, and has been otherwise non responsive. the signal is clear. if you try to get over those walls, he will erect higher walls.

that understandably heightens feelings of rejection for you, which as i mentioned, we tend to want to reverse. so letting him have it, telling him how you feel hes acted badly, or returning his things (which, from his perspective will look like "fine then, im rejecting you") can feel like a good idea at the time.

i would suggest that not only will it backfire, but it will increase your bad feelings.

returning his stuff is not a bad move - in fact its a necessary one, at a certain point. right now, returning his stuff and trying to get him to talk to you will escalate the conflict.

Title: Re: is there any hope left? HELP PLEASE
Post by: alexvidaa on September 28, 2018, 03:22:31 PM
i can very much appreciate this. my breakup, at the time, felt sort of ambiguous to me... .i wasnt sure whether the door was closed or not. my every instinct and impulse at the time, was to reach out.

good mental health is about making difficult choices, often the most difficult choices.

breakups hurt, a lot. the person on the receiving end often feels blindsided, has a slew of questions, and just wants to reverse the pain. the way he went about this one obviously hurts. the information youve heard subsequently adds to the pain.

in the process of that pain, those questions, we often have a tendency of acting on impulse in ways that, if we want to reconcile the relationship, actually hurt the chances... .reinforce the other persons decision to breakup, and even increase our pain.

my suggestion, if you want to reconcile the relationship, is not to do those things. to not act on impulse or emotion.

youre hurting, and you have let him know it. its understandable. from his perspective (he wants space), it looks like jilted lover stuff, and reinforces his decision. hes blocked, and has been otherwise non responsive. the signal is clear. if you try to get over those walls, he will erect higher walls.

that understandably heightens feelings of rejection for you, which as i mentioned, we tend to want to reverse. so letting him have it, telling him how you feel hes acted badly, or returning his things (which, from his perspective will look like "fine then, im rejecting you") can feel like a good idea at the time.

i would suggest that not only will it backfire, but it will increase your bad feelings.

returning his stuff is not a bad move - in fact its a necessary one, at a certain point. right now, returning his stuff and trying to get him to talk to you will escalate the conflict.

were you ever reached out to again?

You have very good points and i can understand them, and that point of view. I think deep down inside I'm scared that if I don't go to see him, that I'll never talk to him again or never get the chance to see him again. Or that he'll actually forget about me. I hate how this is making me feel pathetic and worrying about these types of things, but I am.

If I don't go to see him, when would be the appropriate time to give his stuff back and to try to talk to him? If he didn't see me or talk to me for weeks or months, would he still love me or think about me or have feelings? I'm not too experienced with relationships to begin with, and I suppose my first super serious one I got into ended up being a special case, but I just am unsure about everything.

Is the fact that he hasn't deleted any of our pictures on instagram or Facebook a good thing? Or the fact that he hasn't completely blocked me from whatsapp?

If I were to even say anything to him, it wouldn't be to let him have it or to tell him how bad he is. That'd definitely lead him to push away more. i've found that sometimes the only way to talk him out of devaluation is to talk to him calmly like a child and say lots of nice things about him. I suppose whenever I went to end it for good that must've been an outlier because from every other way he has acted, I would've thought he'd be done for good.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: once removed on September 28, 2018, 04:01:38 PM
were you ever reached out to again?

not really. she jumped immediately into a new relationship. there were a couple of indirect communications, where twice she sent a facebook friend request and retracted it a few hours later. there was a lot of damage done between us and not much room to reconnect. it was many years ago now, but to this day, im grateful for how strong i looked (i emphasize "looked", because i was a basket case), and that i didnt over pursue.

You have very good points and i can understand them, and that point of view. I think deep down inside I'm scared that if I don't go to see him, that I'll never talk to him again or never get the chance to see him again. Or that he'll actually forget about me. I hate how this is making me feel pathetic and worrying about these types of things, but I am.

its very, very uncomfortable to live with those fears, i know. ones mind will tend to come up with all kinds of rationalizations and justifications to do what usually works against us. even in a worst case scenario, if you can learn to overcome this, it will take you very far in terms of how you feel later, and what you take into future relationships.

i know that we are anonymous strangers, but we have been there. we wont steer you toward stupid advice (or tell you what to do), and we are very mindful of your goals here. the big picture, and the consequences are easier to see from 30000 ft up. in this case, the likeliest way of getting him to communicate with you is to give him space. things may be bad right now, and he may really want that space, but its human nature, once the dust has settled, to not want things to end on a bad note, and/or have second thoughts, perhaps even more so with someone with BPD traits... .they hate to be the bad guy or seen in a bad light.

If I don't go to see him, when would be the appropriate time to give his stuff back and to try to talk to him?

the hope is that he would reach out before that happens. obviously, you cant and shouldnt wait for that forever, and i certainly would not wait months. id wait 2-3 weeks. at that point, its the self respecting, and polite thing to do to exchange/return belongings. i would recommend against using it as a method to talk to him, its a mixed signal, and youre likely to get hurt, if you havent already heard from him. its a stronger move to simply return the belongings. its also possible he would reach out after that if he sees no strings attached.

what sorts of belongings are we talking about? are they things you are certain he would want back? are you able to mail them?

Is the fact that he hasn't deleted any of our pictures on instagram or Facebook a good thing? Or the fact that he hasn't completely blocked me from whatsapp?

its not a bad thing. its hard to read into or determine significance. if he had deleted them, or blocked you from whatsapp, i dont think that would be significant either. people do that sort of thing in a huff. then they calm down and usually undo it.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 28, 2018, 04:50:36 PM

its very, very uncomfortable to live with those fears, i know. ones mind will tend to come up with all kinds of rationalizations and justifications to do what usually works against us. even in a worst case scenario, if you can learn to overcome this, it will take you very far in terms of how you feel later, and what you take into future relationships.

i know that we are anonymous strangers, but we have been there. we wont steer you toward stupid advice (or tell you what to do), and we are very mindful of your goals here. the big picture, and the consequences are easier to see from 30000 ft up. in this case, the likeliest way of getting him to communicate with you is to give him space. things may be bad right now, and he may really want that space, but its human nature, once the dust has settled, to not want things to end on a bad note, and/or have second thoughts, perhaps even more so with someone with BPD traits... .they hate to be the bad guy or seen in a bad light.

the hope is that he would reach out before that happens. obviously, you cant and shouldnt wait for that forever, and i certainly would not wait months. id wait 2-3 weeks. at that point, its the self respecting, and polite thing to do to exchange/return belongings. i would recommend against using it as a method to talk to him, its a mixed signal, and youre likely to get hurt, if you havent already heard from him. its a stronger move to simply return the belongings. its also possible he would reach out after that if he sees no strings attached.

what sorts of belongings are we talking about? are they things you are certain he would want back? are you able to mail them?

its not a bad thing. its hard to read into or determine significance. if he had deleted them, or blocked you from whatsapp, i dont think that would be significant either. people do that sort of thing in a huff. then they calm down and usually undo it.

I truly appreciate your advice and perspective here. The fears are truly getting the best of me at this point, as I have to take gabapentin to fall asleep every night now. AKA my anxiety is killing me right now which is something I'm trying to better control. I think if I learn to handle it better, i'll be better off in the future and with other relationships too.

I asked him last time what would have happened if I would have not came to see him. I asked if he would've came back for me and he said he would have. He was full of shame and guilt and i really think that is what held him back from going back with me sooner: he wanted to be with me but said he couldn't at the time. Now, it seems to me that he's too full of shame and guilt to come back right now because of how awful he was to me when he ended it, and maybe that's why he has to convince himself of another reality. It's different because instead of isolating himself, it seems like he's putting most of his time into work and funny enough spends more time outside of his apartment now than when I lived there. Now reading up more about BPD, I feel like i fell for a trap whenever he was breaking up with me: saying the worst things possible to me to push me away and get a reaction, just to maybe use that was a way to reinforce his bad perception of me. Live and learn, but the emotional manipulation isn't worth it to me. If that's the case, does he really see himself as a bad guy here?

I'm trying my best not to contact him, just in moments of weakness are where i'm most vulnerable to doing so. So far, each time I've caved I've just been completely ignored so next time I won't do it. If on the off chance I don't hear from him in those 2-3 weeks, is it just best to pack up and move on emotionally? Also, if I went to see him, I would want to say just some nice closure things. Nothing crazy, but just for my own self. Maybe the more I tell myself it's over, the easier this will all be.

Also some things I have of his are his suitcase, a couple of his notebooks, shirts, socks (sounds dumb but that guy is insanely crazy about missing socks). Not sure if he wants them back but I know I certainly don't want them. Maybe he wants the suitcase back because he doesn't have another one? either way not something I can mail. Also I realize I left things there that I want back too... .things that I don't know if I'll get back considering he wont even answer a message right now.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: macarena on September 29, 2018, 03:24:04 AM
Has your person talked to you?

No, not yet. It’s been a month since our last meaningful conversation, and I am currently trying to give him (and the situation) some space. We haven’t talked but I see small improvements (we work together): as of this week, he is not completely ignoring me anymore and there have been a couple of small steps he took that probably mean he feels a bit more ok now.
I’m still blocked on WhatsApp though.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 29, 2018, 10:17:50 AM
No, not yet. It’s been a month since our last meaningful conversation, and I am currently trying to give him (and the situation) some space. We haven’t talked but I see small improvements (we work together): as of this week, he is not completely ignoring me anymore and there have been a couple of small steps he took that probably mean he feels a bit more ok now.
I’m still blocked on WhatsApp though.

That’s really rough. How long have you been waiting this out?

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: macarena on September 29, 2018, 12:12:23 PM
That’s really rough. How long have you been waiting this out?

It is. And it takes me a lot of effort not to keep trying to talk. But it seems like stepping back is starting to work somewhat.

We had a difficult conversation in the beginning of July - so almost 3 months. It hasn’t been complete no contact but the interactions were short and not very successful and there was some ignoring as well. He only blocked me at the end of August because I was trying to tell him that not speaking was hurting me and I also cried and was emotional (shouldn’t have done but well, couldn’t help it), and I guess (I can only be guessing) my emotions coupled with his feelings of guilt/shame etc. made him build more walls.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 29, 2018, 12:41:34 PM
It is. And it takes me a lot of effort not to keep trying to talk. But it seems like stepping back is starting to work somewhat.

We had a difficult conversation in the beginning of July - so almost 3 months. It hasn’t been complete no contact but the interactions were short and not very successful and there was some ignoring as well. He only blocked me at the end of August because I was trying to tell him that not speaking was hurting me and I also cried and was emotional (shouldn’t have done but well, couldn’t help it), and I guess (I can only be guessing) my emotions coupled with his feelings of guilt/shame etc. made him build more walls.

I have the same difficulties. It’s reallt hard not to talk and not to break down. For so long he was the one who I could count on to help me calm down because his voice, his singing, and reassurance was key in helping me with my anxiety. It’s not even something I wanted to be accustomed to but he assured me that I could count on him and no matter what happened that he’d be there for me ( unfortunate now!). When he first went off 3 weeks ago about wanting to break up or take a break, I cried for 4 hours straight. He says he can’t stand to see me cry because I think it brings out more feelings of guilt and shame but because I also get so distraught and catastrophize, my upset feelings can last for a while. After 2 hours of his walks being built up he caved and came back to his normal caring self and tried to comfort me.

I’m personally not willing to wait for that long for him to decide whether he wants to be with me let along talk to me. I find that focusing on the positive and remaining emotionally neutral as possible usually works and not falling into the bait of them trying to get you upset. Buttttttt I’m not always that emotionally capable, clearly

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: once removed on September 29, 2018, 01:03:45 PM
If on the off chance I don't hear from him in those 2-3 weeks, is it just best to pack up and move on emotionally?

this is a very personal decision. i think there is some prudence in being open to that possibility in general, because the ability to make hard decisions, be emotionally capable and prepared for walking away, can be a healthy one that comes from a place of strength. we will support you in whatever path you take. for so long as you want to reconcile the relationship, we are going to offer the most constructive, healthiest advice and support that we can with your goals in mind. being in a state of "reversing a breakup" is usually, in the immediate, about not making things worse. its a delicate situation. long term, its about us... .letting go of the old relationship, learning more about ourselves and what makes us tick, and should the relationship reconcile, going into it with a healthier,  more mature, very different game plan.

my anxiety is killing me right now which is something I'm trying to better control. I think if I learn to handle it better, i'll be better off in the future and with other relationships too.

have you checked in with a doctor or therapist for either a short term or long term treatment plan? i live with anxiety in relationships too. there are therapeutic techniques that can help us manage it constructively. if you look at the Tools section at the top of the board, Wisemind is the first of the tools that we teach.

does he really see himself as a bad guy here?

right now? maybe, maybe not. sometimes when you blow up at a person, it feels good for a while. its a relief. hes not living with the pressures of the relationship right now, another relief. the fact is the two of you have a significant history. no one wants that to end on a bad note. you dont want to have blown up at someone you have that history with and have that be the last impression they had of you. inevitably, you feel badly about how you handled it. inevitably, when they go quiet, you start to wonder, and have doubts. "has she moved on?". "does she hate me?". that sort of thing.

Also some things I have of his are his suitcase, a couple of his notebooks, shirts, socks (sounds dumb but that guy is insanely crazy about missing socks). Not sure if he wants them back but I know I certainly don't want them. Maybe he wants the suitcase back because he doesn't have another one?

okay, so not stuff he desperately needs right now. tabling it for a few weeks seems reasonable to me. probably, in those weeks, youll be on steadier emotional ground and decision making process... .things will be easier and clearer.

what do you think?

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: macarena on September 29, 2018, 03:02:03 PM
For so long he was the one who I could count on

Same... .he was and still is the first I want to share joys and sorrows with.

I’m personally not willing to wait for that long for him to decide whether he wants to be with me let along talk to me.

I’m not usually someone  who waits long, but this person is just too important to me.
It’s a very personal decision and whatever you decide is valid.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 29, 2018, 03:59:46 PM
this is a very personal decision. i think there is some prudence in being open to that possibility in general, because the ability to make hard decisions, be emotionally capable and prepared for walking away, can be a healthy one that comes from a place of strength. we will support you in whatever path you take. for so long as you want to reconcile the relationship, we are going to offer the most constructive, healthiest advice and support that we can with your goals in mind. being in a state of "reversing a breakup" is usually, in the immediate, about not making things worse. its a delicate situation. long term, its about us... .letting go of the old relationship, learning more about ourselves and what makes us tick, and should the relationship reconcile, going into it with a healthier,  more mature, very different game plan.

It's a very hard thing for me to deal with anyways because I want to immediately make it better but that doesn't seem to be able to help. It's a weird position between trying to protect myself but feeling like the most immediate thing to do is get back with him to stop the anxiety and the pain. I would get back together with him if he agreed to get the help he needed because I think a healthy relationship at this point without him getting any help would be close to impossible and would continue to be rocky. I want it to be reversed so bad because I'm willing to bet that he made the decision in one of his pissy moods he gets into, and then locked himself into that mindset to "remain strong." He will see trying to get back with me as a weakness even though I'm sure he wants to. I'm sure that he still loves me. These are just things I'm not sure he would ever admit to, without me asking.

have you checked in with a doctor or therapist for either a short term or long term treatment plan? i live with anxiety in relationships too. there are therapeutic techniques that can help us manage it constructively. if you look at the Tools section at the top of the board, Wisemind is the first of the tools that we teach.

I was seeing a therapist back in may for my anxiety and ADHD, but when I moved to the city in the summer I could not find any therapist that was covered under my insurance and that didnt charge 200+ dollars/session. I'm back in an area where I can receive that care again and I'm excited to get back to it.

right now? maybe, maybe not. sometimes when you blow up at a person, it feels good for a while. its a relief. hes not living with the pressures of the relationship right now, another relief. the fact is the two of you have a significant history. no one wants that to end on a bad note. you dont want to have blown up at someone you have that history with and have that be the last impression they had of you. inevitably, you feel badly about how you handled it. inevitably, when they go quiet, you start to wonder, and have doubts. "has she moved on?". "does she hate me?". that sort of thing.
I feel the same way. If anything, even if we did not stay in a relationship for now, I'd still want to sit down and have a mature conversation about it. I think that I'm at a point where I've sat back and have tried to see his point of view, and maybe why he has chosen to go this route again (BPD symptoms, the stressors of the summer, the stress of starting school again (which IMO is probably the biggest thing and the trigger because this all started around when he started school!). I'm not so sure he is though. If he tries really hard he can put up the mean person front and things get no where. because he'll hopefully eventually feel bad about how he treated me, is that why ignoring is the best thing to do here?

okay, so not stuff he desperately needs right now. tabling it for a few weeks seems reasonable to me. probably, in those weeks, youll be on steadier emotional ground and decision making process... .things will be easier and clearer.

what do you think?

It's not stuff anyone needs back right now I suppose. I think in a week or so I'll steady out. still be hurt, but be steady and more logical about it. Interestingly enough my friend who has BPD herself told me that people with BPD in her own experiences need to be told straight up what they're doing and that it's not okay. She thought that I was coddling him by being so nice about his past and things like that. She even thinks that his behavior is awful and I should just leave him now because he's not taking the proper steps to truly better himself.

I wish that I had the timeline to make those things happen. Like ideally going back on a whim in 2-3 weeks would be better. Unfortunately my timeline and a secure place to stay is only going to be definite in a little bit more than a week. So it still has me feeling like it's now or never.

I'm not sure if you had the opportunity to read the first saga I wrote out 8 months ago  but basically when I went back to him to give his stuff back his feelings towards me became undeniable and somehow he reasoned with that. Seeing me face to face was almost lethal towards the walls and cold persona he puts forth... .however... .that was kind of after a riffraff of semi getting back together at the end of january and then him breaking up with me a week and a half later, and then me going to say the final goodbye a week and a half after that (so a month total). I'm not sure if this is completely different or not. My strategy (if you can even call it that) worked in the past, but they were kind of done out of exhaustion from the ambiguity of not knowing what was actually going to occur.

I'm at a very important point in my life right now. I'm trying to apply to medical school and law school with chances that I will need to take the MCAT and LSAT again from not doing so well due to emotional stuff. I love him with everything I have and the emotional connection we have is so strong but I don't can't afford the time or energy anymore to continue to ruminate/catastrophize about the future and the like.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 29, 2018, 04:06:51 PM
Same... .he was and still is the first I want to share joys and sorrows with.

I’m not usually someone  who waits long, but this person is just too important to me.
It’s a very personal decision and whatever you decide is valid.

Mine still is too. We have an obscene amount of inside jokes and i still find memes and things like that that I still want to share! He's my go to for when I'm super anxious and he knows just what to do to calm me down.

This person is important for me too. It's just difficult to conceptualize that someone who is so important to you, and at one point you were just as important to them, would do everything in their power to make you feel unimportant. It's a crappy feeling for sure. I think that's my thing, everytime I begin to feel okay with everything because I know it's a feat of his mental health right now, it starts to sit unsettling because I think he's aware that what he's doing is hurtful and he doesn't want to try to do anything about it.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: juju2 on September 29, 2018, 06:44:15 PM
My heart goes out to you.

I have been waiting to give his things back, and every time I believe that i have the strength to do that, i get overwhelmed.  Its been over a year, and lately, when i told him (we email) was getting a storage unit, he asked to call me, explained a lot, to me, and agreed to wait longer.   He has a serious mental illness.  I dont know which part is him and which part is his illness. 

Keep reaching out here.   There is wisdom and caring here, people who want to share, and maybe something you read each day will help... .

one thing i know for myself, is to not make any quick knee jerk reactions or actions.  This has been the hardest lesson in patience.   I go to al anon too, and that helps me.  Even if it is just for that one hour.   

hang in there!

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: juju2 on September 29, 2018, 06:56:23 PM
The other thing that helps, is to find one or two friends i trust, who do not judge me... .because sometimes I need someone to call, or meet up with, and that person just needs to listen, as i really am not wanting advice, since they aren't in the situation i am in... .Even if i dont call my trusted friends that much, just knowing that i can call helps me.   Also am on antidepressants, and anti anxiety med... .I use that at nite to sleep... .and if i can find moments that i am ok, maybe tomorrow those moments will be more... .I just take it one day at a time.  The 12 steps helps me too... .

And self care, i have to force myself to ramp up self care... .every week something special just for me... .you will find your way.   Keep reading and sharing here... .some days are better than others!

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on September 29, 2018, 10:23:32 PM
Hi juju2! Thanks for coming to my post and reading my whole story. It's been a whirlwind lately.

My heart goes out to you.

I have been waiting to give his things back, and every time I believe that i have the strength to do that, i get overwhelmed.  Its been over a year, and lately, when i told him (we email) was getting a storage unit, he asked to call me, explained a lot, to me, and agreed to wait longer.   He has a serious mental illness.  I dont know which part is him and which part is his illness. 

Keep reaching out here.   There is wisdom and caring here, people who want to share, and maybe something you read each day will help... .

one thing i know for myself, is to not make any quick knee jerk reactions or actions.  This has been the hardest lesson in patience.   I go to al anon too, and that helps me.  Even if it is just for that one hour.   

hang in there!

A year? Wow! A year after breaking up and he didn't try to come back whatsoever?
I'm so glad you guys still talk and stuff like that. I feel like that makes a huge difference with stuff, even if it's not for a relationship rekindle. What is your main goal with him?

The other thing that helps, is to find one or two friends i trust, who do not judge me... .because sometimes I need someone to call, or meet up with, and that person just needs to listen, as i really am not wanting advice, since they aren't in the situation i am in... .Even if i dont call my trusted friends that much, just knowing that i can call helps me.   Also am on antidepressants, and anti anxiety med... .I use that at nite to sleep... .and if i can find moments that i am ok, maybe tomorrow those moments will be more... .I just take it one day at a time.  The 12 steps helps me too... .

And self care, i have to force myself to ramp up self care... .every week something special just for me... .you will find your way.   Keep reading and sharing here... .some days are better than others!

Honestly it's really hard to talk to any of my friends about this because they just tell me I deserve better, to just leave him, that he's treated me awful and I just should take it at face value and leave instead of analyzing it all, and the like. Even my friend with BPD told me to just let him go! It does have some truth to it, but feelings suck and complicate things and we did have such a long history. I feel like by saying I want to get back with him I'd be hard core judged, so truthfully, this forum has been a god send for me in terms of talking things out and *attempting** to make sense of things. I have about one good friend who will listen to me and tell me it's okay to feel the emotions I feel and doesn't judge, but she makes it very clear that she thinks I just need to leave him and forget him.

I've honestly just been trying to get myself back into the gym, getting Personal trainer certified so I can continue to teach some gym exercise classes, applying to grad school, and working a fun job for some side money! Since my life has basically been dropped and moved out of no where, I feel like I'm starting new back living with my parents and kind of lonely I've had to take gabapentin every night to even calm myself down. I was taking lexapro (for anxiety) and adderall (for adhd) but I've been so traumatized I've stopped taking them. So I feel you on the med stuff! Yesterday was the first day i did NOT cry and was proud of myself, but after waking up after having some sexy dreams that involved him, it left me feeling anxious literally the entire day. Makes me feel like my brain is betraying me! LOL. all I can say is day by day.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 01, 2018, 12:45:19 AM

I feel like people on here would be disappointed but here we go. I found out that he had been looking up dating apps to seek out other people and had unblocked exes from his past and even friended them back on Facebook! This, paired with the continuous silent treatment, was enough for me.

I noticed he had been extremely active on Facebook messenger in the past few days and I decided to message him. Maybe it was a bad idea but I did it. I asked him politely to  drop the silent treatment, that id be dropping his stuff off, and that I was surprised he was already seeking others out. He immediately rejected the fact that he was seeking other people out and stated that it was a lie, whoever told me. I asked why he didn’t respond to my text about my concern for our friends and he told me that he didn’t deal well with emotional manipulation and that I was using that to get him to talk. Can you imagine that? ME? Being accused of emotional manipulation by the all mighty emotional manipulation king? I told him that I was seriously concerned about them and thought he’d like to know. In terms of the stuff, he at first refused to acknowledge the stuff I wanted was even left there. It transformed from that into refusal to give my stuff back because he thought some of it was his. He then accused me of just losing my stuff! I explained I was just trying to be respectful of this whole process but if course he wasn’t having it. He kept telling me he would not meet me to exchange belongings because he wanted me out of his life forever and never wanted to see me again. He proceeded to block me on fb messenger after he launched some more rude comments and unreasonable logic, blocked me on whatsapp, and then unfollowed my pets Instagram accounts that we created.

I then texted him via my email and he told me to burn all of his stuff. He still refused to give my stuff back which in my perspective is ridiculous.

I know some of you on here could wait forever for people like this. But the thing is this: if they are not getting help, it’s an endless cycle. My friend who has BPD gets help and works on herself. Yet she does not feel the need to push people past their limits anymore. I don’t believe ANYONE should be treating others this way. Deliberate disrespect, unreasonable, and abusive... .it’s all not okay just because they have a mental illness. Friends I think I’ve reached my limit. When it comes down to it, my boundary is respect and decency all of which he refuses to give. My BPD friend thinks this is him trying to test my limits or is being paranoid but either way, even she agrees it’s wrong. I love him with all of my heart still, I just really do not like him AT ALL right now.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: macarena on October 01, 2018, 02:19:50 AM
Hey, just wanted to say I’m so sorry he is treating you like that. That’s so not fair and definitely not okay.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 01, 2018, 10:15:59 AM
Hey, just wanted to say I’m so sorry he is treating you like that. That’s so not fair and definitely not okay.

It’s definitely not okay. I don’t care if someone has a mental illness or not, it’s never an excuse to treat someone like dirt. I have anxiety and ADHD which means I have emotional dystegulation of my own (not to the level of BPD) but even in the worst times I’ve tried to make sure to not hurt anyone deliberately.

I’ll be seeing him in a less than a week to get my stuff back. If he doesn’t answer my text, it’s not my issue anymore. It’s common decency to give stuff back. I don’t wanna just show up at his door but at this point I have no other choice because he won’t even give me the time of day to talk about it maturely.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 01, 2018, 10:26:37 AM
My answers probably seem very heartless but they’re not. This has to be one of the hardest things to go through: going through a relationship with someone like this whihcnim sure you all know. I love him so much, I’m just feeling very hurt and annoyed.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: once removed on October 01, 2018, 01:03:05 PM
When it comes down to it, my boundary is respect

our boundaries are tied to our values. if we arent living our values, our boundaries can get blurry.

if we dont respect someone elses walls, they will erect higher ones.

where do you want to go from here?

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 01, 2018, 01:37:54 PM
our boundaries are tied to our values. if we arent living our values, our boundaries can get blurry.

if we dont respect someone elses walls, they will erect higher ones.

where do you want to go from here?

I'm worried my boundaries have been blurred this whole time. I feel like maybe I put blinders on because I love him a lot. So I allowed him to treat me with no appreciation and let him treat me like less than someone he loves.

to me, it just feels like there's no hope anymore. Him possibly looking to see other people and blocking me on everything... .it just doesn't seem like theres anything left for me to do because he's completely removed right now. I don't know if it will last forever but it surely feels like it.

I feel like I will keep getting hurt if I keep "waiting" for him. What? I'm supposed to wait for him to maybeeee come back after trying to see other people? There's no actual expectation here so if I create one in my head that he will magically get better and come back and profess his dying love and apologies to me, then I'm so scared I will be waiting forever.

My heart just really hurts. Is there any hope? I feel like this is a no win situation here, no matter what I decide to do.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: once removed on October 01, 2018, 02:01:43 PM
I feel like this is a no win situation here, no matter what I decide to do.

before we can make things better, we have to stop making them worse.

it may be hard to hear, and i understand the pain youre going through, the conflicted feelings, the anxiety of feeling like things are in limbo.

i dont think its so much about waiting for him, or expecting him to magically get better. when we over pursue someone, or lash out, who wants distance, it pushes them away further. its counter to your stated goal, but since the breakup, it has been the go to coping mechanism, with the same results.

is there any hope? yes, but damage has been done, and will continue to be done if you continue to employ the same approach.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: Radcliff on October 02, 2018, 12:47:38 AM
Don't ever think we'll be disappointed in you.  This is your life, and you have to live with all of the decisions.  We're out here on the Internet with only partial context.  I remember feeling the same way, worrying about folks' expectations on the board because they were putting so much effort into helping me.  Don't worry.  We're here for you no matter what, and we believe you will make the best decisions for you.

In the "reconnecting with a pwBPD" playbook, pushing contact too soon is ineffective.  You went with what felt right.  You could read that as bad or good.  You could ding yourself for being impulsive and not following the "playbook," or you could look at it as an expression of the fact that long term, you need to be able to act according to your feelings and have that still be OK in the relationship.

As our relationship experience grows, and we get practice sizing up people and relationships, we learn to trust our feelings.  When we're relatively inexperienced, we're at risk of letting our insecurities drive us, talking ourselves out of believing our feelings.  It is good that you are telling us about the many aspects of your feelings, and you are talking about what you are and are not prepared to accept in a relationship at this stage of your life.  It is important for you to continue to talk and think about your feelings and values, and to listen to yourself.  

On the bedtime anxiety issue, have you ever heard of weighted blankets?  I got one recently, and have been astonished at how effective it has been.  It has quilted pockets with small plastic beads like small pebbles in it.  Think of the nice feeling you have snuggled under heavy winter covers, and it's five times better than that.  I was having rushes of anxiety as soon as my head hit the pillow, and that blanket has been a game changer.  You can order them online.  They are a little pricey, but if I had to earn the money making minimum wage to buy one, I'd totally do it.

Does he have any things of yours that are important sentimentally?


Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 02, 2018, 11:07:08 AM
All hope is 100% gone.

The mutual friend that I've mentioned on here was very helpful to me in figuring out what I should do in terms of the ex. He was the one who told me that my ex went around saying that he was done with the relationship 6 months ago. I met with him so many times about what was going on with the relationship when I was still in the city and he was always giving me really good advice. So I thought the same thing for over text. I noticed that one of my texts did not go through, and I suspected he might have blocked me. I wasn't 100% sure, so I tried texting him on what's app. Asking what I should do, if he thought there was any hope, if there was anyone else, etc. All things I've asked him before. But this time, he told me that because of a certain miscommunication and misunderstanding, he no longer felt comfortable being in contact with me.

I was so upset and shook. He literally turned this friend against me. Now, I had no way of knowing anything. I couldn't believe he'd slander me to someone I thought was a friend, but I suppose he took a side based off of lies he had been told. I've never done anything like this before, and I'm not proud that i even attempted this. It was in a moment of weakness and hurt and desperation for answers to the anxious and hurtful thoughts and feelings inside my head. I attempted to long on to his fb account, but it didn't work. I thought maybe I could see if he said anything to this friend on there, but oh well. I know this was not a good thing to do and it was crossing the line. I've never felt so hurt in my life though. How someone could act like they hated me so much when all I've tried to show them was love. How someone could turn on me and get everyone else to believe his lies--going from applying to jobs to buy me an engagement ring to this. People on here will probably drag me through the mud for this one. So many of my boundaries had been crossed with me and he didn't care or have remorse for it. I crossed one but it doesn't make it right.

I got a text from him in the morning telling me he had shipped all of the stuff he thought that was mine, and that if I ever tried to contact him again he would file a complaint to his university's department for harassment and that I would have to report it upon entering medical school. All of this is 100% not true because I have not harassed him, and I would not have to report something like that either way. Apparently talking to him and reaching out to his friend (who I thought was my friend too), and attempting to log in was enough for him. He told me to burn all of his stuff.

I was done as of last night after I found out he tried to turn the friend against me. I don't know and will never know what went down with that, nor what went down in his head to hate me so much. I shouldn't have tried to snoop for answers, but I guess I will live my life without questions unanswered. He's hurt me way too much to even consider him as an option anymore. At this point, there's no way he'd ever try to reach out to me again because he's painted me as the worse person ever.

I appreciate all of the support on here. I'm still heartbroken and am trying to work through this so I don't have emotional consequences of this relationship affect another relationship. I never try to do bad by anyone, and I always give myself 100% to people I love. It's really hard to believe that a devaluation process led to this, but I don't think it's something I could have lived with. It's really hard to process that I was supposed to get married to him. He was my everything. I would have given him everything and would have stuck with him even though he had these issues. this whole process, in the past two weeks, has led me to some dark and depressed places, and has made me feel somewhat insane. I don't feel healthy in my mind anymore and I think I need to get away. I cannot fathom how someone who loved you supposedly with their whole heart could be so demeaning and cruel.

I don't think I'll have any issues with him ever trying to contact me again or coming back. He's painted my black for sure and there's nothing I can do about it. And i think that's what hurts the most. I already feel bad enough as it is, and I can't take anymore mean comments coming my way.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: Fleetwood07 on October 02, 2018, 12:26:47 PM
Hi Alexvidaa,

I've just read your whole thread from the start to your most recent post and it's made me really want to message you - this is also my first time commenting on somebody's post, although have been reading on this forum for the last few months!

I just want to say, I'm so so sorry to hear about what you've been through. Your experience has really stood out to me because some of the things you've written about how it's made you feel and the things he's said/how he acts, I could have literally written the same thing.

It sounds horrible what you've been through and I imagine really frustrating and understandably takes a toll on your own mental health. This is the part I'm most struggling with at the moment too.

I'm sorry I'm not really offering advice in this message, I just wanted to reach out as some of the things you've written really struck home to me. I really hope you start to get the strength to move on and somehow find closure, I understand that's going to be very hard and that's something I'm almost 99% sure I'm going to have to do very shortly too. What he's last said to you about filing for a complaint if you contact him seems very hurtful and also over the top, from everything you've explained about how things played out for you guys. It was sad to read that's how it's all escalated and I'm sending you lots of love right now. You will get through this.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: Radcliff on October 02, 2018, 02:32:18 PM
I am so sorry for the heartbreak.  Allow yourself plenty of time to grieve.  It's good to hear that you are committed to processing things and understanding them in order to help with future relationships.  What are you doing to take care of yourself?  Do you have friends in your hometown you can reconnect with?  Are you done with school or studying full-time or part-time?  What is going on in the rest of your life?


Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 02, 2018, 03:18:41 PM
Hi Alexvidaa,

I just want to say, I'm so so sorry to hear about what you've been through. Your experience has really stood out to me because some of the things you've written about how it's made you feel and the things he's said/how he acts, I could have literally written the same thing.

It sounds horrible what you've been through and I imagine really frustrating and understandably takes a toll on your own mental health. This is the part I'm most struggling with at the moment too.

I'm sorry I'm not really offering advice in this message, I just wanted to reach out as some of the things you've written really struck home to me. I really hope you start to get the strength to move on and somehow find closure, I understand that's going to be very hard and that's something I'm almost 99% sure I'm going to have to do very shortly too. What he's last said to you about filing for a complaint if you contact him seems very hurtful and also over the top, from everything you've explained about how things played out for you guys. It was sad to read that's how it's all escalated and I'm sending you lots of love right now. You will get through this.

Thank you for the support. It's been really rough, and for the love of god I pray your situation does not end up like mine. Dealing with someone with BPD is hard enough as it is because there's really not an instruction manual, but if you love them, then you can make it happen. But in my situation, I'm not even sure what the heck is going on. It's so extreme, and something inside had to have been a major trigger for him to be acting like this. There can only be so many times that you can open your arms to hug someone and love them before you have to start protecting yourself from the bullets that they consistently put in your heart.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 02, 2018, 03:22:05 PM
I am so sorry for the heartbreak.  Allow yourself plenty of time to grieve.  It's good to hear that you are committed to processing things and understanding them in order to help with future relationships.  What are you doing to take care of yourself?  Do you have friends in your hometown you can reconnect with?  Are you done with school or studying full-time or part-time?  What is going on in the rest of your life?


I've been trying to get it together, go to the gym. I really don't know anyone to where I moved back to. I'm currently not in school but am in the process of applying. I'm working a  part time job while I work on finding a research job full time. I'm in the process of getting AFAA certification so I can pick up teaching Zumba classes here again like I did before I graduated school. I'm going to start going back to therapy because I have already baseline anxiety without emotional destruction going on, so it's definitely needed now because it feels like it's off the charts.

Do you think that he's able to be so mean and so nasty because he has the illusion he has friends and people and is forcing himself to branch out now, as opposed to last time? Can anyone explain to me, or try to explain, the insanity going on inside his head? Is there any probability he'd even attempt to come back?

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: Radcliff on October 02, 2018, 07:30:03 PM
I've been trying to get it together, go to the gym. I really don't know anyone to where I moved back to. I'm currently not in school but am in the process of applying. I'm working a  part time job while I work on finding a research job full time. I'm in the process of getting AFAA certification so I can pick up teaching Zumba classes here again like I did before I graduated school. I'm going to start going back to therapy because I have already baseline anxiety without emotional destruction going on, so it's definitely needed now because it feels like it's off the charts.
That's great that you're keeping busy.  Gym and work and pursuing your other goals don't directly fill that hole left by a breakup, so it still hurts, but having goals, seeing people, and exercising are important to your recovery.

Do you think that he's able to be so mean and so nasty because he has the illusion he has friends and people and is forcing himself to branch out now, as opposed to last time? Can anyone explain to me, or try to explain, the insanity going on inside his head? Is there any probability he'd even attempt to come back?
Your desire to understand is, well, totally understandable.  I'll try to answer, but his behavior will always be out of your control, and adequate understanding of him will likely always seem elusive, so beware the risk of frustration here.  pwBPD are often fear-driven.  A fear of abandonment is characteristic of the disorder.  Paradoxically, it can drive them to push someone away, because they feel safer rejecting the other person before they can be rejected.  If the other person is too close to them emotionally, that can be threatening.  If the other person expresses needs or desires different from them, that can be threatening.  Does any of that ring true?  Does it address your question?  Feel free to keep asking if I've missed the mark.

Yes, there's a chance he'll come back.  If he does, you'll want to be working on your recovery (so you project yourself as a healthy, attractive person, not too needy) and you'll want to be working on the tools here.  A good one to start with is boundaries.  Take a look at this  page on setting boundaries (https://bpdfamily.com/content/setting-boundaries).  If he were to rekindle the relationship with you, are there any areas where you'd want to establish some boundaries to make the relationship feel better for you?


Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 02, 2018, 08:48:44 PM

Your desire to understand is, well, totally understandable.  I'll try to answer, but his behavior will always be out of your control, and adequate understanding of him will likely always seem elusive, so beware the risk of frustration here.  pwBPD are often fear-driven.  A fear of abandonment is characteristic of the disorder.  Paradoxically, it can drive them to push someone away, because they feel safer rejecting the other person before they can be rejected.  If the other person is too close to them emotionally, that can be threatening.  If the other person expresses needs or desires different from them, that can be threatening.  Does any of that ring true?  Does it address your question?  Feel free to keep asking if I've missed the mark.

Yes, there's a chance he'll come back.  If he does, you'll want to be working on your recovery (so you project yourself as a healthy, attractive person, not too needy) and you'll want to be working on the tools here.  A good one to start with is boundaries.  Take a look at this  page on setting boundaries (https://bpdfamily.com/content/setting-boundaries).  If he were to rekindle the relationship with you, are there any areas where you'd want to establish some boundaries to make the relationship feel better for you?


I understand that it's hard to predict behavior, esp through what seems to be here a more extreme episode. In terms of what you said, that's a usual issue in the relationship. I think that's also why conflict can seem threatening to because he thinks it's me rejecting him or thinking the relationship is in jeopardy (when it's clearly not). He always said I was being too needy by doing usual relationship things like texting him and talking to him on the phone, but usually that wasn't the case when we were physically together. At times, he was under the impression that i was taking advantage of him because he was always cooking and cleaning but those were things he LOVED to do, and whenever I offered, he refused to let me do it. For example, if I didn't thank him at least twice for cooking dinner each night, he'd act offended and assume I didn't like his food or didn't appreciate it. I'd start doing the dishes but he would get offended because he'd want me to not have to worry about it, but then would get mad if i didn't. I think he thought my expectations of him were maybe too high at times when he wasn't mentally functioning right, which is understandable but I also tried to be understanding of him too. I always felt like that was a no win situation too. In general though, like I feel like he would try to sabotage the relationship at any point where he felt threatened (even if it wasn't a threat).

I think it all starts going down hill when outside life stressors start pushing. Like this all started going bad whenever he started school and figured out he'd be kicked out of the country if he didn't find a job by 30 days after his graduation or something like that. When we broke up the first time as described in the first post from 8 months ago, it was about to be the beginning of the semester. Last year, we started having similar but not as extreme problems. It always seems to get worse the closer we get. A year ago when he pseudo proposed to me, like a month later he freaked out and said stuff like "oh not sure i can marry you, i don't know what the future will be like, what if this doesn't work, etc etc." In january the day before he broke up with me, we made plans to go on a solo trip together. And like I said, legit 1 month ago he was working on figuring out how to buy me an engagement ring, so PLEASEEEE tell me how I'm here now? To a non-BPD, it's almost impossible for my mind to fathom. Usually when we get into an argument we can come back and talk about it but something must've really triggered him to this state. Another thing he keeps talking about is "i don't know if i want to follow you to medical school because I'm not sure i can find a job near you and you wouldn't want that, its been hard living together right now (even tho if we lived together later we would DEF get a WAY bigger apartment, eliminating the initial pressures of being too close in the summer)," and a million other reasons. it does almost seem like a self sabotage and Ive even tried telling him that but he like blocks it out and doesn't listen.

I think I diverged there, but I just don't understand how someone can go SO FAR off this track we were on. Like I said, to even get married! So in that sense, I'm still confused. I'm still so confused as to even if he were scared or trying to self sabotage, does he not feel any remorse for how he's treating me? Does he get any power from the fact that maybe he thinks he has other people in his life to feel my void, therefore giving him more leeway to treat me worse? Is he trying to completely destroy everything? The lies that he's telling himself and (worse) his friends to try to make them think I'm some type of crazy stalker... .does he really believe that, or is it just a coping mechanism? it seems really delusional IMO, and he seems super paranoid... .

It seems impossible right now that he'd think about coming back. Especially with the threatening. The chance doesn't seem very high, does it? But based off of all of the information I've told you, what do you honestly think about those chances? He's said like everything he's said to me before, this time, but it's just all WAY more extreme this time with his actions. I'm wondering if he's just more ashamed this time, and maybe doesn't want to see me so he doesn't have to confront it. The boundaries would definitely be reestablished and I'd honestly think we would need to go to couples therapy to work through it. Clearly sweeping it all under the rug and forgiving him was not the way to go last time. I think a boundary I'd have to set is that I would just not engage with him whenever I sense him getting triggered, to not fall into his trap of trying to get me upset. We've tried it before with writing our boundaries down for each other (like ones we would both follow) but literally he got into the mood and they completely didn't matter to him at that point. ahhhh, this is driving me insane.

Okay, im so sorry that was a lot and more than I initially put out there. I really do appreciate your help in helping me work through this.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: Radcliff on October 02, 2018, 09:36:37 PM
No worries, no need to apologize!  It takes a while for people's stories to come out.  BPD symptoms tend to get worse with outside stressors, so what you've described is very typical.  You asked what the chances are that he will come back.  Since each pwBPD is unique, it's impossible to say.  The only thing that is certain is that they are full of surprises.  

Though we absolutely respect your current focus on whether this current relationship can be reconciled, since you're young in your relationship life I'd encourage you to keep thinking about what you want out of relationships in general.  A fantastic book that I truly, truly wish I'd been able to read at your age is The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, by John Gottman and Nan Silver.  Gottman is a rock star relationship researcher, and his work is really good.  He did extensive research on the characteristics of healthy marriages.  Better to read it years before you get married than years after! ;)

I'm sorry as well to hear about the stories he is telling friends.  This sort of reality distortion and campaign is also something other members experience.  It can be very painful.  If it helps you, you can tell us what's being said about you that you find upsetting.  You are not alone.

Another thing that you touched on is whether he believes his distortions.  I had a breakthrough moment in my marriage where I realized that my wife actually believed the things she was saying, then believed it when she was saying the opposite things just a little while later.  It hurts our non-BPD brains to try to wrap our minds around this, but I'm convinced it is true.  Understanding this helped me to depersonalize things a bit.  I realized that she really did mean what she said in the good times, and she wasn't necessarily being intentionally manipulative with some of the feelings she expressed in the bad times.  Her emotions simply reversed 180 degrees in a way that mine didn't.

He said that you should burn his stuff, right?  If it's not bothering you, go ahead and hang onto it for a while.  With that kind of sentiment, you need to stand back and not approach him.  I found that in the middle of a storm, I just needed to let it roll, and later on, I could keep my eyes out for a "bid" from my wife to get closer to her.  In some of the blowups before, did you experience this, where he'd give off a signal of some sort that he was ready to reconnect?  What did it look like?


p.s. Don't forget to check out that Gottman book.  I really do wish that I'd been able to read it when I was right out of college.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 02, 2018, 11:05:16 PM

I'm sorry as well to hear about the stories he is telling friends.  This sort of reality distortion and campaign is also something other members experience.  It can be very painful.  If it helps you, you can tell us what's being said about you that you find upsetting.  You are not alone.

The campaigning is a new thing. Im not sure what has been said about me but all I know is that it can’t be good. It had to be bad enough to convince people that I’m too crazy to talk to. I’m wondering if it’s to get people on his side that will tell him what he wants to hear. To have people in his life. Because he’s a legit loner. He usually loves being alone. In the two years we were together he didn’t have any friends besides me. Hardly went out with anyone besides me. So all these new people in his life and his increased effort is out of character. Any insight into that?

Another thing that you touched on is whether he believes his distortions.  I had a breakthrough moment in my marriage where I realized that my wife actually believed the things she was saying, then believed it when she was saying the opposite things just a little while later.  It hurts our non-BPD brains to try to wrap our minds around this, but I'm convinced it is true.  Understanding this helped me to depersonalize things a bit.  I realized that she really did mean what she said in the good times, and she wasn't necessarily being intentionally manipulative with some of the feelings she expressed in the bad times.  Her emotions simply reversed 180 degrees in a way that mine didn't.

That’s interesting. It’s funny because I truly believe he believes his reality distortions right now. Otherwise I would think there’d be some sort of logic with it. How long did her distortions typically last? Was there any way to bring her out of it?

He said that you should burn his stuff, right?  If it's not bothering you, go ahead and hang onto it for a while.  With that kind of sentiment, you need to stand back and not approach him.  I found that in the middle of a storm, I just needed to let it roll, and later on, I could keep my eyes out for a "bid" from my wife to get closer to her.  In some of the blowups before, did you experience this, where he'd give off a signal of some sort that he was ready to reconnect?  What did it look like?

I’m not sure what I’ll do with it yet. I’m going to be in the city so I’m tempted just to give it to the doorman and have him be in charge of it because I don’t like the idea of tarnishing or just discarding something away that has value. I don’t want to see him right now because he’d try to tell me I’m crazy or a stalker or desperate or something which I’m not. The fact that he brought up my approaching his friends in his text of legal threat tells me he’s probably told them things along those lines too. What’s crazier is that somehow they believe him, and that’s more hurtful. People that have known me and have met me many times. In our arguments in previous times up until 11 months into the relationship, he always tried to come back on his own. Other than that, that’s when he launched into depression so I’ve given him so much attention and probably was a little annoying and persistent with checking on him and trying to talk with him when he pushed me away. I was always concerned he was going to commit suicide so my dignity of sending multiple texts to check in and etc was gone. But he never was mad about it or anything. He usually just ignored me when he wanted to. But he always came back. Even at the worst point when we did this last time in January when I went to get my stuff back, I cracked him into coming back to his emotions in person by just asking him the truth to questions like why was he so mean to me or why he did this and that if he really felt like he didn’t miss or love me anymore. Basically seeing me in person and him starting to cry usually meant he wanted back in. But during the summer, I was always the one who again was the one going back and back again to fix things. It almost became my role. He wouldn’t apologize for things unless I started the conversation first. These all happened in person though. Seems like he could avoid me when he never saw me when we were long distance so things usually got bad but got good again in person. That’s why I really think his whole thing is out of sight out of mind because when we are in person he has told me he can’t lie to me and I’m undeniable to him. So hence I’m worried that things will just be broken forever now

Also thank you for the book recommendation! I wil for sure give it a read, I’m always  looking for new books!

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: Radcliff on October 02, 2018, 11:39:20 PM
With regards to why he's hanging out with people, I'd just be guessing.  It could just be a transitional thing after the relationship troubles, but you guys are still young, so perhaps he's learning new behaviors.

My wife's distortions were extremely persistent.  When times were good, I'd sometimes try to go back and come to an agreement on stuff from the bad times.  It didn't typically work out, so I gave up.  Other's may have different experiences; every pwBPD is different.

I understand what you said about the power of being face-to-face vs. long distance.  What kind of timing was there to your breakup/makeup cycles before?  How long did a good period last, and how long did a breakup last?


Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 02, 2018, 11:57:02 PM
With regards to why he's hanging out with people, I'd just be guessing.  It could just be a transitional thing after the relationship troubles, but you guys are still young, so perhaps he's learning new behaviors.

One of the reasons he wanted a break was because he desperately wanted to be alone and by himself. When he wasn’t with me while I went to take my MCAT he said it was the best thing ever finally being alone by himself. So it just seems weird to me that all the sudden he’s trying to fill his life with tons of people.

My wife's distortions were extremely persistent.  When times were good, I'd sometimes try to go back and come to an agreement on stuff from the bad times.  It didn't typically work out, so I gave up.  Other's may have different experiences; every pwBPD is different.

With him, he usually was aware of the damage he was doing but felt he could not help it. He felt terribly about it which is why I think he tried so hard to stay away to protect me. He’d claim him telling me awful things were to push me away so he wouldn’t have to deal with the mean things he was doing to me. I’m not so sure this time though. Like I said it seems all so extreme this time.

I understand what you said about the power of being face-to-face vs. long distance.  What kind of timing was there to your breakup/makeup cycles before?  How long did a good period last, and how long did a breakup last?
At first at the end of last year, they’d last hours if they happened on the phone and in person. Only twice tho. Then in jaunary, we broke up, two weeks later got together, 1.5 weeks later broke up, and then 2 weeks later got back together. We’ve been together ever since then. Well up until now .
Now it’s been like we decided to go on a break, but we still somewhat in a relationship Bc I was still living there. It was a complicated relationship at that point because honestly we were both gonna use the break as time to breathe and to have some time apart. Then two weeks later he breaks up with me. And two weeks later here I am, still blocked and now with threatsand smear campaigns.

Is it typical that the worse the outside stressors, the worse they behave? If he doesn’t have me around anymore to blame or to inflict his pain he feels, will he go back to realizing it’s really him or will he find someone else? It’s hard for him to get close to people so I’m having a hard time figuring this one out

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: once removed on October 03, 2018, 02:15:32 PM
It was a complicated relationship

one of the things we encourage most on this board, is that if you are in Reversing a Breakup mode, to consider the old incarnation of the relationship to be over, and any future incarnation of the relationship to be a new relationship, with a very different approach/game plan.

setting him aside for the moment, if the relationship were to reconcile, what would you want to do differently on your end?

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 03, 2018, 05:19:40 PM
one of the things we encourage most on this board, is that if you are in Reversing a Breakup mode, to consider the old incarnation of the relationship to be over, and any future incarnation of the relationship to be a new relationship, with a very different approach/game plan.

setting him aside for the moment, if the relationship were to reconcile, what would you want to do differently on your end?

I feel like that is a good outlook. I am still here trying to hold on to the past relationship because I'm not sure there will be a future one. It's painstaking knowing that it's basically all up to him, and all on his terms. I don't know how to deal with that. I at least just wish he would give me the opportunity to have closure and talk it out and just say goodbye. Leaving it with a nasty ending is sad for me and it's characteristic of our relationship at all.

If I were to get back with him, I'd want to try to be more involved in things that he likes, ask him if he needs space (because sometimes that information doesn't come out voluntarily), and not give into his bait of trying to get me upset or riled up--I'd just leave the conversation for later. When he tries to do that to me, the little jabs become a huge fight because as it progresses, no matter what I try to say or do to deescalate it, he continues to say rude things. So I think it'd just be best to maybe leave the room for half an hour or so. I'm not sure, it would depend on a lot of things. The first thing is that he'd need to be getting true help for his issues.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: Radcliff on October 03, 2018, 06:29:41 PM
To your earlier question about stress, yes, in my experience, the worse the outside stress, the worse the BPD behaviors.

It's painstaking knowing that it's basically all up to him, and all on his terms.
His behavior is all on his terms.  It's hard to know that the resumption of a relationship is not something we can make happen just by our will.  But your participation is on your terms.  Try to absorb that because it is empowering.  You are not at his whim.  If he wants to re-engage, you can make a conscious choice to re-engage.  In relationships that are cyclical, we sometimes get so much in the "saving" habit so much that we're never making a conscious decision to go back -- we just plunge right back in, never evaluating, never taking stock.  It's important to develop the habit of being intentional about any recycling.  Otherwise, someday if it becomes important for us to leave or avoid returning to a relationship in order to be true to ourselves, we will never realize it because we never asked the question.

The first thing is that he'd need to be getting true help for his issues.
If I were in your shoes that is something I'd hope for, too.  Our hopes may or may not come to pass.  How does this play out in real life?  Would you not go back until he was in therapy?  Would you go back and try to convince him to go into therapy?  When one starts to unpack that seemingly simple statement quoted above, there's a lot there  :(


Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 03, 2018, 08:17:44 PM
To your earlier question about stress, yes, in my experience, the worse the outside stress, the worse the BPD behaviors.
His behavior is all on his terms.  It's hard to know that the resumption of a relationship is not something we can make happen just by our will.  But your participation is on your terms.  Try to absorb that because it is empowering.  You are not at his whim.  If he wants to re-engage, you can make a conscious choice to re-engage.  In relationships that are cyclical, we sometimes get so much in the "saving" habit so much that we're never making a conscious decision to go back -- we just plunge right back in, never evaluating, never taking stock.  It's important to develop the habit of being intentional about any recycling.  Otherwise, someday if it becomes important for us to leave or avoid returning to a relationship in order to be true to ourselves, we will never realize it because we never asked the question.
If I were in your shoes that is something I'd hope for, too.  Our hopes may or may not come to pass.  How does this play out in real life?  Would you not go back until he was in therapy?  Would you go back and try to convince him to go into therapy?  When one starts to unpack that seemingly simple statement quoted above, there's a lot there  :(


Do you think that because I've been the one to kind of be the "relationship glue" so to speak, aka always going back to fix things and etc, that he's just not used to fixing things himself?

I understand what you're saying, but I'm still kind of in the grieving process. I know I will get there someday. the thing is that he is actually in therapy right now, but with someone who is very unexperienced and clearly unhelpful. I would be kind of skeptical to jump right back in. I'd want to maybe spend a couple of months where we aren't in a relationship but are going to be, while he's in better therapy.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: Radcliff on October 04, 2018, 12:17:53 AM
Do you think that because I've been the one to kind of be the "relationship glue" so to speak, aka always going back to fix things and etc, that he's just not used to fixing things himself?
There may be something to that.  If you were in contact with each other, he may know how to make a "bid for attention" that would signal you that it is safe to come back.

I understand what you're saying, but I'm still kind of in the grieving process. I know I will get there someday. the thing is that he is actually in therapy right now, but with someone who is very unexperienced and clearly unhelpful. I would be kind of skeptical to jump right back in. I'd want to maybe spend a couple of months where we aren't in a relationship but are going to be, while he's in better therapy.
That helps to know that he's already in therapy, as that's a big step that many pwBPD don't take.  He definitely would get the most out of seeing someone with solid experience treating personality disorders.  Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is the gold standard. 

The amount of time you have been apart is a relatively small fraction of the time you were together.  The time apart for him to cool down and feel less pressured is likely helpful.  In a relationship, if one is retreating and the other is pursuing, the one retreating has the power.  I'm not advocating that anyone be manipulative, but if you're pursuing, you're gifting all the power to him.  Take your time with this.  A little bit of grieving, a little bit of hoping, a little bit of healing.  When I was upset about stressful uncertainties in my life, a friend of mine advised, "embrace the questions."  It helped me to accept the uncertainty and live with it, to not burden myself with expectations of quick resolution.


Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: alexvidaa on October 04, 2018, 11:15:57 AM
There may be something to that.  If you were in contact with each other, he may know how to make a "bid for attention" that would signal you that it is safe to come back.
That helps to know that he's already in therapy, as that's a big step that many pwBPD don't take.  He definitely would get the most out of seeing someone with solid experience treating personality disorders.  Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is the gold standard. 

but we aren't in contact he's blocked me on everything . So if he ever tried to contact me again, would that maybe be a sign?

The amount of time you have been apart is a relatively small fraction of the time you were together.  The time apart for him to cool down and feel less pressured is likely helpful.  In a relationship, if one is retreating and the other is pursuing, the one retreating has the power.  I'm not advocating that anyone be manipulative, but if you're pursuing, you're gifting all the power to him.  Take your time with this.  A little bit of grieving, a little bit of hoping, a little bit of healing.  When I was upset about stressful uncertainties in my life, a friend of mine advised, "embrace the questions."  It helped me to accept the uncertainty and live with it, to not burden myself with expectations of quick resolution.

So it's just better to just let him be for now? And if he comes back, then we'll just see where it goes? It's so hard to embrace the questions because to me that means trying to find answers

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: once removed on October 04, 2018, 12:20:55 PM
So it's just better to just let him be for now? And if he comes back, then we'll just see where it goes? It's so hard to embrace the questions because to me that means trying to find answers

at the end of the day, i think there are a lot of lessons to take to future relationships.

you mentioned this is your first, do i have that right? its really hard to have anything to compare that to, our behavior, their behavior, what we want in/out of a relationship, etc.

considering all of these things will help you whether he comes back, or if you choose to move on.

Title: Re: We broke up a week ago -- is there any hope left?
Post by: Harri on October 07, 2018, 05:15:14 PM
This thread reached the post limit and was locked.  Part 2 is located here: https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=329777.0