I want to panic less and not stop eating when he dysregulates/go into shock of sorts. If we do stay together I will immediately start eating when he checks out the next time.
pearlsw Is your not eating a reaction to stress or is it a form of self harm?
3) I want to do more stuff that puts me first in life... .I may soon have no other choice and if so I will embrace it.
pearlsw What are some clear actions steps you can take to start incorporating this? Big picture and little picture?
For myself, I try to do a little something for myself everyday, even if it’s as little as stopping for an ice cream cone on the way home, playing a game of solitaire on my phone, or bigger things like shopping or getting my hair done. This week I’m buying a fitbit. :D
I was a very funny & happy go lucky gal in my youth & I’ve turned into the type A person now. I’m making progress in that direction with the help of this board & therapy. Yeah
waitingwife Type A’s are great get things done people but often lose sight of relaxing. I like to consider myself Type C. I’m a little Type A and a little Type B. What steps can you take to begin being more laid back again?
1. To understand myself better and to spend more time using mindfulness as I do find it helps me to see my thoughts for what they are rather than defining the real me. Perhaps that is about loving myself more but maybe also about accepting who I am.
ortac77 Have you checked out the “Headspace” app. It’s a great app with 10 minute mindfulness meditations.
2. Re-learning what I like - too often I defer to others to 'keep the peace' - I am asking myself the questions why I have stopped enjoying some of the pastimes I used to enjoy and what is stopping me from re-engaging with them
ortac77 This reminds me of the movie Run-Away-Bride. Julia Roberts character said she was going to find out what type of eggs she liked because she spent her adult life conforming to the type of eggs her current SO liked. What are some of your favorite past times?
That brings me to my goal of - acceptance of myself and my feelings because that automatically is helping me in all other areas of my life
waitingwife That’s a good one. Us nons often make judgments on our feelings and say things like “I shouldn’t feel this way” and we find that our emotions get all tangled up. The fact is, we do feel that way and beating ourselves up about it won’t change the way we feel. It just makes us feel worse. Sometimes just acknowledging those feelings is enough to help them resolve. Other times it can lead to seeking out answers as to why you feel that way and finding resolution to those feelings. (i.e. “Why do I feel like I need to walk on eggshells right now? What am I scared of? How can I honor myself and my H in this uneasiness?)