I have scars that have not healed. When I get triggered, it is as if I have never done any work at all. I immediately go to the darkest place. I think there is no solution and I have to just wait for him to die. Or me.
Could it perhaps be that your are suffering from emotional flashbacks? Are you familiar with this concept? Pete Walker describes them like this:
"Emotional flashbacks are sudden and often prolonged regressions ('amygdala hijackings' to the frightening circumstances of childhood. They are typically experienced as intense and confusing episodes of fear and/or despair - or as sorrowful and/or enraged reactions to this fear and despair. Emotional flashbacks are especially painful because the inner critic typically overlays them with toxic shame, inhibiting the individual from seeking comfort and support, isolating him in an overwhelming and humiliating sense of defectiveness.
Because most emotional flashbacks do not have a visual or memory component to them, the triggered individual rarely realizes that she is re-experiencing a traumatic time from childhood."We have an article here about mindfulness that you might find helpful for dealing with your triggers. Here's a short excerpt:
What is mindfulness all about? In the simplest sense, we all develop, from time to time, thinking patterns that do not serve us well. When we do, we are easily "triggered" - having non-constructive reactions to specific words or actions based on prior experiences. We've all been there - in resentment, pessimism, defensiveness, impatience, closed mindedness, distrust, intolerance, confrontational, defeat... .
Mindfulness is a type of self-awareness in which we learn to observe ourselves in real time to see and alter our reactions to be more constructive.
You can read the entire article here:
Triggering and Mindfulness and Wise MindTime to get my "cue cards" back out and put them by the phone.
Being prepared is indeed very important when dealing with someone with BPD