do I get a certificate or something
feelings have pretty much flat-lined to indifference.
cant feel the anger anymore, which sort of annoys me.
cant feel the love anymore, but do appreciate memories of happy times and accept I did feel love at those moments.
bought some organic vegetables
cleaned the kitchen. I think my adrenal glands are functioning again normally.
cats are no longer a trigger. nothing seems to be.
read some posts and feel like some wise sage who has seen it all, heard it all.
anyone else get to the stage of "comfortably numb"?
ie, just really dont give a F of what i may have done wrong, differently or psychoanalyse anymore.
it was what it was.
Bro when you get to a place on indifference... .then you will be sure.This happened to me twice.
After the second recycle period with BPDex... .I went 4 months NC, no pictures calls nothing... .( I did go for long night drives, because I couldn't sleep). Anyway she randomly called me on withheld number and gave me some small talk, I told her I was busy and I would get back to her. I felt nothing, just weird.
I called her back and she stated she had a job and I should come round to she her when I was not busy. A week later I did, we sat in my car and went into her home. We watch TV whilst she spoke about rubbish and tried to subtly stroke the inside of my thigh.
At this time I was very aware, I thought " this girl is trying to seduce me, but I feel nothing" It like I was outside of my body watching a drama scene on TV, where you know what each character is thinking.
I felt NOTHING at all, no love, no attraction, no hate, no anger or sadness... .nothing.
Anyway, I told her I was tired and I had to go to work the next day I got up to leave and walk out. I got to the door she stated "What, aren't you going to give me a hug?" I turned to hug her, and bam she jump all over me kissing my neck and dropping my trousers!
After we had sex I realised that she had to jump on me as a last ditch effort to draw me in, she felt that she had given my multiple openings for me to take the lead and engage her intimately (rubbing my thigh, looking into my eyes, smiling constantly etc... .)
I imagine these same tactics worked with her other side guys, but she realised with me that there was nothing there, she got desperate.
After that day, I didn't call her for a week, she called me up exasperated saying "Why haven't I heard from you, have I done something?"
I realised that she thought by having sex with me, she could put me under her spell after 4 Months of NC, she thought I can get him back with my body. I'm not weak, I am a beast.
I simply stated to her did she remember how and why things ended? (i.e. she left me for side guy). She disingenuously stated "er... .I don't remember?"
Cut a long story short; indifference, is a wonderful thing and if/when you get to this stage it can be a very powerful tool in LIFE.
I no longer wanted her either positively (let's be together) or negatively (I want revenge/I hate her). I just wish I could have maintained that feeling.
But It has been coming back, more time, distance and focus on me, it will come.