I honestly don't know anymore what it would mean to fight for her. That's what I've been doing all along. I'm quite sure that from her perspective the only thing I could do is give up my hobby and commit all my time to her and her son. That's not on offer.
Salty Dawg suggested I could take a pause on my hobby. I'd be willing to do that if there was some substantial change in the relationship but I don't think that will actually happen. I could try with the understanding that if the dysfunction continues I'd just break up again. But we've done this dance every three months for a long time. I'm ready to take a seat.
From her emotional perspective, she feels like I'm cheating on her with my hobby. How dare I want to spend time doing something that is not with her! It seems that she's only comfortable with me being away for an hour or so at a time. She's also made complaints about my work. There have been a few times where I need to work extra hours because I'm behind or schedules change. That's not been OK either. She's said that I need to put up "reasonable boundaries" around my work and hobby. My interpretation is that means only working 8 hours a day and only spending an hour or so at my hobby at any given time.
I did find a place closer by with a friend from the other place to do my hobby. That was the plan all along. I would get that closer and be more available.
I could try to emphasize that again but at this point it seems either I quit completely or she's not available. This is the boundary she's decided for herself. I can't change that.
Usagi...I'm in no way telling you to 'run' or 'not run'. Just sharing that this all feels like a treadmill to be on for you. One of the things we see a lot here is that we try to give in to the demands in order to make our partner happy, and that is never enough. Because the feelings aren't related to facts. You're changing the facts of the situation by even considering dropping the hobby, or how you you changed the location of where you do it.The hope is that will soothe her feelings.
But the well of 'feelings' about your hobby may not change, and if you quit the hobby you are being disrespectfully being controlled and manipulated. And then there will be something else.