I wanted to first start by saying.. They made him give S4 back.

I am honestly shocked. I really just wanted to have the protective order to keep him away from the places listed and to give S4 back.. but they brought down the hammer. I don't think it has sunk in what really happened yet.
So which option did he take or was he given (30 days or 12 months)...was something "imposed" on him? Does he have another hearing over this?
If I count right..there are three different legal issues going on..right? (assault prosecution, PO, divorce/support) Do you have lawyers and a timeline for all of them?
The 90 days in county jail or 12 months probation (out of jail, but have to complete classes, community service, etc.) Correct about the three different legal issues. The protective order was granted, the assault case he has until 12/18 to decide which offer he will take, and the divorce/support.. well, that hasn't even started yet.
I would think that this is shaping up to get him supervised visitation with S4 eventually in a setting where you will not have to have contact at all.
Hang in there. I know this is frustrating but I really think it's going to come out in your favor.
You are 100% correct. They set supervised visits. And the biggest part that blew me away.. 14 years protective order for myself and S4.. basically until S4 in an adult.
S4 is back home. The judge told him to return S4 to me by 12pm the following day (Fridday) or he would had a warrant issued for his arrest. H did return S4, and all of his belongings. When I was going through S4 things, H stashed away all the letters I had written to him that he had kept, all the stuff the kids made for him, even my weddings rings that I left behind. Even the valentine letter he had some draw when he was in jail. I tore up the letters and threw them out. I think I may have to start a new thread. S4 is home, I have a 14 year protective order, and H is now saying he won't pay for supervised visits.
I think I can call this thread end and will start a new one. I have a feeling this next chapter is going to bring a whole different set feelings and emotions. There is a part of me that wishes we had been able to work something out for the boys, but then there is a part of me that knows he never would of let up if I hadn't done something drastic.