I found and bought the Walking on Eggshells and I saw the book I hate you, don't leave me. Just reading the descriptions I wanted to cry. There it was what I had been going through for the last 5 years or so. I felt relief.
Hi! I live with my BP Mother In Law. I have been with my partner for 5 years, and she has lived with us for 3. We just got married in June and her behavior has escalated since then. She moved in with us from out on state due to increasing health needs, but in spite of her health improving, her dependence on us has increased. My husband and I recently went to a therapist about it and she suggested that my MIL might have BPD. She recommended we take a look at Walking on Eggshells, and I too cried in relief. This was about a month ago and my husband and I have been trying to figure out where to go from here. She went away visiting family for a month and it was a much needed break. I was in my apartment alone for the 1st time in 3 years because she won't ever leave!
It has also been super confusing for me as I figure out how to support my husband in this process. My MIL has a severe history of trauma- abusive parents, 2 abusive husbands- and my husband has been witness to some of it. We have loved providing a space where we know that she feels safe, but the toll it has taken has been immense. Placing new boundaries and forcing her to reclaim some independence from us is going to be really challenging and is a bit anxiety producing.
Anyway, all I really wanted to say is that I too am in a similar place on this BPD journey and it is such a comfort to know my husband and I are not the only ones. Sorry for the tangent =)