Thank you.
The articles on boundries are helpful, I'm rereading SWOE, and second time around I'm getting even more out of it.
Your mom is totally infringing and you did the right thing by distancing yourself from that. What she is trying to manipulate is not ok. You own your reproductive system. Right?
I’d suggest reading up on Boundaries. Here’s a link. Boundaries are a good place to start learning about this stuff. you establish boundaries, you’ll most likely experience some pushback for a while. Here’s an article for that. It’s based off of a romantic relationship, but there’s a good chance that you’ll take some helpful things away from it. the meantime, keep posting and talking with us. Continue reading here. We get it here.
Her BPD has always made it difficult, for years I just thought she was "sensitive" and "had a difficult life" and that it was my duty (only child) to help her. Now I'm seeing that "help that she needs" is a bottomless pit and her expectations are unrealistic and toxic. I've added more structure to our relationship, reduced contact, shorter visits in order to create more boundries.
If she takes care of our dogs (for which I'm very grateful) I come home to a slew of advice/requests, i.e. need to feed different food, need to do more dog training, my one dog picks on other dog... etc. She always needs to get her two-cents in. If we ever have kids, I can only imagine how pushy she would be.