
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: elemental on March 06, 2013, 04:05:01 AM

Title: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 06, 2013, 04:05:01 AM
Things have been quiet lately. I guess we have been getting along ok.

I think HE believes we have been.

I am having more doubts as time goes on. I don't know if he really has BPD. I think he has something, but I am not sure what it really is.

Basically, as long as I use the tools here, things are great. As long as I ignore internet woman- who is pretty absent actually, it's HIM that appears to be trying to keep something going- things are calm there, too.

It's very rare for him to make a complaint. He only complains if I complain.  He said to me today that he never hurt me. It was only that *I* felt/feel hurt.

I don't really have a rebuttal for that. Where do I even begin. Being cheated on hurts, being lied to hurts, the baby hurts, his actions about internet woman hurts.

But, he very cheerfully explained to me that he is not doing those things TO me, he just sort of DID them, so HE is not hurting me. I am just hurt. He says there is a difference in there.

I don't even know what to say. I can tell you guys how it feels, it's like all of the things that he did backlash emotionally to me, and I feel this big blockage in my chest because he has left me with nothing to say where I can tell him that I would like him to stop hurtful actions. I can't ask him to stop because he is not doing anything to hurt me. I am hurting as part of my... I don't even know.

He explained this to me, then when I started showing some doubt, he said he had a really big project at work, and he left abruptly, and presumably is working on this project.

I feel helpless. What is the point of me cleaning up my side of the street while he continues to inflict hurt and has come up with some way to explain to himself he should do anything he wants, even though he knows it hurts me because it wasn't directed AT me in order to hurt me.

Someone please help me come up with a concise response to this, because I am not understanding how to... or at least if this perspective of his is a valid one, explain it to me, because my dumb brain just can't understand it right now.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: laelle on March 06, 2013, 04:23:39 AM
He is not holding himself responsible for the hurt he has caused you. I know that must really make you frustrated and sad. Even if it wasnt his intention to hurt you, he did.  You are right in your feelings to be hurt there.  No one can take that from you, or talk you out of feeling your own feelings.  Maybe his point is that he hurt you as collateral damage of him hurting himself.  Its no excuse but maybe I could see in his head why there is a difference.

The tools dont teach you to ignore other woman, that will have to come from your own personal boundary.  The tools do teach not be paranoid about them, but if I saw it... .  my boundary would be to end the relationship.  I am a one man woman, and I expect the same out of my partner.

I am very glad for you tho that things have settled down.  I really hope tho that you are not holding back your anger and hurt in order to hold that peace.  What are some effective ways in letting go of old hurt?

I hope all is well with you Ele, you've been through so much, and you deserve much happiness.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: waverider on March 06, 2013, 06:04:46 AM
This is the old lack of empathy thing. In his mind he did not do it with intent to hurt. Hence you have no reason to be hurt in his mind, and you were simply misinterpreting his intentions.

In his mind it is not how it affected you but rather what his intentions were that is important

How to handle it? That comes down to what is the bottom line for you and draw a boundary around it. It stops or you will at the least stay away until such time as it is not a factor.

Demands or arguments about it will be seen as you being unreasonable.

If he is showing lack of empathy for the hurt caused there is no reason for him not to do it again.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: yeeter on March 06, 2013, 07:13:58 AM
In his mind it is not how it affected you but rather what his intentions were that is important

This is my read as well.  And honestly, for myself, intent does matter (if someone intentionally causes me hurt - that is different than if it was an 'accident' or byproduct of some other action they took but didnt mean for it to affect me).

The problem in this case is, that even if he didnt 'intend' to hurt you - he was unable to make the connection at the time of his actions that they WOULD hurt you.  Which would be pretty obvious to a normal person, but for him he never even considered it.  This is the lack of empathy part - the inability to consider others and how they might be feeling or impacted.

How to handle it? That comes down to what is the bottom line for you and draw a boundary around it. It stops or you will at the least stay away until such time as it is not a factor.

+1 on this.  And consider the very real possibility that he may just never be able to develop any empathy, so it will repeat.  The best chance of him thinking it through next time is some type of consequence, that if he does follow through with xyz it will mean... .  ?  Otherwise he is likely to just keep repeating the pattern.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 06, 2013, 10:28:35 AM
I think I have PTSD from this. Every time he does something that has to do with her, I have a panick attack. It's not simply I am sitting here fuming and mad. It's a physical one. My hands and body shake really badly and my heart starts pounding. I had to go on anti anxiety meds last summer to try and control it, and for the most part I am ok until he deliberately takes action to be around her. Then it starts. And sometimes I tell him how it effects me and I ask him to stop.

Zero compassion, zero empathy. Usually a few unkind comments are directed at me, and he says things like "big deal!" and threatens to get angry if I don't be quiet.

I politely told him it is a big deal to me, I find it hurtful, and that he already knows it is hurtful and at this point, it is actually the only thing he does that I feel strongly enough about to ask him to stop doing. I know he understands where I am coming from. He knows it is hurtful to me. And honestly I feel most people would be hurt by what he is doing, particularly when you consider what he has done so much of in the past.

I am close to throwing in the towel. I can't be in a realtionship where someone is knowingly doing something they know is hurting me and damaging our relationship. I would be more tolarant if he HAD to be doing something I didn't like, but this is a video game and this is some woman 1500 miles away who is married, already has one online boyfriend and who he KNOWS he hurt me over considerably in the last year.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: sm15000 on March 06, 2013, 11:43:00 AM
But, he very cheerfully explained to me that he is not doing those things TO me, he just sort of DID them, so HE is not hurting me. I am just hurt. He says there is a difference in there.

I really feel for you because this is exactly what I got.  There was no baby (as far as I know   ) but I had the infidelity and complete lack of understanding that it hurts.  The bottom line is, there is no empathy as incomprehensible as that seems. . .I couldn't get my head around "why can't he see he hurt me".

Perhaps, you will just have to acknowledge that yes, although he just did them, he is right you are hurt. . .and then what are your boundaries for dealing with your hurt?  If he is likely to just DO those things, can you accept that?

Personally, for me, that was the point I had to end it - broke my heart but I couldn't live my life with someone who went about things that way.  Do you/he still consider yourselves in a r/s or are you having a break?

It's hard, good luck   

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 06, 2013, 11:55:16 AM
We are in a relationship.

He sent me an email, long after I went quiet on him, that I am to say nothing and do nothing in terms of his relationships with other people ( his ex, his friends, internet woman) unless they attack me/cause harm to me.

My response is, their actions towards me are not the problem. My problem is specifically HIS actions.

No, I can't be in a relationship with someone who's damage to me has been so extreme, then tries to force me to endure endless aggrivation that prevents those wounds from healing.

He is refusing to acknowledge and act on the connection between my emotional condition and why I am not "getting over it". I can actually come to terms eventually and forgive the past, but I can't seem to do it while he continues tear the scab off of the wound.

He knows this. He doesn't lack understanding. I know him. He is just twisting it around so he can justify to himself doing what he knows he shouldn't be doing IF he wants a stable loving relationship with me. ( see Phoebe I GET it)

Simply, he is playing chicken with me and so far he is winning because I haven't really left yet and he thinks I won't.

It's not ok with me. I am willing to back off and disengage until he is willing to act on my behalf. If he isn't, then Elemental won't be talking to him very much anymore and Elemental won't be there smiling and giving out kisses and hugs and listening and supporting, and Elemental won't be there to spend the nights with and make plans for the future with.

The person who said maybe it is a case of disengaging until he changes the conditions is right. I have been putting off doing this because it hurts me a lot to do it. I am going to do it, though. Starting right now. And I am not going to even tell him or say a single word, or ask anything more, or demand, or anything else. I am just gone until he is willing to negotiate and follow through.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: sm15000 on March 06, 2013, 12:22:53 PM
The person who said maybe it is a case of disengaging until he changes the conditions is right. I have been putting off doing this because it hurts me a lot to do it. I am going to do it, though. Starting right now. And I am not going to even tell him or say a single word, or ask anything more, or demand, or anything else. I am just gone until he is willing to negotiate and follow through.

It's up to you but I would think about not telling him.  When you feel calm and feel certain of what you want to say. . .and can feel strong about not getting drawn into an argument, I would tell him exactly.

E.g. you accept that he is saying he didn't intend to hurt you, but you are hurt and that you are taking a break (with NC?) until he can x,y,z. . .keep it short and simple but be sure you can carry through, it's where the 'testing' may begin 

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: lbjnltx on March 06, 2013, 01:03:02 PM
I feel helpless. What is the point of me cleaning up my side of the street while he continues to inflict hurt and has come up with some way to explain to himself he should do anything he wants, even though he knows it hurts me because it wasn't directed AT me in order to hurt me.

The point is that this increases your self image and overall mental and emotional well being.

Someone please help me come up with a concise response to this, because I am not understanding how to... or at least if this perspective of his is a valid one, explain it to me, because my dumb brain just can't understand it right now.

We are not responsible for other people's feelings.  We are responsible for  how our words and choices affect other people.


Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: Grey Kitty on March 06, 2013, 03:47:22 PM
Someone please help me come up with a concise response to this, because I am not understanding how to... or at least if this perspective of his is a valid one, explain it to me, because my dumb brain just can't understand it right now.

Here is an analogy:

He is dropping a 30-pound rock on the ground. Your foot was under it when he landed.

His action. Your hurt. There is no way to get around that consequence.

If he couldn't see your foot was there, he wasn't trying to hurt you. That doesn't change that he DID hurt you.

A mental disorder could make him incapable of seeing your foot under there even though he was looking at you when he dropped the rock. This still doesn't change that he DID hurt you.

Now you are telling him: I see you have got a bunch more rocks. If you can't see that they are all hanging over my foot, I need to limp away before you drop them.

Perhaps this analogy will help you. OTOH, getting him to understand isn't always possible. You can simply say "Your actions did hurt me, even though that was not your intention." Twisted logic can be applied to back you into a corner. You don't need to out-logic him. Just listen to your heart, and if it says "no" believe it.

He is refusing to acknowledge and act on the connection between my emotional condition and why I am not "getting over it". I can actually come to terms eventually and forgive the past, but I can't seem to do it while he continues tear the scab off of the wound.

He knows this. He doesn't lack understanding. I know him. He is just twisting it around so he can justify to himself doing what he knows he shouldn't be doing IF he wants a stable loving relationship with me. ( see Phoebe I GET it)

Simply, he is playing chicken with me and so far he is winning because I haven't really left yet and he thinks I won't.

It's not ok with me. I am willing to back off and disengage until he is willing to act on my behalf. If he isn't, then Elemental won't be talking to him very much anymore and Elemental won't be there smiling and giving out kisses and hugs and listening and supporting, and Elemental won't be there to spend the nights with and make plans for the future with.

The person who said maybe it is a case of disengaging until he changes the conditions is right. I have been putting off doing this because it hurts me a lot to do it. I am going to do it, though. Starting right now. And I am not going to even tell him or say a single word, or ask anything more, or demand, or anything else. I am just gone until he is willing to negotiate and follow through.

Sounds like you have made up your mind... .  are realizing that putting up with this hurts more than leaving it.   I wish you peace and strength in your choices.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: waverider on March 06, 2013, 05:03:20 PM
You are dealing with an obsessive or compulsive need on his part. Much the same as an addict wont give up drugs, or an alcohol wont give up drink. No words are going to be capable of changing his path.

It will take a rock bottom, buck stops moment to turn this around, if it is possible at all.

It is screwing you over, take whatever action it takes to stop you slowly crumbling on the inside. Rebuild yourself, take time do this properly. You will then have the objectivity and strength to clearly see and do what is obviously necessary for your own ongoing well fare.

Regain control of YOU. If he still wants you, and if you still want him then he will have to fit within your requirements.

He is not in a position to call the shots and control anything here, he stands to loose out badly if you pull the rug out. The alternative is not a reality, but someone 1500 miles away who is also living an imaginary relationship.

You do have power here, but you will need to stand back in order to see it. He is convincingly bluffing you into submission.

Put YOUR long term welfare first, take that internal turmoil and throw it away you dont need it.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: Tigerabbit on March 06, 2013, 06:10:43 PM
Hi Elemental 

This sounds like a very tough and painful situation for you. I don't know that what I'm going to say is necessarily something you want to say to him since, as Grey Kitty said, you don't need to out-logic him, but this is my understanding. If one knows that something is hurtful to another and they do it anyway, even though they may not have done it with intent to hurt the other person, the didn't intend NOT to hurt the other person either, which is hurtful in itself. It's like negligence. Sure, a negligent parent isn't overtly abusing their child, but it is still a form of abuse... .  they KNOW that not feeding their child will cause them to be malnourished and cause all sorts of problems, and yet they might convince themselves that they were feeding their child plenty or that their child is just a difficult eater or make some other excuse to shirk responsibility. Piggy-backing on Grey Kitty's rock analogy, it's really like he is looking right at your foot, because you're showing it to him, but he is choosing not to see it, or he looking at it but is choosing not to acknowledge that it's black and purple because he dropped a rock on it (regardless of his intention). And there's denial. So first comes negligence regarding your feelings, and then comes denial that his actions are the cause of them being hurt.

Perhaps he has no conscience, but I think equally if not more likely is that the guilt he would feel if he allowed himself to accept responsibility would be too much for him to take (and possibly this is a mind-set that leads to people applicably having no conscience, but that's a discussion that's sort of going down a rabbit-hole).

I agree with waverider, that it's an obsession/compulsion/addiction, and he has to reach some sort of bottom and have an epiphany to realize the consequences of his actions. You realizing this and that it doesn't have anything to do with you or your worth and henceforth drawing a boundary and sticking to it may the "bottom" he needs, or the beginning to it. And if it's not, at least you are taking care of and being true to yourself.

I hope this helps in some way and that things start looking up for you.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 06, 2013, 07:20:24 PM
He is like a chinese fingertrap. The more energy you put into trying to sort it fairly, the greater he resists until someone gets upset or something tears apart.

He came back and tried to make some joke to me to fix todays upset, but I don't feel like playing along since for me the issue is not resolved. I guess maybe I am about to become one of those people who are polite to him when they bother to talk to him, but otherwise avoid contact with him because he is hurtful to be involved with.

His obsession is a result of having allowed himself to be bullied, shamed and forced into doing things he didn't want to do in his relationship with his ex.  He told me last year how angry and humiliated he is over it. He also became very isolated and had few friends. The group internet woman is part of has a few members in our city and he has been out with them socially a few times. He told me that in order to not have contact with her, he would have to tell ALL of them to eff off. I don't agree. Avoiding someone and avoiding reaching out and interacting beyond politeness and courtesy is really not hard to do if you really feel like doing it. She is certainly doing that to him. I don't know why he doesn't just allow it to fade out, keep his current good friends, and let us heal from what happened. Except that I asked him to respect boundries and he is so resentful of it all, he is not seeing anything but how he is going to make me accept his actions.

The rock analogy is really helpful. He doesn't want to genuinely agree he is causing the hurt, even if his real urge is something else. He has known every step of the way I am being hurt. He just says it is my problem because I am an immature little girl who refuses to accept reality and his autonomy.

I pretty much give up at this point.  Tigerrabbit that is exactly what he is doing.  

Waverider, he scared me a lot. He tried to make clear today how much he cares about me, but I am not feeling it.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: yeeter on March 07, 2013, 06:50:59 AM
I pretty much give up at this point.  

Hugs elemental.   

When I read this I asked myself - I wonder what context she means this in?  There are some things that it might be healthy to give up, like the mental model of what a relationship looks like and what you can expect out of it.  Traditional expectations arent going to happen.  Balance, and fairness arent going to be given willingly.

So a certain amount of giving up, and detaching, on preconceived ideas can be really valuable.  This in my mind is one step in the 'acceptance' or 'detaching with love' category.  That is, the ability to take a step back, clear your own emotional investments, and look at the situation in a less emotional/personal way and assess it for what it 'is' (not what I wished it were, or would like it to be - these likely arent realistic).

Pulling back and putting up your own defensive shields is a requirement.  After all, about the third time someone drops a rock on my foot I am going to move to the side so it doesnt happen any more!  Then I will make a determination of just how close I want to stand by that person again, and Im going to test that along the way.  No apologies for it, its basic human nature to protect yourself from hurt.

He came back and tried to make some joke to me to fix todays upset, but I don't feel like playing along since for me the issue is not resolved.

This might be worth asking - what does resolution look like?  And does this resolution in any way depend on HIS action?  Because if it does, then there is never any guarantee you will ever get it.  And even if you did get it on this issue, there will be a next and a next and its just not something you can rely on, since it depends on someone elses behavior.  So the challenge is, is there some path to resolution here that is completely within YOUR control? 

ie:  he dropped a rock on my foot.  Im going to stand farther away over there.  Issue resolved.

More hugs

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 07, 2013, 08:32:33 AM
Well the thing that has kind of kept me stuck on this is that I know he has become very defensive of his personal autonomy in the last year or so because of what he has gone through with his ex.

I can't remember who it was, but someone here had commented to me that she had a friend who was in a similar position: an ex who controlled her male friend through the children. And the ex had been so vile that this male friend eventually became so enraged he killed his ex and he was now in jail for homicide.

So I have tried to keep in context what he went through, becoming socially isolated, letting himself be controlled. I know he is furious about the baby, how it happpened, he blames his ex for suckering him in, he blames himself for the actions he took that led to the cheating, of re-involving himself with the ex, leaving me, allowing himself to be guilted and humiliated.

So he has a lot of anger and I realize he is being triggered. BUT. This is a long term action. He knows what he did to me. He KNOWS treating me "right" afterward was a given. I expected better treatment. I can SEE because he is so angry and twisted up, I got caught up in his mind or whatever, an innocent (mostly in terms of WHY he was messed up that way) party who he has been taking out his bad experience on.

I get it. At the same time, he really hurt me. He knows better than to think he can do those things and not have severe damage to me and our relationship. He is FINE as long as I am silent on it. But I can't be always silent. And his problem, while it effects me, is HIS to address.

I basically believe my valid needs for him to act on my behalf and take significant effort to repair our relationship is banging up against his own need to never ever let someone screw him around again like his ex did.

But he is punishing the wrong person. I am not out to control him, boss him around, scare away all his friends, or force him into isolation. I NEED him to stop some of these actions though and be more caring to me because he really did hurt me. Look at me, whenever I think he is doing something that *may* be cheating or whatever, I go into such a severe physical panic attack I can't even type without my hands jumping all over the keyboard ( for example).

Not to make a pity party. I genuinely feel for him and what happened. I understand, but making me pay for what happpened to him, on top of what he already did, is killing my spirit.

So yeh, I guess I should have agreed in one sentence. It's right to pull back from him, because trying to be close is putting me in some pretty serious pain.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: yeeter on March 07, 2013, 09:17:09 AM
The other piece in this elemental, is your own recovery.

You have been misled and trust has been destroyed.

Even if he suddenly changed his behaviors, there would be a certain period of time and work for you to do to re-engage in the relationship.  I think to some degree its ultimately about forgiveness.  Forgiving him for what he did and how it affected you, and moving forward from there.

Im in no way saying that now is the time for this, Im just saying its a process for your own recovery, so some time on what YOU need for yourself might be useful no matter what direction things go in.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 07, 2013, 09:47:54 AM
He and I talked a few weeks ago. His view is that we need to draw a line between the present and the past. HE doesn't want to talk about what happened. He wants to erase it and move on from it.

I am doubtful. I have a number of problems with it, the primary one being is he appears to believe that us doing this means he doesn't have to take steps to repair things. He believes he is entitled immediately to trust from me. I told him I didn't trust him and his instant response was "goodbye".

I said to him, how does that help? He just inflicts his anger and shame on me and tries to bully me into something I am not ready for. And all I hear from HIM for WHY he is not doing what I need... well I am the one who cannot be trusted, according to HIM, because I became so angry and distraught last year that I lashed out a number of times ( 5 or so during the year).

Also he is simply using this as a means to continue some of the actions he knows I find hurtful. I mean, if we are moved on from the past, then he has TRUST, and that means I shut up and remain silent and with him while he violates my boundries with internet woman.

I am avoiding him today because I am actually really upset right now.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: Grey Kitty on March 07, 2013, 12:29:36 PM
 Sounds like you are stuck in a really tough spot. Sorry to hear that.

He and I talked a few weeks ago. His view is that we need to draw a line between the present and the past. HE doesn't want to talk about what happened. He wants to erase it and move on from it.

I am doubtful. I have a number of problems with it, the primary one being is he appears to believe that us doing this means he doesn't have to take steps to repair things. He believes he is entitled immediately to trust from me. I told him I didn't trust him and his instant response was "goodbye".

You don't need to trust him, although if you don't, your relationship will suffer from it.

You want to go over past stuff with him. He doesn't. I think you really want him to act like an adult and apologize for his behavior. He is disordered. Odds are that this is simply beyond him. If you want anything with him, you need to accept this and detach a bit.

Also he is simply using this as a means to continue some of the actions he knows I find hurtful. I mean, if we are moved on from the past, then he has TRUST, and that means I shut up and remain silent and with him while he violates my boundries with internet woman.

Moving on from the past doesn't mean giving him a clean slate to go back to what he was doing before. It just means that you aren't all wrapped up in your own hurt from his prior behavior. You may not be there yet. Accept that in yourself if you can't move on yet. Moving on like this only really applies if he stops. It sounds like he hasn't or doesn't want to, or you don't believe he will.

If you set proper boundaries, he is incapable of violating them. A good boundary is in the form of "If he does X, I will do Y." He cannot violate that sort of boundary.

It sounds like you need a boundary around him having internet relationships with women.

What are you willing and able to do in order to protect yourself in this case?

I am avoiding him today because I am actually really upset right now.

|iiii  Good move. If  you are that upset, you will only make things worse by interacting with him.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 07, 2013, 01:00:17 PM
I ended up talking to him. He showed up, so I decided to try and talk.

He was provocative. I showed some upset after seeing he was over on some forum going on and on about some other girl in his playgroup. He excused that by saying it was a recruitment point. Like hey we have great girls so come over and play with us. To be fair it was a recruitement thread he started, but it was all in Russian and my Russian isn't the best in terms of nuance at times.

So then he accused me of not upholding my side by staying calm. Essentially I have been very calm last couple of months or so, but this behavior continues to be very triggering to me. I try to tell him that, but he doesn't care. He believes, as we discussed here, that since it is not intending to hurt me directly, I should not be hurt because it's not meant to hurt me. It just hurts me and that is not his fault, he says. It hurts though.  :'(

I asked him, is it really that hard to skip over doing these things when they are not needed and I find them hurtful and that makes OUR relationship worse?

He said YES it is too hard , now end your relationship with me!

Then he told me I am a big problem for him and to leave and BYE!

I will admit it was like a bullet to the heart. I have tried so hard to overcome my reactions and my pain and offer my hand to him and listen to what he says he needs and to act on his behalf. I extended acknowledgement to him of understanding his anxiety about losing his friends or ending up isolated.

He then told me I was crap to him and walked out.

After a bit he came back and looked pretty stony. I said please calm down, I am looking for a way through things and the extremes were making it difficult to negotiate. And he said, basically he is not at all upset, he sees no reason in pointless discussion. So its shut up or goodbye!

I know I must sound really pathetic, standing there in tears and panicked and feeling like I am garbage again that he throws away  and I said to him that I am willing to negotiate something that helps both of us, not just one, but other women are not going to get to be part of the picture and I can't work with him until he is willing to negotiate and other women are not being prioritized.

He said nothing, he walked out.

I feel utterly horrible now.

I can't wrap my brain around why, when I know he really wants me here and he KNOWS he caused so much damage... .  and I say here, let work something out that benefits US and doesnt hurt anyone, he goes off at me like that because he can see I am upset.

WHY? :'(

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: connect on March 07, 2013, 03:48:35 PM
Hi Elemental,

Sorry to hear that all this is going on for you. I know EXACTLY how you feel! I can never understand how with my guy I can be so completely in the right, set my boundaries (or try to) and end up being the one told to "go away and leave me alone"... .  unbelievable.

Mine is also about other womens friendships (you kindly replied to my post before) Mine has wound himself up into a similar state tonight too. He has cancelled us seeing each other tonight and most of our day arranged for tomorrow. The reason? Well the other female friend of his who he is meant to be going on holiday with (!) has given him a hard time today because he told her I would be accompanying them - yeah she really must be ONLY interested in him as a friend (yeah right) He cannot handle the conflict. I now know the signs to look for in him when he has had this sort of conflict and called him tonight to find him a bit drunk, ragey and dysregulated and therefore waited to hear the other womans name. Sure enough it came up. He started letting out his anger so I didnt respond in my usual way and just let it ride and said I would see him tomorrow after he has seen the female friend tomorrow. She will be furious with him and hopefully he will paint her black. (God listen to me... ) The alternative though is much worse - I cant handle another bout of it myself.

Can you get away tonight and see how he is tomorrow evening? Mine responds well to some time out - its like arguing with an angry sleepwalker otherwise. It's awful when you feel the way you do now - it seems like you cant get through it but you will. It wont feel so bad in the morning. Stay on this board and read read read x I got through my patch like this and am still with him x

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 07, 2013, 04:42:16 PM
connect, you made me laugh with how you are keeping your head down ( sad laugh) and hoping ( god listen to me!  ) that he focuses on his friend and paints her black instead. 

yes. mine does calm down with quiet and some solitude. we have had longer periods of time where we have peace and calm and the relationship begins to recover. Then we hit a snag because of my hurt from his cheating and baby and so on.

I know it hurts him to see me upset. I don't think it hurts him that I feel upset. I think it hurts him because he got his hopes up and we got better for a while and then suddenly I am ruining all of it by triggering off on his "friend" and getting upset and asking him to back off from her.

I am just so worn down from all of this and *I* am disappointed to be told by him that I was lying and faking it when I was being calmer and doing as best I can ( which was actually pretty much perfect till triggers hit me) and I am not really doing what HE wants me to do.

Then I kind of think to myself, wait a minute... I never cheated, a lie from me is very rare, I never got pregnant and had a baby outside the relationship. I don't have any male friends that I try to be very close to in a way that would make him fear cheating or violations of boundries. I have never stepped out on him. Its nearly 7 years now and even when we were apart for 6 weeks almost 2 years ago, I never got myself together well enough to date. It was only 6 weeks anyway.

I am having a really hard time keeping context of him as BPD with all of this because he tells me he totally understand and realizes he does need to be there for me and he then tells me he needs to think about it? Seriously? You know what the right and healing thing to do is, and you need to "ponder it"?

And today when he was mocking me and sneering at me... .  I just felt all of the fragile rebuilding shrivel up inside of me and break. He kept saying "I didn't do anything wrong".

Well, I don't think he did something "wrong" per se, it's just that considering what he already did not so long ago, his actions are not helping.

It's really painful to me that he openly says he knows and understands but he tells me minimizing contact with someone he hurt me badly over is "too much".

All I can say is ok, see you later until you decide differently. And it hurts a lot to have to enforce that.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: 123Phoebe on March 07, 2013, 05:37:31 PM
Hi Elemental

Sounds like now's a good time to show him just how much you're worth *)

It's like 'Hey dude, that's fine, do what you have to do.  I'll be doing this, that and the other over here.  Care to join me?  No?  Alright.  I know I've made myself clear about what my boundaries are, so... .  la la la off living my life to the fullest!'

It is so hard sitting with all that anxiety once we make a stand for ourselves and I mean a serious stand.  A deal breaker.  You know what though?  It is SO worth it.  It let's people know that we mean business, because we DO!  There's no going back to the nonsense ridiculi.  This is now how I'm going to live my life!  If you can't handle it, then hmm, so be it.

The anxiety releases its hold and it's like finally getting to exhale.  It feels good letting all that pent up blechy stuff go.

Give yourself permission to release him from your mind for an entire evening, make a batch of cookies or something (ha, that's what I'm doing tonight :)).  Get really into whatever you're doing and enjoy your own company free of hurtful thoughts and energy     

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 07, 2013, 05:49:22 PM
Phoebe, I hear you. It's the triggers. I am sorry. I know you are trying to help me. I am so full of pain today.

I don't know if anyone ever did the things to you he has done to me. I am so devastated. I understand the staying board is about improving,not venting, so to anyone reading, I am really sorry. I must have hit a really bad pocket of grief today because I am all over the place and literally have been crying most of the day.

Weak yeh. I know what you mean about being strong. It's just what he has done has really shattered me and him being cruel to me now on top of it really hurts.

I will try to pull it together and move in the direction you advise.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: 123Phoebe on March 07, 2013, 06:09:10 PM
Elemental, no need to apologize, it sucks!  It hurts and it seems so senseless... .    If only... .  

And then it's like... .    If only he didn't have BPD.  If only he wasn't mentally ill... .  

He is though.  Emotionally well people don't treat the people that love them the way he does.

It is hard to fathom and comprehend, but there is no making a disordered person see the light because we would like them to.

I'm sorry, it hurts big time    

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: morningagain on March 07, 2013, 06:35:01 PM
Dear elemental,

You posted "I said to him that I am willing to negotiate something that helps both of us, not just one, but other women are not going to get to be part of the picture and I can't work with him until he is willing to negotiate and other women are not being prioritized. "

That is such a strong and beautiful statement.  That is establishing a boundary that is rooted in your very ethical, moral, reasonable values.  His response was, unfortunately, predictable.  However, that is his initial response.  I spent years twisted and mangled up on those initial responses.  I am still slowly getting the twists and knots out of me.  To be healthy, I need to stand tall, straight, dignified, strong, and gentle.  Regardless of her actions/reactions.

I finally took a strong, and gentle stand.  I will not discuss reconciliation with her while she is in a relationship with another man.  And even then, there is much work to be done by us individually and together to figure out if we should reconcile.  She dysreg'd.  Crying, yelling.  I (much to my stunned surprise) stood my ground, and with dignity, and kindness.  She hung up.  She called back an hour later.  And... .  apologized.  Later that night, I called and left a message, addressing one thing - that it really does hurt me she is in a relationship with someone else.  I said so deeply, passionately, without losing my dignity or composure.  I fully anticipated her being dysreg'd the next morning when she called.  She was... .  empathetic.  Well, these were things I had not experienced in years.  Later that day, she called to tell me she was setting up therapy for herself and leaving the guy she is with.

By the way, I am currently scared to death, because of all of this.  I am skeptical.  And God help me, hopeful.  And determined to continue to stand firmly on my values with dignity, compassion, and gentleness - even if/when she dysreg's, or finds someone else.

Today with my new therapist here is an interesting exchange:

Her - Why do you push down your gut?  Your instincts?  When you sense something wrong?  Why do you ignore or subvert those red flags?

Me - Because I want to have a healthy relationship with my wife

Her - Interesting.  :)id you hear yourself?  :)o you get that is contradictory?

Me - ... .  ugh.   yes  

So two things... .  1)  initial reactions don't mean a lot.  And in some cases are very predictable.  The unpredictable portion for me has been her changing after her initial reaction.

  2) Build a healthy relationship.  not an unhealthy one.  All you can do is your part.   All I can do is my part.  And wait and see if she does her part - and the best I can do for her is to acknowledge her issues and be patient waiting for her to regulate, or be reasonable, or be empathetic, or whatever.  I cannot force her - honestly, wish I could  :)  but I cannot.

And it took a loong time and a lot of pain and study and work and thought for me to get this far.  It seems like she may have taken that first step in the 1000 mile journey.  I hope her and I meet along this path a few miles down the road.  

I hope I do not screw up and cave in thereby provokingdisaster.  For me and her... .  

elemental - you did great - i am sorry his reaction was so painful.  first reactions will be painful when you set boundaries.  stay strong.  caving in 'enables' and you will end up with less and less in the r/s.  and I am very impressed - i don't think i ever took such a strong & kind & good stand while living with my wife.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: cookiecrumbled on March 07, 2013, 08:12:41 PM
I pretty much give up at this point.  

So a certain amount of giving up, and detaching, on preconceived ideas can be really valuable.  This in my mind is one step in the 'acceptance' or 'detaching with love' category.  That is, the ability to take a step back, clear your own emotional investments, and look at the situation in a less emotional/personal way and assess it for what it 'is' (not what I wished it were, or would like it to be - these likely arent realistic).

This might be worth asking - what does resolution look like?  And does this resolution in any way depend on HIS action?  Because if it does, then there is never any guarantee you will ever get it.  And even if you did get it on this issue, there will be a next and a next and its just not something you can rely on, since it depends on someone elses behavior.  So the challenge is, is there some path to resolution here that is completely within YOUR control? 

ie:  he dropped a rock on my foot.  Im going to stand farther away over there.  Issue resolved.[/quote]
Yeeter, ((thank you))


Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 07, 2013, 08:27:07 PM
He leverages me by scaring me/threatening me that he is leaving.

And Michael you are right, I have ended up with less and less in the relationship as a result.

I have FOO issues that are playing out here and I am aware of them. They are very powerful. It seems at times that people here have nudged me to explore those more openly and I thought about it... but my life at times has been so severely dramatic that when I think of all of it, I get overwhelmed.

For example, when I was 14, my brother, 2 years older than me, attempted suicide in front of me. He actually died for about 5 minutes, but was revived, lived. For me it was a very shocking event. Somehow I have ended up being one of those people that sort of thing happens to over and over. You hear and see others like me, and it's always like how does all of that happen to ONE person?

Anyway, your validation really touched me. I will confess though, that by the time I made that offer, I had already triggered, tried to talk to him, tried to emphatically tell him I need him to step up more. He had already dumped me, then demanded I dump him, he had already mocked me, I had already been called a liar and a failure and a deceiver for not staying calm, I had already said a couple of bad words... so in the end, I really tried to rally and make a livable offer for him to think on and he responded with "helps both of us? Is that funny?"

As in what I was asking, from his point of view, was totally just for ME because I asked him to minimize his interaction with the woman.

I am, sadly, finding some consolation in your statement about how you have spent years twisted and mangled up over initial responses. These responses to me have always been immensely painful and often shocking.

I cannot conceive of how much better you could have made your stand to your wife. I can't imagine anything better than a man being calm and strong, and gentle in expressing himself. It's really the loss of dignity and the pain of losing self and self respect.

I try to tell him that way, too. And get the silent treatment, or a cruel nasty comment. Or very often telling me how he doesn't want me and to leave. Then later he says "Honey, I was too harsh with you." as a sort of apology.

Too harsh?  :'( I am a woman who absolutely believed she was loved and I was cheated on and one day found out and suddenly thrown out like a formerly adored kitten into the street and so stunned I could not integrate what he had done. Then we are back and his ex/affair partner is pregnant and taunts and mocks me for months and I ask him for the truth... I get lies and he shames me for my lack of trust. I spent so much of this time believeing that it was all my fault. Then baby is born, that is concealed from me and suddenly one day, the child is there, he admits it, asks me to work through it and this woman in this video game is suddenly being prioritized and she gets so prioritized the pain and abandonment and gaslighting drives me nearly crazy until I find this site.

Anyway, this is what my brain plows through every time I hit one of those triggers. It hits me so badly that I am literally shaking so hard and it feels like SHOCK hits me all over.

I am really trying here. I have been mostly quiet and calm with him since late December, except I hit about 3-4 triggers during that time, all of them having to do with him interacting with that online girl in some way.

Part of the reason I am so troubled and keep talking about it here, is I feel crazy. I can't tell if he refuses to disengage mostly because I am triggering HIM or if he just has no remorse, or if he has feelings for her. I can't tell. His reply is she is harmless, there is nothing happening and I believe on her side that is totally true. But it's not her I am worried about.

Am I being weird here? Because of how he has treated me in relation to her am I asking too much for him to disengage? I mean I feel unsafe with him as a result of his actions and the feeling continues because he is walking all over me to keep doing it.

I can say what I said about negotiating but he has me really believing he would rather end the relationship than stop doing it.

I think he would.  :'( And I am deeply sad and angry about it. But at this point, I really feel that I am being mistreated and disrespected and my spirit is beginning to break from it. He had me convinced for soo long this was all my fault, what he did and why it is not improving.

I half believe it now, but a part of me is growing that is saying that feeling of guilt and pain at causing my own hurt is him successfully blaming me.

I am hurting, but I would rather be alone and in pain for now with hope to heal and have love and a good happy life, than to be so abused and devalued anymore.

I keep struggling with the feeling if only I were better ( because he says this is the reason I faring so badly with him) then it would all work out. And I feel desperate because he makes clear to me when I ask that I am not entitled to what I am asking for, ie, that he step up for me and stop interacting with her or minimize contact or really regain my trust so that IF the contact really IS harmless then I will believe it.  

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: yeeter on March 07, 2013, 08:48:57 PM
  2) Build a healthy relationship.  not an unhealthy one.  


Hang in there elemental.   .

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: morningagain on March 07, 2013, 09:04:25 PM
Dear elemental, oh darlin', your post is so heart-wrenching.  I deeply feel each hurt you expressed, and I think I have experienced similar in each case.

I did not have the strength to leave or to face losing her in any way until I didn't even recognize her, until I was lonelier than a soul could survive, until I could not tolerate her choices and had no control over my own house, until i was so betrayed I had nothing but pain, until I was financially devastated, until I no longer had contact with my children, until I was isolated from nearly everyone.  And even then, after I left that smoldering heap of a relationship and life, I so desperately wanted her, and tried and tried to establish some kind of basis for mutual healing and growth.  And I was nearly constantly dysregulated myself.  And the pain of the separation was 100 fold worse - but truth be told - that was all of the wounds I had been ignoring and shoving aside - it all comes home to roost some day.

Refusing to face my fear of losing her led to terrible destruction.  I placed (valued) my fear above my values and my innate knowledge of right and wrong.

It never gets better until we find some way to stand on and live by our own values.  I had to not only be ready to accept losing her, I had to actually lose her, before I truly started to face myself and rebuild myself.  I am happy to report I am back to a good 20% of my former self, PLUS I am about 1000% better in new ways.  I am not there yet, wherever there is, but my life is actually improving. How I longed for 'improving' during the 8 year spiral into oblivion... .   Will I ever be back with her?  I do not know.  Either way, it is, frankly, scary.  But I will have values and I will live by them.  Starting with: I value being strong and gentle and patient, and I value living by my values.

If I could have stood by my values, straight and true, kindly and gently, she may have left me.  However, I would also have strong relationships with my children.  I would also have financial security and financial freedom.  I would have healthy adult relationships with other people.  If she would have stayed?  The relationship would have had a chance to grow and heal and prosper, and in any event, our lives would not have been a 'smoldering heap'.

Over the last couple of years of my marriage, I do not believe I could have ever turned myself around - I was too far gone - lost in the maelstrom.  I had to get out of the storm - i knew that much - i told her that - i had to get my broken self off the battlefield and into intensive care in order to begin healing.

Still healing - yet a stronger and better man than I have ever been.

I think I am going into all this mostly because I feel you may be in a similar spot that I was.  You care deeply, you love deeply, and you are just so wounded.  But you also have strength that perhaps you never knew you had.  My gut feel is that you may need to use that strength right now to get off the battlefield and into a place of healing.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 07, 2013, 10:49:08 PM
thank you 

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: sm15000 on March 08, 2013, 06:20:05 AM

I am just posting something said to me by Maybeso, in the hope that it may help

However, I can share that I'm careful these days about the language I use and the way I use my thinking. I'm extremely skilled at telling myself things or asking questions that while can't intellectually be "wrong"... .  Cognitively it sets me up for suffering because it's usually about someone else whom I can't control.  I wanted my ex to stop the pain he caused in me too. But the reality is my feelings belong to me so I'm in the best position to attend to my feelings than anyone else. We can ask someone to help us with our feelings, but

the job ultimately rests with us. I spent a lot of time expecting my ex to make my feeling state better, but logically... He was usually the last person skilled in soothing my feeling state... He could barely sooth himself and when he did it was often through maladaptive coping skills. I don't ask my self anymore is it wrong to want something... .  I try to move to "is it likely?" or "is this the best way?" or " does it work?"

Is it wrong? Leads to ... ,no, it's not wrong, so if it's not wrong then  he really should... .  but he hasn't... So now I feel worse, even victimized

Does it work? Leads to... No, he is the least likely person to help me with my feeling state... .  (radical acceptance) so I can move to myself and others who can help me

He is typically giving you the push/pull, the testing, the putting the ball in your court - he knows you don't want the r/s to end but he won't or maybe can't take any responsibility, so this is what you get - circular arguments   My ex tried to intimidate me with "my mates say, DUMP HER" etc.

As for the ex, seems like that has caused him intense shame, and almost narcissistic injury.  I'm sure his ex might have been goading him in, but he's a big boy - he could have said no.  But, they live in the moment of the thrill - I doubt for a nanosecond he contemplated the destruction that could cause - and then what happened, a baby - something which meant he had to own up  

It's most probably the same with women he connects to on the Internet - they give him something they crave for, attention and ego-stroking without the hassle of a r/s.  

However, this is causing you immense suffering so you have to take back some control. . .what's the alternative?  I think the immense shock of it all is making you intensify it personally - I think you should back off and let the realisation of who he is and how he behaves sink in - read around, and inform yourself on what you are dealing with and how this will impact on YOUR life.  It might help you cope and ultimately make a decision.    

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: connect on March 08, 2013, 06:41:37 AM
Hi Elemental

I have PM'ed you.


Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 08, 2013, 07:48:55 PM
I replied to you, Connect. 

He contacted me today and offered empathy and and a hug.

He was calm, which surprised me.

Maybe he took on some of the things I said yesterday. He said he knows I need support from him. He thinks I will leave if I don't get it. He doesn't agree with me on the type of support I am asking for.

I am feeling a lot of "fogginess" going on here. Pieces of things from everyone who has been responding here are resonating with me. I think it is time to work on detaching more. sm, thank you for reposting that. It's easier for me to think in terms of "likely outcome" because relying on "right" is not getting me very far.

Simply, he doesn't want to do "right" even though he knows he should be doing it. He keeps thinking if he holds out on me, I will just accept his disregard of my feelings and needs. I won't. Probably I will end up leaving for at least a while, and in that gap he will have time to revaluate without me there putting the pressure on him that he finds so angering that his resentment grows to the point he would rather die than do what is being asked.

I don't think he really wants to be without me. But time will tell :/

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: Grey Kitty on March 10, 2013, 03:44:19 PM
I keep struggling with the feeling if only I were better ( because he says this is the reason I faring so badly with him) then it would all work out. And I feel desperate because he makes clear to me when I ask that I am not entitled to what I am asking for, ie, that he step up for me and stop interacting with her or minimize contact or really regain my trust so that IF the contact really IS harmless then I will believe it.  

He cannot make that point to you. You are worth more than that, and his opinion doesn't change that.

He can make the point that he won't give it to you, and sadly, it sounds like he is.

I don't think he really wants to be without me. But time will tell :/

I don't think he does either. But the question of what he can do in order to be with you is a tough one for him. My heart goes out to you.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: waverider on March 11, 2013, 03:47:39 AM
Keep in mind the loneliest place of all is in the middle of a dysfunctional relationship, as not only are you isolated from your partner, you are often also isolated from others who could be of benefit to you.

This takes away the hope of healing and swamps you with hopelessness.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 11, 2013, 07:04:03 PM
Today was his birthday.

Internet woman came back from her vacation yesterday.

The day went ok until he decided to go play his game. For the first time in a while, really.   Pretty soon I see she has joined the group. Or was there from the beginning. He proactively explained to me that it wasn't his fault. She wasn't there when he started, but arrived soon after. It's not like anyone would be rude to her and tell her to go away when she is used to joining.

He explained to me that he is now staying away from her as much as he can, but he can't help such events.

I don't really know what to say. What is there for me to say? We are where we are as a result of his deliberate choices to place himself exactly where he is.

He has explained to me that he knows exactly how it makes me feel. ( or that I feel that way when I know it is going on).

He totally gets it.

But he says he has needs. He needs social interaction. He has friends there. He made in game committements to teach other people how to play. He just wanted to play his game a bit and chill out. It's not directed at me to hurt me.

ok. I am not there with him in that part of the game. I could have been but we all know internet woman had a fit and attacked me when I went over, and then he freaked out and blamed me for upsetting her prior to that, so I guess, as he says, I am the only person to blame for my pain.

I said well basically I am not feeling a lot of trust at this point and this game and the people in it are aggrivating that lack of trust. He says he knows how I feel, because I just can't be trusted either. Except I kind of STOPPED what he said was bothering him 3 months ago, and he is still doing what bothers me.

I know. I heard everyone about stepping back. I wish I had gone AWOL today instead of being around for his birthday for him. After all he abandoned me on MY birthday in November.

To the bitter end... .  *lashes whip 

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: waverider on March 11, 2013, 07:25:07 PM
So far the result for him is no consequences.

There is no reason for him to change.

You either have to change this, or accept it.

So far accepting is tearing you apart

Change is hard, so is being torn apart

One lasts longer than the other

You cant avoid a difficult path one way or another, but you can choose whether temporary or ongoing

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 11, 2013, 07:32:12 PM
I actually feel kind of guilty.

Last summer if he had said to me he is staying away from her and avoiding her where possible, I would have felt so rellieved.

Now I just feel tired and sad on it. I don't see where he can/will do anything until he decides he doesn't want to be there.

What consequences are there, except for me to not be around.

And my head is getting messed up. Years ago I would have never have believed I did not deserve to be supported. Now knowing about BPD, I just sort of lose momentum, because things are never what they seem and reasons for actions are different than what is usual.

I don't even know what to make of it anymore. I know I talk a lot, but there is a big part of me just sort of standing in the street, pretty speechless.

I am still baffled when I probably shouldn't be

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: waverider on March 11, 2013, 09:57:38 PM
Do you feel like you are waiting to be rescued as it all seems to hard for you to deal with?

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 11, 2013, 10:22:00 PM
No. I just feel baffled. Hurt. I don't even know what to think, except this was the time last year that I found out about the baby. And he had been giving  me a lot of grief for not trusting him before I even knew about the baby. He was telling me my problems with trust were my own, that if I had lost capacity that was too bad, because I was safe with him and he couldn't help me trust him more, it was all for me to overcome.

And he had that big secret, already born, but concealed from me.

I think I am getting strong echos of what happened last year.

Is this wierd?

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: waverider on March 11, 2013, 10:49:15 PM
I think you are feeling a little shell shocked and are having trouble believing the reality for what it is, and how could it be this way.

I think you know the reality, you probably have a fair idea of what is needed, but you dont want to believe it is as bad as it is, so there is an element of denial happening here. This leaves you going round in circles without enough confidence to take the path to address this.

If you dont change this the future will only repeat the past

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: Grey Kitty on March 11, 2013, 10:57:57 PM
I think I am getting strong echos of what happened last year.

Is this wierd?

Depends... .  has the situation fundamentally changed in any way from last year? If not, then echos aren't very surprising.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 11, 2013, 11:23:34 PM
I am shocked.

I just kind of look at my self at this time last year, no idea of what I was about to fall into.

And how he handled it. It's taken a year for him to start to get the understanding that what he has done really has effected me.

I know what needs to be done. And probably you are right, I am just kind of not quite facing it. I mean he has been telling me for the last week that he totally understands what he has done, how it effected me. He knows that when he goes off towards this woman, it triggers off a lot of hurt for me. But he won't just stop.

For my own self, since coming here I have learned to detach enough that I am not going into those huge meltdowns. I feel so much better for it.

I can't seem to make myself understand a person who claims to know and understand and that his actions are causing so much more hurt but instead of stopping, he just tries to convince me that what I see happening is not happening. And I am actually not there, so I don't know how it all goes down, really.

All that self doubt.

Kitty, he has evolved in some different directions. I am pretty sure he hates his ex now. Wasn't so sure last year. Internet woman was all over his social page last year on his birthday with her postings about it. This year not a single person said anything there. I wished him happy birthday privately because I don't post on his social page.

Maybe I just let myself wear down again.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 12, 2013, 12:22:58 AM
Well I just had an offer from him.

He says he has decided to take a leadership position in that game and if I will stop fighting windmills, I can be with him without any problems.

I have one thing to say to that.

“Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants? I intend to do battle with them and slay them.”

or some such thing.

my-issues  my-issues

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 12, 2013, 08:09:04 AM
I went to bed last night and left  my IM online.

He left me this message:

"Thing is. I know what do you feel. I know how it feels

But I offer you way which is absolutely different from what you believe is right

And you don't want to accept it. I understand why but I have many things I want to accomplish and I can't give them up"

Does anyone else here find this message disturbing? Or am I seeing at last the narccisistic explanation for his highly damaging ( I feel) actions.

In a nutshell he just told me that right action is getting in the way of him building an empire in an internet game. He turned 36 years old yesterday.

My response to him is neutral. I don't know what he is actually talking about in terms of his exact plans and his reasoning for it. So I said, tell me more about your perspective and plans.

Thus far, no response... .  

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: waverider on March 12, 2013, 08:21:44 AM
You are dealing with a full blown obsession here, you will not be able to negotiate around it, as it will always be subject to renegotiation.

You may as well be arguing with an alcoholic about sticking to X amount of drinks per day. The need will always over rule any negotiated agreement. Immediate gratification of the obsession/impulse is the driving factor.

Not sure if its narcissistic or not, it sounds more like outright obsessive behavior, whereby to give it up would be tantamount to asking him to stop breathing, just not an option.

Has there ever been any evidence of OCD behavior in the past or with any other subjects?

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: benny2 on March 12, 2013, 08:34:36 AM
I know what you are going through. I went through the same thing when I was living there and he was running over to his ex every time she called, and more. The shakiness, the pounding heart, and the uncaring response I would get from him. I moved out. I could not deal with it anymore. That has helped, but his constant pushing/pulling is still hard. I am convinced at the time they are doing these things, they feel no remorse and they can't and won't stop. He does however mention  alot lately about the horrible things he has done to me. I simply tell him, then stop doing them, but its almost like he is trying to convince himself that he has done to much, it will never work. Its a never ending cycle of constant drama, and I know it could never be a normal relationship.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 12, 2013, 08:35:44 AM
No, I have never seen obsessive behavior in him at all, except this game and I never realized it was so extreme. Though I will think on it.

This game is well known to really become a part of people's lives. He has played it for years, but he plays it way less than he used to. It's one of those games guys play at work, hiding it behind windows on their computer. And he has been traveling for work a lot and NOT playing this game for the last 3 years more than a few times a week.

This idea of his has just recently developed or it has simply been hiding under the surface for a long time and only just now stuck it's head up.

I had no idea... .  I am getting the feeling that he is trying to use it to compensate himself for something... to prove something to other people.

I play this game, too. It's important to me. I am a long term player, nearly 8 years of it. I would never screw over a person in that game or real life to accomplish any goal or obejective within that game.

The thing that concerns me is that it makes me wonder if this ... .  mentality... .  is the reason for his cruelty and disregard of the people around him... .  even while he is expressing his awareness of how he is effecting and how bad it feels to be treated that way.

Essentially, in practical terms, he is telling me he is not going to remove himself to another area in the game in order to not be around internet woman. He actually needs her support to accomplish much of anything. I think, though, that after a certain point, he will find that she won't support him. I already know that people in that game consider him volitile and unstable, often a trouble maker. I am doubtful he will be able to really gain more of a leadership position due to how he is viewed.

He may surprise me, though.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 12, 2013, 10:04:54 AM
I used to date this guy who's best contribution to me was to always understand that I walk around in my life totally baffled by other people at times.

Benny, having him out of the house doesn't make it better. I came to the conclusion that I have transferred ( or rightly place, depends on who you talk to) my trauma over my sister's death and finding out about the baby onto internet woman because he treated me so badly over her immediately after these things happened.

So when I unexpectedly see her pop up, I get a PTSD reaction. I guess that helps.   

He has been apprised at this point that I am not in agreement with his perspective. He has no justification for the course of action he wants, except... well... it's what he wants and will enjoy having things that way. I guess I must have seemed like I was about to ask a load of questions, because he has run off again.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: waverider on March 12, 2013, 04:56:10 PM
Do you think that because you play this game too it has become too much of a tie, and makes it harder to break away from the dependence on him as you will probably have to give up a dependence of your own.

If this game was not part of either of your lives would you still have these RS issues?

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 12, 2013, 05:31:35 PM
The issues would be gone.

I haven't raised any other complaints to him.

And I never told him no before. I did today.  No, I will not agree to what you are asking.

Before I said no, I made him a counter offer. I said I would be happy to support you, but many boundries have been crossed in the last year, and I was hurt a lot over internet woman. I said I would comply with his requests if he would reassure me that these things wouldn't happen again, and that he would minimize interaction with internet woman.

He listened, glared at me, refused to speak. I then said, under those conditions yes. Otherwise, no. I will not agree to do as you ask.

Basically he wants what he has been trying to force on me all along: he gets to make me never say a word as he persues whatever interaction he wants to have with another woman.

Well. No.

My condition made him so mad he slammed out of the house. He seriously thought he could manipulate me into an agreement where I say it's all ok.

I don't actually care that he plays the game. I care about his persuit of HER. I did point out to him that she was really clear about her position on things: she felt he had harmed her, she wanted very little to do with him, and stayed away mostly except in the act of playing the game.

He smugly replied "I am not going to comment on what Internet Woman said."

Like he has some plan to get her to like him again.  

I have worked really hard in the last 4-5 months to stabilize after being hit with the things he did. I am not quite there yet. He told me "You will stop making this all so serious."

Over the game. He says the game is his "hobby" and it has nothing to do with me. Seriously, he drags some strange woman out of it, brings her into our real lives, she makes friends with his EX and I get smacked around over her and I am the one making this all so serious?

Heck, yes, it became serious to me, look what he DID to me over her.

Am I missing something? Tell it like it is...

Also, I think it was you waverider who said I could pull the rug right out from under him. Wouldn't he actually have to care about me for me to be able to do that. The way he treats me, I feel like right now I could be killed and he wouldn't miss me. I feel the constant threat of HIM pulling the rug out from under ME. I don't even KNOW how to show my value. I really believe if he doesn't  get what he wants on this, he will just toss me away again.

It feels pretty bad.  :'(

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: yeeter on March 12, 2013, 05:43:09 PM
Hi elemental,

A quick observation:

Reading this it is still all about him.  It seems like you are still trying to control him.  All the focus is on he did x.  He didn't do y.

What about you?  Controlling him is not an option.  So what now?  ( and I'm asking thus in a respectful way... .  I know it hurts and is upsetting and you are hurting.  Hugs.  . )

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 12, 2013, 06:00:47 PM
I guess it was you Yeeter.

I don't know what to do. I was thinking of taking a nap. I am self employed so I was going to sit here and do some work later while watching something on TV.

In terms of him... .  well, nothing. I told him how I felt. He repeated back to me he knows exactly how it feels. But. He wants me to reverse my feelings and beliefs and ... do something that is not in alignment with my own values. In my world, if a loved one is suffering due to me and I can see where I can stop the hurtful acts and work with them through it, I will.

In his world, he expends massive amounts of energy trying to manipulate people into agreeing to help him hurt THEM.

I did that before, hoping for positive outcomes and healing. Like with the baby. And a day later he is threatening me and ending the relationship with me because he mistakenly thought I was rude to internet woman. In what reality is he living in? What kind of perspective allows such hurtful ungratefulness and brutality towards a loved one?

Not mine. So I am not going to agree and hurt my own self so he can play a video game with the person he hurt me over.

This time, the answer is NO. He can and probably will do what he likes. But I am not going to be there for him while he is doing it.

Is there anything else for me to do? Suggestions welcome.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: waverider on March 12, 2013, 06:05:52 PM
Important question, if you have found a compromise that you would be truely happy with on certain conditions, then you need to be clear and firm about what YOU will do if those conditions are not met. They will be challenged, that must not be just another avenue for renegotaition or you end up back were you are except from an already compromised situation

Also, I think it was you waverider who said I could pull the rug right out from under him. Wouldn't he actually have to care about me for me to be able to do that. The way he treats me, I feel like right now I could be killed and he wouldn't miss me. I feel the constant threat of HIM pulling the rug out from under ME. I don't even KNOW how to show my value. I really believe if he doesn't  get what he wants on this, he will just toss me away again.

Because he is unaware that you could pull the rug he doesn't fear it. It will take the actual act to drive that home

Because you are more aware of reality you fear him pulling the rug.

Hence the threat has more hold over you than him. The reality will have more effect on him.

In my world, if a loved one is suffering due to me and I can see where I can stop the hurtful acts and work with them through it, I will.

In his world, he expends massive amounts of energy trying to manipulate people into agreeing to help him hurt THEM.

Your world and his world have different standards, that is a part of the disorder. It will always screw you up trying to apply one to the other

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 12, 2013, 06:18:18 PM
I am getting caught up in him stating he knows how I feel. He says he has felt the same way before. And he is asking me to do counter to what people do (himself too) and instead of refusing to accept his actions and continue asking him to repair trust or go play in another part of the game , he wants me to agree to support him and agree to not let my upset show.

I am getting worn out on the constant re-negotiations. We agree, he breaks agreement. Consequences... well I have in the past told him I don't agree and asked for agreement to go back in place and move on with it there. This has led to emotional and verbal abuse, threats to leave, disappear on me, silent treatment for weeks broken with the occasional mocking and threatening email to which ( in the past) I eventual responded to with getting seriously upset...

Now. He does things, I tell him I don't like it, then I go do something else. Because telling him I don't like it and to please stop, without trying to iron out agreements... .  is actually more productive than trying to enforce agreements.

He breaks the agreement, does something hurtful to me... .  I tell him I don't like it, it's hurtful, I excuse myself and I don't show up for a couple of days.

The repercussions have been I am not sitting there as his companion and he hates that. He hurts me. I tell him. I leave for a few days. He has tended to do it less as a result.  

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 12, 2013, 06:40:09 PM
I am sitting here feeling completely hopeless. There have been half a dozen times in the last couple of months, where I am doing my BEST and I mean that. It's my BEST, that when I don't agree with him, he just tells me "BYE" or "Farewell to you!" or "I don't want anything from you. Can you please leave me?"

I realize you are saying toughen up, but it just hurts and I feel hopeless. I think I will just leave.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: yeeter on March 12, 2013, 07:38:04 PM
I realize you are saying toughen up, but it just hurts and I feel hopeless.

I'm not at all saying this (toughen up).  indeed, I have been in this no win situation myself.  Where it felt hopeless.

And it was.  In the sense that I had to accept that things were just never going to be the way I would ideally like them to be.  I was all caught up in her this and her that and it ate me up.

It took detachment.  Then taking a step back and assessing the whole thing from some emotional distance.  Figuring out what I could, and could not get from the relationship.  And finding other sources for the pieces that weren't there, combined with just learning to live without certain things.  In the end I decide to stay... .  but it wasn't a clear cut decision by any means.  Ironically, part of the detachment that enabled it also meant working through the possibility that I wouldn't stay, and that this was an ok outcome for me.

If you are staying 'no matter what he does', he is going to know this and do whatever he wants. Boundaries are for your own actions, and I think you have yours sorted out and have stated them clearly.  Trust yourself.  Live your values and boundaries.

More hugs.   

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 12, 2013, 08:11:04 PM
I stayed through some pretty intense things. I only did it because when he asked me to stay, I couldn't believe he would end up treating me so terribly. I mean I never dreamed he would act the way he has, then walk around acting like I should be ok with it and I am absolutely shocked that he threatens to leave and makes clear that if I try and get what I need it interferes with his fun in a video game, I am worthless to him?

Am I really? I matter that little? He has a whim and if I don't bow to it, I am tossed away garbage? REALLY?

It's a gift, isn't it? Someone hurts you cruelly and then says please stay. I thought I was a gift and that he realized how badly he had messed up. I look back to this time last year and I cannot believe how horribly he treated me.

Now he tells me to suck it up, if I want to be with him and have everything good, I have to accept this too because he "has things I want to accomplish and I can't give them up."

Seriously? He can't give up playing a video game with a woman who lives 1500 miles away and if I want him to the price for me is I get thrown away.

You know, the extremity of that and the threats on top of everything else... I alternate between a deep rage and utter hopelessness.

You really think he believes I am so worthless really?

What is the value to me in living with the feeling being ground into me day after day? How can I stay anymore?

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: sm15000 on March 13, 2013, 07:45:34 AM
I mean I never dreamed he would act the way he has, then walk around acting like I should be ok with it and I am absolutely shocked that he threatens to leave and makes clear that if I try and get what I need it interferes with his fun in a video game, I am worthless to him?

You really think he believes I am so worthless really?  What is the value to me in living with the feeling being ground into me day after day? How can I stay anymore?


It is a truly horrible shock to realise the person you love (and that you thought loved you) continues to act in a way that clearly hurts you, and will not change that behaviour for you.  It does make you feel worthless.  I felt worthless - couldn't believe that the man I was with for 13 years and who had (for the majority of those years) made me feel so wonderful and full of worth was treating me so badly.

With distance, I can see that I was banging my head against a brick wall expecting HIM to change and make ME feel worthwhile and loved again.  After all, I was the 'special' one wasn't I  

Now I have come to believe that my worth has to come from within, and I should not rely on another to give that to me; and that I needed to come down off my own narcissistic high horse and realise my 'specialness' was not quite exactly reality, but that I fed off it. . .and was hooked to it.

I think you are still having problems taking in the REALITY of the situation. . .it takes time, and far longer than I ever imagined.  I'm at about 10 months of NC and I can still sometimes wallow in the myth that he will put it right    It's quite unbelievable what the drip, drip of accepting their (frankly) quite dodgy behaviour can do, and the realisation that your own boundaires are really dodgy too.

It is not he believes you are worthless - it is who HE IS, how HE COPES, HIS defence mechansims, HIS skewed thinking and OUR poor boundaries and a deep-rooted need maybe for love that we never (until now) realised was there; and he will have recreated trauma for you that you were never that aware of.

There is no value in feeling how you do. . .absolutely none.  Perhaps, it is now time to step away for a while even if you do not end the r/s for good.  

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: elemental on March 13, 2013, 08:39:14 AM
thank you  

I was pretty low last night. Today I feel better.

I told him no. I feel better for having said it. I am totally ok with saying it. Because I feel safter and more protected. I never have done that before. My whole life, someone asks and I am busy trying to figure out how to make it happen. Screaming co dependence and me so used to it as a way of life that I never even realized I was doing it until I came here.

Is it strange that I am usually having no opinion strong enough to do anything other than being "ok" with going along with what everyone else wants? I mean, I know what I want and what I like, but I feel so guilty and anxious trying to get it when other people start making demands so I try to alleviate my anxiety by just saying sure, we can go to eat there, I am fine with those curtains, that movie looks alright to watch. And I am really thinking, I kind of wanted chinese this time, omg I hate orange curtains, I don't like war movies bleh.

He reacted, first with anger, then silence, then confusion... .  he says he doesn't even know what to do now. He is baffled. He doesn't get it. All he says he gets is that I am upset over her but he isn't doing anything wrong, he wants things to be ok, and so he gets frustrated and starts trying to MAKE me be ok because he is tired of it. He is really frustrated.

Well I am too. It's not nice sitting here trying to sort through this stuff in my head and emotions. Some days I feel like I am trying hard and wave after wave of it slams into my mind and emotions. Triggers are triggers. Probably I seem to many people here like I am BPD myself. Maybe I am. At least I understand I can't live a life of reactions and refusing to find a way beyond it.

And I know it was about BPD and learning ways to deal with HIM and not to be here and it to be all about how an affair effects a person, or the reality of the child that comes out of the affair, or how ambigouity creeps in and confuses me because the affair was with his ex wife. And the kid just sort of sits there getting validated as a child of their partnership because they were married and already had one child. I can't even say to him don't go over there because kids need their dad. So I don't say a word and it hurts a lot.

He doesn't understand why after all this time, I am in such a state of grief. He doesn't appear to comprehend the long term emotional effects of his actions.

He said he felt like trashing his accounts of his game was the only real solution. I don't need him to trash his accounts, I need empathy and for him to stop trying to force me to "get over it" on his time and instead let me heal on *my* time.

empathy and BPD. I don't even know what I am doing some days, so anyone who keeps track of me a bit here, I really just hope that you aren't offended with how I ramble around. I probably look like I head off on so many tangents, I will never find a way through.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: sm15000 on March 13, 2013, 09:09:35 AM
Is it strange that I am usually having no opinion strong enough to do anything other than being "ok" with going along with what everyone else wants? I mean, I know what I want and what I like, but I feel so guilty and anxious trying to get it when other people start making demands so I try to alleviate my anxiety by just saying sure, we can go to eat there, I am fine with those curtains, that movie looks alright to watch. And I am really thinking, I kind of wanted chinese this time, omg I hate orange curtains, I don't like war movies bleh.

Well, you most probably do have opinions strong enough. . .you just sweep those aside for the reasons you have identified - which by the way is a massive step  |iiii

I can be a bit like this - I called it 'easy-going'. . .which sometimes it is, sometimes not.  I think back and there were lots of things with my ex I would go along with - nothing that impacted majorally on me until the end.  Then I knew I had to stand my ground or he would have taken advantage of me forever. . .he was clearly testing what I would put up with.  Cheating, lying, emotional abuse and manipulation was not something I would allow. . .although I was like you - desperate inside for him to stop it/change it/realise it.  In the end, I had to manage this myself.

Probably I seem to many people here like I am BPD myself

No, you are just confused. . .and then you cannot think clearly.  Everybody here has most probably questioned themselves

He reacted, first with anger, then silence, then confusion... .  he says he doesn't even know what to do now. He is baffled. He doesn't get it. All he says he gets is that I am upset over her but he isn't doing anything wrong, he wants things to be ok, and so he gets frustrated and starts trying to MAKE me be ok because he is tired of it. He is really frustrated.

I expect so.  It's not going to (his) plan is it?  He wants you to stop putting up boundaries, let him get his own way and sweep it under the carpet. . .again - with the rest of the rubbish he has never taken accountability or showed any empathy for.

He doesn't understand why after all this time, I am in such a state of grief. He doesn't appear to comprehend the long term emotional effects of his actions. He said he felt like trashing his accounts of his game was the only real solution. I don't need him to trash his accounts, I need empathy and for him to stop trying to force me to "get over it" on his time and instead let me heal on *my* time

We're back to he won't. . .that's down to you. . .and it's up to him what he does with his 'game accounts'.

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: TigerEye on March 13, 2013, 09:17:02 AM
Hey Elemental

Just wanted to send a   a say how sorry I am that you are suffering in this way right now.

I have been following this thread since it started and have to say that because I can relate to your situation (although some circumstances are different) I have also been able to find the strength in me to say "No", I don't want this when I am trying to heal after what has happened. I have taken the bold step (for me) of stating my boundary and the consequences of it being crossed, and because this was met with the usual resistance, the blaming of me for not being able to just accept it, the guilt trips, the accusations and the lies and deceit, I have followed through and removed myself from the r/s. It is now up to her to show me she is serious about this relationship, she knows what she has to do if she wants me in her life. It's time for her to decide which of those double standards she wants to live by.

For me, this has been the right thing to do, I could not carry on with things being the way they were and being told to "grow a pair" when she couldn't even see the hurt or the damage that her affair(s) have had on our r/s. It has given me some space to sort things through in my head without having the daily battle with twisted thinking, distorted reality and the talk of getting back in contact with one of those people because they aren't well just now and she feels guilty because she should be there for them right now - really?. I think she thinks I will always be there for her as I have had trouble with my boundaries in the past and have stuck with her when maybe I should have left before. Now she is facing the reality that actually I won't stand by and let her walk all over my feelings.

I could move past what has happened, but like you, I need time to heal and her current behavior isn't helping one little bit. So thank you for this thread, I sincerely hope you are finding the inspiration you need to make the right choice for you, you will be able to find a way through and it will be on your terms and that will feel good, it does for me!

Take care of you Elemental

Title: Re: I don't think he has a conscience
Post by: briefcase on March 13, 2013, 01:25:13 PM

This has been a worthwhile topic, but we have reached our four page limit so I am locking this thread.  Feel free to start a new thread to continue the discussion.