Hello woob1124 and

You have read a lot of the difficult stuff already. Nothing I can say will take the sting out of it.
And no, there is nothing that is easy about the life you are living today.
However there is good news--you are learning about it. The first part is learning that it is happening.
The second part is learning what you can do about it. No, you can't 'cure' her.
However, you can do a HUGE amount to take care of yourself, and make your life much more manageable and happier.
You say the disease hijacked your life. Time to change course and put your life back on track. And it is the disease that did it, not your girlfriend.
I'd recommend you start by leaving rather than listening to the rages. Since she can't bear to leave the house, that makes it easier on--you know she won't follow you!
Trust me... .once you learn to enforce boundaries to protect yourself from the raging and verbal/emotional abuse, you will find an amazing amount of your energy returning!
Hang in there, and keep on sharing your story--it really helps!