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Author Topic: Have any of your experienced your BPD SO showing up at your door unannounced?  (Read 745 times)

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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 30

« on: June 23, 2015, 02:05:56 AM »

I have finally decided this evening to move from the staying/leaving  forum to the leaving/ healing from the wounds or this forum.

The following is what I had posted on the  other forum as a means of background to my situation:

Have been in an intense r/s with uBPD/NPDbf for 4 months +. He broke up with me 10 times over frivolous things like: having a stick of incense on when he came by my place; giving him bottled water and coffee from my fridge in order to make coffee and being in the kitchen when he made it; not getting a Google map up quickly enough on my iPhone to suit his needs; texting him on a Sunday to verify that the coffee he wanted me to buy for him was the right brand and I could go on.

I realized fairly early on that there was something going on with him and then that it was BPD and NPD. I know I suffer from my own abandonment issues- am adopted and spent the first 4 1/2 months of my life in an orphanage etc. Suffer from codependency too.

Got sucked in because of my own neediness . Feel like I am still in love with him. He has just shut me out most recently by accusing me of "leaning on {him} to come up and see me for my own selfish wants" even though a week before he arrived at my door without any announcement at 11 p.m. !

Feel a lot of empathy for him as I have suffered from depression since my early teens and was then diagnosed with OCD in early 90's. Have been in therapy for quite a number of years and am on medication ,so I can function as normally as possible.

Have read up quite a bit on BPD because of my r/s with him. Know I cannot cure him, but still have so much compassion for him.

Received the usual nasty emails two weeks + ago that he was going to call the police because I was still emailing him. Have backed off now.

Have felt it very helpful to read so many of your posts on BPD b/us; replacements; dealing with the post-b/u pain etc.

Know rationally that nothing could ever work out with him but feel he was/is the love of my life. See the devastation mentally he has caused in my life in just 4 months because of the intensity of the r/s which all of you are aware of with BPD's. Wonder if he will try to come back. Know he has painted me black right now.


Finally, he got back in contact with me last Friday. He has been living in a hotel since June 10 as his apt lease was up the next day. I went to see him partially to see how I would really feel being with him again after 5 weeks of a break this time. I stayed the night with him but felt numb. He was in contact with me both the next day and yesterday. He has not had any success to date with finding a room to rent as his credit is not good now and he is not making any $ in his own business. Has been basically living off his IRA for two years now. He doesn't have a job. He has alienated most of his family and friends. I was the only one standing by him. Anyway, tonight, he suddenly appears on my doorstep around 9 p.m. I didn't expect to see him at all. He was in a  bad mood even though he was planning on staying the night and maybe a few nights. I don't know. He was hungry but wouldn't eat anything I had. Then he decided to have a shower and complained about different conditioners until he found that the third one suited him. I made the mistake of lighting a candle in my living room and after he showered I was told that I was supposed to have asked him permission before I lit a candle and that I had committed a crime.

Then he decided to leave which is par for the course. This is the 11th time he has walked out. I don't know if he was planning on driving the hour back to where he had come from and sleeping in his truck or what. However, I just told him goodbye and good luck. Then I emailed him the same with "Please do not contact me again."

I have now blocked his phone and his email addresses, so he has no way of contacting me. I am going to go NC for real this time as from reading so many threads here and on the other site, it seems to be the only way to go.

What I wondering is if some of you have experienced their SO / bf or gf with BPD and NPD (he has both) just showing up on your doorstep unannounced? This is the fourth time he has done this. I live in a condo and he has been able to get up to my place when someone is coming in the main door and he slips in.

I have no surety that even though I have now let him know that he is NOT TO CONTACT ME AGAIN, that he won't try to arrive at my door. I admit I have been very weak and have gone back each time he has hovered me back in.  Of course, I have already decided that if that were to happen, I wouldn't open it. However, it is a tad scary as I know he is VERY DESPERATE now and getting further unstable.
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