
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: hurting300 on July 18, 2014, 02:39:47 PM

Title: Missing my child's first birthday
Post by: hurting300 on July 18, 2014, 02:39:47 PM
Well today is my daughter's first birthday... my (ex?) Girlfriend is currently giving me the extreme silent treatment for almost four months now. I came home from work after a normal day of texting her and found she had moved and took the baby. Not a word from her since. I'm over her, but I'm extremely depressed today. I miss my baby. I hate her now and if it's the last thing I do I will get even.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: Mutt on July 18, 2014, 02:49:39 PM
I have 3 kids and the youngest is older than yours. I missed his 2nd birthday after the split. Your DD is turning 1 it's tough   You have anger and it's OK to have those angry feelings. Did you call and ask if you could see your D today? Are you in NC or she is still giving you the silent treatment?

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 18, 2014, 02:53:22 PM
Silent Treatment. Her phone was cut off. I have no idea where she is. She just disappeared.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 19, 2014, 03:54:39 PM
Plus I just don't get why she can't stop this maddening behavior

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: Artisan on July 19, 2014, 04:38:13 PM
Seems like a judge would have a hay day with that kind of behavior. Might be an in for you to get full custody.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 19, 2014, 05:14:20 PM
Yes the judge will. We have to find her first. I have no idea what happened. We had a great night before. Even had amazing sex. The only thing I can think of is she was mad because I called her out on lies.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: Artisan on July 19, 2014, 09:53:02 PM
If somebody is more knowledgable than I about such things please correct me ... .

However ... .

To all appearances, this is kidnapping.

I'd get the police involved. This is your child, you have every right to know where that kid is.

If she is that unstable, you don't know what could happen to your kid, or who she is exposing your child too and the dangers inherent in that.

This is serious stuff.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 19, 2014, 10:20:59 PM
Well, thing is I'm not on the birth certificate. We were going to do that. Then she disappeared. And I won't lie, she had been letting the baby stay with her grandmother for weeks at a time, so she could find a job. That didn't make sense. Oh, she never did find a job. So I blew up two days before that. I told her to get a Damn job, bring our baby home and slack off the excuses and lying or your out  then she disappeared. I've not heard one word.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: Artisan on July 21, 2014, 09:28:29 PM
So she had an immaculate conception and you aren't the father because it's not on a birth certificate ?

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: Mutt on July 22, 2014, 12:16:02 AM
I'm not a legal expert but could you petition the court for a paternity test to prove that you are? Do you have a lawyer?

I understand that you trust her and your child was being watched by her grandmother but I agree with Artisan, she took your child without telling you and you don't know where either are? Have you called the police for kidnapping?

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: momtara on July 22, 2014, 06:09:40 AM
I think you should consider seriously that she can make up an allegation about you, and then you really won't see her daughter.  You have to do something now.  Document, write a journal entry, have a lawyer send a letter to her last known address.  Talk to a lawyer before reaching out to her.  Don't think about "getting even," think about how to protect yourself and have a shot at custody.  You have to stay stable and react calmly even if it's hard.  Dads have really lost out because their exes made up lies and such.  You want to make sure you can get at least 50/50 if you are a stable dad.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: ForeverDad on July 22, 2014, 10:14:03 AM
First, if she has moved elsewhere that happens to be a distance away or even out of the state, then after six months she can claim residence (wherever).  Do you want a court case potentially far away for the years to come?  I would suggest you file in family court and start your case well before the 6 months is up.  That will lock in the court location even if she can't be located right now.  So you only have a couple months to lock in your local family court as the deciding authority if she has moved far away.  The clock is ticking... .

When you do get the legal issues addressed such as paternity, custody, parenting schedule, etc, realize that you may not get every birthday or other events with your child.  Family court typically alternates holidays during the year and then flips the schedule for alternate years.  In other words, the holidays you don't get one year are the ones you get the next year.  So you may get your child for birthdays and holidays on alternate years.  For those times when you don't have him according to schedule and she is not cooperative to share events then you may have to make your own parties and gatherings on your own parenting time.  Not optimal but that's what you'll have to learn to work around.

By the way, you can be angry about the situation, that she is obstructing your parenting, but don't ever appear to be an angry or aggressive man to police, family court, evaluators or anyone else.  As momtara wrote, if you are perceived as an angry man then it will make any potential false allegations more believable and enable her to obstruct your parenting even more.  As the Scripture says, "Be wrathful, but do not sin; do not let the sun set while you are still angry". (Ephesians 4:26)  There's a lot of truth to that.

Remember, it's not about getting even, or even being fair.  (Many here have learned that family court doesn't try hard to be 'fair'.)  No, it about being the best father to your child that you can be, even if your time is limited by circumstances outside your control.  If you become focused on getting even, then your child will be the big loser.  Some chaos and obstruction you'll just have to Let Go emotionally.  Yes, you need to get legal help through the courts to establish, enable and protect your parenting, but don't lose sight of what the important things are.  Being angry won't help your parenting efforts.  Choose instead to determine what the best constructive strategies are.  That's another aspect of good peer support.  We've been there, done that.  Learn from our collective experiences.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 22, 2014, 02:46:08 PM
Hey guys, I can't get her for kidnapping because I'm not on the birth certificate. I've paid big money for a great family law attorney. I have full custody of my first daughter. So this shouldn't be hard. My ex left behind some damaging evidence. Her diaries are completely sick. Plus appointment cards to numerous psychologists. She will pay for this. I loved and took care of my ex for 18 months with nothing but excuses as to why she couldn't work. She is bumming off guy friends right now. She will always be a low life and I feel sick saying that. I've had zero contact with her since April 2nd 2014. I came home and she was moved out. It's weird because all day that day we flirted over text and she even had sex with me and made my lunch for the day. All of a sudden the messages stopped. She was gone.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: momtara on July 22, 2014, 02:51:45 PM
Bizarre.  Clearly she has an illness.  I know you are hurting.  Rather than revenge, just try to focus on what's best for your daughter.  Since you have the diaries and plenty of other evidence, you will do fine... .and in the end, she is not going to be very happy. 

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 22, 2014, 03:04:39 PM
What's messed up, is she's been driving by my house! Four times so far. I'm always gone when she does this. My mom and neighbors tell me about it. And another thing. She always blocks me on Facebook also. But this time she deactivated her Facebook. I think she may be stalking me. She is a quiet woman. She only raged one or two times at me... but she pulled scissors on her mother. That blank stare is gets me. I've never once heard her say i love you to our baby

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: momtara on July 22, 2014, 08:58:18 PM
Maybe she is mentally ill beyond BPD, and delusional.  You could ask for a psych evaluation.  Maybe someone can tape her driving by?

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 22, 2014, 09:32:07 PM
You may think I'm joking, but I got extremely angry at her one night and left. When I came back she ask me where I went. I popped off "I went on a date" she replied, no you did not. She followed me that night and I swear I never saw her. It's like she's a ghost. She can hide just playing around and it's like she has navy seal precision. She is so physically strong also. I think she wants to hurt me. Just the way she would stare at me whenever I'd catch her in lies and she wouldn't blow up. Just stare. She scares me.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: catnap on July 23, 2014, 09:49:04 AM
She followed me that night and I swear I never saw her.

I think she may be stalking me.

Could she have been using the GPS on your phone to track you? 

I've paid big money for a great family law attorney.

What steps has the attorney suggest you take? 

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 23, 2014, 10:08:23 AM
No she had no phone. This girl is high threat. We are just trying to locate her now. I've been advised too watch my back. I read in her diary that she had a dream she cut the tongue out of a seven year old and put him in the basement. And she wrote that she could communicate with some guy she liked without even saying a word but he didn't know it yet.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: momtara on July 23, 2014, 11:08:07 AM
I know you're not joking.  She needs a psych eval or custody evaluation.  I think she has issues beyond BPD.  (I'm not a shrink, but!)  That journal is scary.  Sounds like she should be in treatment.  She has probably had severe issues back to childhood, so as hard as it is, try not to think about 'getting even'; just get your child back as soon as you can and/or get some kind of order.  Sorry you're going through this, but hopefully your child's 2nd b-day will be better.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 23, 2014, 11:33:39 AM
The pros are doing all they can. My ex is a scary person. I want to go look for them myself but I swear I get the feeling she would do something.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: momtara on July 23, 2014, 11:56:34 AM
Follow your instincts.  I bet you can give the professionals ideas on where she might be.  (With relatives? Best friends?  Ex lovers?)  The cops could trace her ATM use etc. if it's a police matter... .

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: scraps66 on July 23, 2014, 12:15:12 PM
You need the paternity test, now.  Then you need some type of a custody agreement.  That was the first thing that my very first L asked me after explaining my predicament, is the kid yours.  And don't lapse with this, she may have someone else that she could CLAIM is the father, and string him along too.

Look at it this way, regardless of what you're feeling which is not good, this is not a way for your diaghter to enjoy her first birthday, but more so not a good lifestyle for her.  So channel your anger into action and that may make you feel better and a little more in control.   

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 23, 2014, 12:31:52 PM
She has no job still. She is not been at any of the families homes I've checked out. She has simply vanished. Her driving by my home tells me she is close. Mainly because it's out of her way to do such a thing. I truly think she is keeping tabs on me. And I'm trying not to be too angry trust me.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 23, 2014, 12:45:05 PM
Ok the lawyer is going to get a judge to let him get her medical records. Someone said she might be beyond BPD. I think you are right. She never raged but once or twice. But she did slam doors and was extremely jealous of anyone who talked to me, she didn't complain really but the looks and body language said it all. She was a covert abuser. Now that I'm pretty much over the shock I see that. I truly believe she is a psychopath capable of murder. If you could just read her diary you would agree.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: momtara on July 23, 2014, 01:30:34 PM
Yes, she does sound like she has bigger problems... .what would make her leave so suddenly?

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 23, 2014, 01:39:43 PM
Trust me, I've asked myself that question a thousand times. I figure it's because I was catching her in lies and she wouldn't be honest. She had this idea that it was ok too talk about me behind my back and have entitlement.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: catnap on July 24, 2014, 08:04:32 AM
I am with momtara, be very careful. 

Can you discreetly check if she has taken the baby to the pediatrician since she left?  Perhaps she gave them different contact info.  I realize you are not on the birth certificate, but was thinking if your listed as the father you might be able to see the baby's records. 

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 24, 2014, 11:44:01 AM
No I'm not listed. She's a complete control freak. She needs to be taught a lesson, and as soon as we can serve her it'll start.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: ForeverDad on July 24, 2014, 12:40:48 PM
She needs to be taught a lesson, and as soon as we can serve her it'll start.

If your court is like most courts, she won't be "taught a lesson".  They'll set a baseline order, temporary at the beginning, supposedly fair and not gender based but almost certainly subtly defaulted in her favor.  It's your job hang in there, not give up.  I'm not trying to discourage you but just spelling out the reality many fathers face.  It's a marathon and not a sprint.

Largely the courts don't care about the conflict, they expect conflict in the early stages of settling into parenting.  They also expect the parents to get fed up waiting for court to do something and so the majority of cases settle just to move on with their lives.  Sadly, our sort of cases are not the majority. The court techniques that work for most don't faze our entitled ex-spouses/BFs/GFs.  They see themselves as The Authority.  It's been a long time since we had any influence, but family court is The Real Authority, though glacially slow.

I'm not saying you can't or won't come out on top, I'm just saying don't be surprised if things don't go your way.

My story... .I called 911 in 2005 when my then-spouse of nearly 15 years made death threats.  Eventually she was arrested and I got a protection order (TPO) and she was blocked from the house.  As soon as she got out on OR she went to family court to 'protect' herself from me, trying to make me look as bad as her.  Problem is, she included our preschooler in her ex parte motion.  At the hearing CPS stood up and stated they had "no concerns" about me.  (Nothing was said about her, no doubt because she had accused me there and the case against her was in another court that didn't handle children.)  Magistrate never mentioned the pending case against her, just asked, What are your work schedules?  Well, she claimed she "worked from home" (impossible at the time!) so of course she got temporary custody and majority time.  I got alternate weekends and a brief 3 hour visit in between.  Consequences?  No.

When the family court cases were dismissed she blocked all father-son contact, even phone calls, as the parent in possession without an order defining a schedule.  (Police would not help me, saying we had equal but undefined rights as parents.  I was told to return when I had a court order in hand, but they also said if I tried to see my son without a court order and she called them then they would rush to respond.  Not wanted to get arrested, I)  After a month of blocking I gave up on reconciliation and filed for divorce.  By the time I got the initial divorce hearing to set a temp order it was 3 full months blocked from my preschooler.  Magistrate - the same one we had before - asked her to confirm that.  Then he simply said, "I'll fix that" and put the same schedule back in place.  No consequences, no make-up time, no lecturing to her, not even a finger wagged at her.

I could continue with multiple examples as the years went by, every time the order was modified it was baby steps in my favor.  The last order was issued a half year ago and numerous references were made about mother's poor behaviors, disparagement of father in son's presence was the most common occurrence.  Nothing bad was said about me.  The new schedule was that I had majority time during the school year and equal time during the summer.  How did that new order after 8 years of conflict compare with the original 30-minute order?  In the old one I had 22% time.  In the new order she has 25% time during the school years and 50% time during the summer.  Despite all her misbehaviors over the years, she still had a more favorable schedule than I had when we got our first order! :'(

My point in writing all that was to demonstrate that court is not trying to be fair or insightful or delivering justice.  And if it does try to "teach her a lesson" it will be so muted and subtle (for her) that she won't recognize it due to her sense of overwhelming entitlement and need to be in control.  Court will be following laws, case law, procedures, polices, defaults, etc.  If she had majority parenting time in the past, the court will default to letting that continue until overwhelmingly demonstrated otherwise.  It will make sure, once you prove you are the father, that you do have some regular time with your child.  With a child under 3 years of age, it might default to a short alternate weekend for you plus 2-3 visits in between.  Since she's likely to make trumped up allegations, you may start off with even less until the court is satisfied you're not a child-eating ogre.

As many have noted here, it's not that you win your case but that she loses hers.  Still, the courts hate to make one parent feel the loser and let the other feel a winner, so you'll find that it often wants to choose a middle ground.  For that reason, ask for more than you think you'll get.  Why?  "If you don't ask for it you won't get it, but if you ask for it you might get it or some of it."

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: momtara on July 24, 2014, 12:43:20 PM

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: scraps66 on July 24, 2014, 12:52:13 PM
I would be very careful about an approach of, "teaching a lesson."  Given the deplorable level of incompetence at work in many courthouses across the nation, you could end up being very disappointed.  Keep a "neutral" posture as much as you can.  I my case I found that the "victories" were miniscule and few and far between in comparison to the aggravation and effort required to achieve a certain outcome.  Even things that are seemingly insignificant can be get horribly out of hand when dealing with a BP.

Also, teaching a lesson via legalities = $$$$$$$$$$$.  So I think a different mindset is necessary, don't get wrapped up in things like getting back at, concentrate on your daughter and that can alleviate your feelings about her mother.  Beyond that, again referencing the courthosue craziness, my L had told me, "if you're looking for justice, you're in the wrong place."

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 24, 2014, 01:18:08 PM
I won full custody of my first daughter. I'm almost 100% I'll win again. We now have proof of her mental illness. Her record of not working past 6 months on a job, and no place to stay. Plus it helps that the judges are familiar with me.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: momtara on July 24, 2014, 01:28:22 PM
You use language like 'teach a lesson' and 'she will pay.'   That sounds like anger and revenge talking.  Natural emotions, but hopefully your main aim is not to cause more hurt.  It's healthier to focus on helping your daughter and yourself.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 24, 2014, 01:35:45 PM
I am angry honestly. But for 18 months i paid her way and loved her more than I did myself. I still love her. But in the end she tested me to far. Over the last six months i felt things changing for the worse. So... .I gathered evidence against her. Videos, diaries, recorded calls. She has led a life of screwing over innocent men and lying and cheating. Now she messed with the wrong one. Mental illness is no excuse. Now we also have her medical records and family members arrest records. I will not stop until she's committed. And gets the help she needs. You have no idea the emotional trauma she has put me thru. I thank you all for your help.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: Artisan on July 24, 2014, 05:24:51 PM
Put your child before the anger and face the real issues and not her crazy.

you aren't here to help her fix herself and be a white knight.

Be a dad.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 24, 2014, 06:22:18 PM
Thanks man... .I'm really tryin not to be mad.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: Artisan on July 24, 2014, 10:03:30 PM
It's a tough situation, and my heart goes out to you and your family.

In this case, take care of your daughter, then be angry.

If the court see's you angry, or out to get even or teach a lesson or anything along those lines, you've lost.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: Deb on July 25, 2014, 12:07:28 PM
Just want to point out that you cannot teach a person with BPD a lesson. No matter what, it will be YOUR fault. Their illness guarantess they will never get it.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: hurting300 on July 25, 2014, 10:06:40 PM
That's true... I just can't believe this is happening. We should be married and cuddled up watching a movie while our baby plays. Not her vanishing with our baby and me trying to find them crying in my pillow every night.

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: catnap on July 28, 2014, 08:29:13 AM
Since she is driving by your house on a regular basis, has your L suggested hiring a private investigator?  We had to use one to locate son's exgf to serve her court papers. 

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: ForeverDad on July 28, 2014, 08:37:32 AM
I just can't believe this is happening.


We should be married and cuddled up watching a movie while our baby plays.

wishes & dreams

Not her vanishing with our baby

reality you must accept

and me trying to find them crying in my pillow every night.

understandable but meanwhile find a good long term strategy

What's messed up, is she's been driving by my house! Four times so far. I'm always gone when she does this. My mom and neighbors tell me about it. And another thing. She always blocks me on Facebook also. But this time she deactivated her Facebook.

Was she seen driving by at the same time of day or day of week?  Any way to narrow down the most likely times of day?  It's probably too expensive to hire PI 24/7 so narrowing it down could help a lot.  And have you considered adding video surveillance to your yard with a view of the street just in case?

As for the social blocking, it's retaliatory mind games.  It's her account, she has the right to do it.  Also, if she's disappeared this thoroughly, she may have gotten legal advice?

Title: Re: missing my child's first birthday:(
Post by: momtara on July 28, 2014, 04:11:08 PM
"We should be married and cuddled up watching a movie while our baby plays"

You are right.  It's so easy to think about what could be.  Hopefully someday you will have a more normal family life.  I hope I will!

Title: Re: Missing my child's first birthday
Post by: hurting300 on July 28, 2014, 06:33:15 PM
She could have gotten legal advise but we have proof of her mental illness, but honestly she has no money.

Title: Re: Missing my child's first birthday
Post by: momtara on July 31, 2014, 10:22:22 AM
Have you found them yet?  If she's driving by, she can't be far.

Title: Re: Missing my child's first birthday
Post by: hurting300 on August 01, 2014, 02:45:36 PM
No not yet, she is off the grid.