Hey Mutt,
I “dated” someone that I had religious and cultural differences for about 4 years or so. I put dated in quotes because it was never entirely clear we were dating as he was not really supposed to date in his religion, but whatever. Technicalities.
We stayed friends after things ended, and in time our contact lessened and it was fine. He got married to someone from his background within a couple of years after we broke and he had a kid with her. (He sort of sucked away the last, best years of my fertility by the way, but…my fault too for waiting around…) He later met my current SO and they got along well - both engineers, similar cultural backgrounds. It was nice, friendly. All that to say I know the pain of the cultural/religion divide getting in the way. It was hard because it wasn’t like it wasn’t obvious up front that we were from different cultures, but in the end he just couldn’t break that barrier - pleasing his parents and his firm belief people from different cultures can’t last sealed the deal - although I am sure we got along better than he ever had with any woman. That is what it so hard for him to break I think. I was easy-going and drama free, amongst a few features.
My take: This woman still has feelings for you although intellectually she knows it does not work for her life.
It is nice that you still care and are sensitive to her ongoing life drama. I’d suggest though, that for your own peace of mind you let yourself focus on your dating if she is sure there is no chance. Not to be trite, but the brain and heart are not always in sync, but your brain knows how to lead you forward. Let it lead I’d advise, the heart will eventually let go enough and you’ll be fine in time. This is of course not a leave message, if there was a chance and you wanted to try I’d be here for that!

I think you are just trying to get your bearings here and have it echoed that yes, she has feelings. I get how painful and tragic that can feel when two people want each other but can't be together somehow... .
Lastly, I actually intentionally dated someone new just one month after a big breakup once to ensure, for myself, I’d never go back to the previous relationship.
Breakups are horrible, but it really does get better…and you will eventually meet another lovely person you can give all that love to!
Do you want to keep working at being friends with her? Do you need a break from that?
with compassion, pearl.