SS22 went into his first dual diagnosis (addiction/anxiety) program when he was 15. Since then he has been to three addiction treatment programs. This week, he entered another. By his own admission, he has never entered any of these programs because he has wanted to change. His uBPD mother picked all of them, including the last one which went for a year and had no professional counselling.
This latest program is also dual diagnosis. His mom picked it too - SS22 says he knows very little about it. A few months ago, she "saved" him when his drugs debts got too high, took him in, kicked him out and took him in again. And then the two of them lived in her apartment for a few months. Neither had a job. Most of his contact with DH was asking for money to pay off his drug debt (ie his mother who paid his drug debt), or blaming him as per his mother's instructions. When we saw him a few days ago, he had a bunch of new clothes (his mom rewards him with new clothes and electronics when he does what she asks) and looked healthy and strong. Not like someone heading into a program who feels he needs to make a change.
SS22's mom is a classic enabler to his addiction. He was her all-good child. But when he tried to move in with DH when he was 15, she raged for days (staged an intervention, disowned him, then begged him to live with her again). He has spent most of his life trying to please her, which as we know is impossible. His Ts have said he doesn't have coping mechanisms for his anxiety so turns to drugs and alcohol to self medicate. He can rarely identify or name his own feelings. When he has occasionally spoken out about his mom, she has figured it out and "fired" his T or pulled him from the program. After months of freezing him out, she takes him back in again.
Now that SS22 is an adult, there is no parental participation in this latest program. In some ways this is good because the Ts don't get to hear the "poor mom" stories and then later realize they were all lies. But it also means the Ts don't get to hear some of what has really gone on from DH. His mom has convinced SS22 he has a PD. He has been diagnosed with anxiety and depression but she has told him it is bigger than that (projection?) He told DH that he and his mom think he has Avoidant PD and then said "and don't blame mom, she is just trying to help me."
Because there is no involvement of DH in this latest program, we fear that even if he gets a good counsellor, he will not tell the truth. Or maybe more likely, he doesn't even really know the truth. I am hoping the program tests him and that he doesn't have a PD. But of course we have no idea what he is dealing with since he has spent many years under his mom's control.
DH and I are going to visit with SS22 at his treatment program on Xmas eve (his mother is going Xmas day, and we have no desire to run into her.) For years, I've wondered if someone should be telling SS22 about his mother's likely BPD. She has never been diagnosed, and is unlikely to be. Many years ago, she lost it with one of SS22's Ts, who had spent years working in a BPD clinic. The T told us that although she couldn't diagnose DH's ex she recognized a number of BPD traits. But before this T was able to work through some things with SS22, his mom had pulled him from the program.
DH has talked in generalities about BPD with SS22, as per the guidance of his Ts. The ones who have figured out SS22's mom have said that the topic of mental illness needs to be slowly introduced as SS22 struggles to even talk about her. Most people meeting SS22 can see his tremendous potential. DH and I see him as smart, athletic, funny and handsome. But he believes none of that.
So, as he heads into the program do we just sit quietly and say nothing? I know he's an adult and that he needs to take responsibility for his own treatment. But it feels so deja vu to watch him head to another program where he'll say little about the real issues. I know a good T can help him work through some of what has happened in the past, but it is unlikely he'll bring those up given that he doesn't want to disappoint/upset his mom, who just "saved him", rewarded him and drove him to the program.
I honestly don't even know what we could do -- write a letter to the program, talk more to SS22 now that he's away from his mom? Of course, there is probably nothing we can do, but it sure feels helpless to just watch all of this from the sidelines.
I'd appreciate any ideas or reminders to sit on my hands.