I'm almost 3 months out of a relationship with my exWbpd and I still find myself traumatized and almost paralyzed by the aftermath and what I've gone through. Whats worse is I SSTILL love the girl and KNOW I shouldn't . I'm in the process of getting my own RO against her b.c. her BPD has made her vindictive as she has gotten her Johns ( I found out that she was escort ) to go as far as commit a hit and run nearly killing me ...
The 6 months we had together were a rollercoaster romance. So many things that one would consider common sense were foreign to her and therefore caused so many fights. Like why dating the guy that raped your best friend might be wrong or dangerous( story to come). I got to the devalue stage almost immediately after she stopped 'needing' me. Her BPD caused massive stress paranoia focused on tech. As a programmer , I was able to calm her worries whenever she suspected something. Then one day I convinced her she need not worry about it anymore b.c. I paid someone who use to work for the CIA tech dept to stop it -( I learned to lie from the best I guess

). Mere days after this she started acting sketchy- hanging up the phone and sudden 'errands'. She became very irritable and tried to make me feel guilty for anything she could even when she had no reason to.
One night she went out with a friend and called me at 5 am to pick her up but when I called back she wouldn't pick up and didn't do so until 3 hours later. She made up some Bs story that I called her out on and the next day right after she gets me to have sex , as Im getting my own space from her to 4get the blatant betrayal , she not only breaks up with me and guilts me about talking space , she tries to make me jealous by telling me she already had a date for the night .!
Fast forward to today I find out that break up was planned and needed as she had been paid to escort some guy or guys for the next week and a half. unfortunately , the first night,the one that lead to the break up, her friend w her was raped by both men they were with and my exWBPd actually LET it happen . More fd up is that she had started to have unprotectected sex with one of the guys at the time when I was calling her back and she only stopped bit b.c.i was calling , but b.c. her friend was so drunk that the guy wanted to have a 3 some and my exWBPD didn't want to 'share' in bed !
Anyway, I end up getting an STD from her and that ordeal a week later. She denied the whole thing and my gullible ass believed her even as this thing was growing on my nuts. She tries to start the relationship over again after missing her period the weekend after her escorting was done. We get back together for a few weeks all the while , unbeknownst to me, she is still communicating with one of the same guys that raped her friend .
Things hit the fan on July 4th where my fireworks were her slipping up telling me she left out details about the one night I caught her and then starts making threats to me after I call her out on the fact that the thing on my nuts HAD TO BE a real STD.!
I start losing my mind as from that day on she starts retracting her statements , refusing to give me any further info, then starts to belittle me for believing I have an STD . Then one night , while waiting for my std results, she calls me to tell me she missed me but slips up and saids that she had just been bad with the guy she was with ! My hysteria goes into overload as she slips up more throughout the following days as I'm begging her for info related to the STD and she reveals shes still talking to the rapist/std host and that she slept with multiple me the last month we were together. I tell her I'm falling apart mentally and that I need to talk to a shrink and that doing so could jepordize her custody if she didn't get help herself so she runs to the police to tell them my efforts to get info about the STD were my obsessive acts to try and get her to love me again by harassing her! The cop believes her and assists in starting a RO. Meanwhile I start to notice that the threats she made were coming true as people start following me while driving . Then one night one of those cars jackknifes me sending me straight to the opposite side of the freeway nearly killing me ! Her followup to this was sending me a private process server to my parents house to announce loudly to my neighborhood 'm now stalking her. In the days to come more people start shadowing my mom's place until one night I see what appears to be a gun pointed out the window on their ring cam and at that point file to start my own RO. Come hearing time I am shocked to see a 3 person team of lawyers on her bench indicating to me that she started 'work' again to be able to hire them which leads me to where I am now with a continuance requested as I need to prep hard for what's to come.Ill admit I feel like I got some sort of revenge by revealing her as a prostitute but feel terrible that its true. Right now I am certain she has reinitiated contact with at least one of her Johns who is most likely responsible for the hit and run and is providing her unlimited funds for her legal team. I am scared , tired , depressed ,lost , heartbroken , and so confused . I have no idea how she continues this tirade of treacherous actions when all I did was try to love her and her daughter. I know she had BPD which is the only reason I am able to come to terms with everything without closure but I honestly can't help but start having a panic attack every time I think about how messed up my life has become due to her. It's almost impossible to talk to anyone about this without being met with disbelief b.c. the story is so unbelievable even to me . I find myself traumatized, /paralyzed every time I try to do anything productive. People just tell me to forget and move on but how can I when it's not over. I don't see how her family , who is helping her with the litigation , is able to assist her with going forward as there is documented evidence of her misdoings. When I leave my house im looking over my shoulder and limping from my injury but am not doing anything about b.c. I'm too distraught to do anything . How does one get through this ?