hey friend! I remember your story well, and it brought a smile to my face to hear how well things are going for you. It did seem like you were in some pretty dark and stormy waters there, and suffered a lot of abuse. I always knew you were a pretty cool guy

so I'm glad you figured that out. Congratulations on finding a decent job and your own place. Being in a BPD relationship made me grateful for the simplest things, like walking through my front door and hearing only peace and quiet.
Also great to hear that the kids are going much better.
You realize that when you say you don't want to be in a relationship, someone great shows up, right? That's how it worked for me. My current SO literally walked into my life when we were out walking our dogs. I did the whole "need to go slow thing" for 3 whole years and somehow we are now building a house together and planning to move in next summer. I can only just shake my head. Five years ago I was in a leaky boat in stormy waters with broken oars and no life jackets. Now I'm picking out counter tops and light fixtures with a really great guy

So glad to hear things are going well for you.