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Board Admins: Kells76, Once Removed, Turkish
Senior Ambassadors: EyesUp, SinisterComplex
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Fund Drive • BPDFamily.com

2022 Pledge Drive

Total Receipts: $2263.49
PayPal Fees: $293.93
Net Balance: $1969.57
Below Goal: $6030.43

2022 Annual Goal $8,000.00:

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25.00 40.00 65.00 80.00 100.00

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Help Us Stay on the Air in FY 2021

We thank the 264 generous members who contributed $18,232 in operating funds for 2020 (fiscal year July 2020 to June 2021) and the incredible volunteer staff and senior members who consistently rise to the needs of others.

Many of us are thankful for what we have gained here and we pay-it-forward so that others will have the same support, education, and brotherhood that made a difference in our lives. Our continued availability as a community is important to those caught in situations like our own and with no place to turn. Consider paying-it-forward with both your voice and with your financial assistance. We need both to stay relevant.

Our Challenges Beyond Support and Education

BPDFamily is one of the few places on the Internet where you can post without that information being compiled in a consumer profile and sold to companies for marketing purposes and to the US government. The costs of operating a website that is completely isolated from the consumer profiling conglomerate and maintaining a 99.8% uptime increases every year.

Security is also important. BPDFamily has a 100% safety record. There has never been a breach of data at BPDFamily. Personal information on the site has been encrypted using the SHA-1 cryptographic hash function designed by the United States National Security Agency since 2007. A significant investment in website hardening was made in 2016 (encryption) and in 2018 (addition of a highly sophisticated firewall service).

Our Mission

Preserve the Family We are about preserving families. The more marriages repaired, the more mother/child relationships reconnected, the more children we help grow up in a loving home, the better.

Healthier Healing of Failed Relationships Relationship failure is also a reality. People with personality disorders have inherently instable relationship skills that both attract and overwhelm those who love them. When failure happens, we help one another recover in an emotionally mature way. This includes grieving, detaching, and developing the skills necessary to have a more rewarding life, a less traumatic custody battle, a less resentful co-parenting relationship, or a less costly divorce.

Provide Clinically Responsible Tools and Educational Material BPDFamily.com is a great adjunct to forward looking therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Schema Therapy. Skills taught here are largely derived from publications written by Shari Manning, Ph.D., Alan Fruzzetti, Ph.D., and the NEA-BPD Family Connections Program.

Submit to External Oversight Site content is directed by an editorial board. The moderation has been monitored and accredited by HON since 2007. HON is accredited to the Economic and Social Council of the U.N.

How Are the Funds Used and Managed

In 2018, forty-nine percent (49%) of your donations were used for outreach which played a significant part in helping new members find us on cluttered search engines. Thirty-six percent (36%) went to operations (e.g., writing, programming, security). All of the educational materials were donated free of charge this year. Fifteen percent (15%) paid our overhead (domain and server services).

Funds raised for 2020-2021 will be used to pay out-of-pocket expenses incurred between July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021. Funds will be kept in a community account to be administered by the staff moderators. Donations will appear on your credit card statement as PayPal*Donation*. Donations are not tax deductible - but they help people just the same.

Community Development

In 2018, we did our best to continue to grow as a responsible resource and voice on the Internet. Our total membership is over 110,000 members/alumni with members from 156 countries. In 2018, our website had 22.7 million page views, 97K posts, and 11K new topics opened. Sixty-five percent of member participation was from the USA and 32% was from, collectively, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Spain and Switzerland. The messageboard now has more than 3.5 million posts.

We added fourteen ambassadors, two advisors, two moderators to the operating team. Since our inception, 349 members have had input and guided this community from these various volunteer positions.

James Saunders at Oxford University Press said it best "I really like this web site. It is really thoughtful and reflective. Calm water in a stormy sea. Wise and considered.".

Member Donations Received this Year
Name       Date     

Skip    Oct-20
Methuen    Oct-16
Methos    Feb-26
Memorial Donation    Jan-14
Flora and Fauna    Jan-3
Mutt    Dec-29
drained1996    Dec-21
At Bay    Dec-20
Methuen    Dec-8
AskingWhy    Dec-5
whirlpoollife    Nov-30
CoherentMoose    Nov-17
Cat Familiar    Aug-30
ForeverDad    Aug-10
harri    Aug-10
Gemsforeyes    Aug-10
Turkish    Aug-10
alterK    Jul-21
Memorial Donation    Jul-13
khibomsis    Jun-25
Swimmy55    Jun-22
healthfreedom4s    Jun-9
Memorial Donation    May-30
EZEarache    May-4
12years    Apr-23
Memorial Donation    Apr-21
P.F.Change    Apr-20
Rev    Apr-20
Tartan Pants    Apr-18
hope2727    Apr-17
Red22    Apr-15
alterK    Apr-8
Penumbra66    Apr-8
Mommydoc    Apr-1
Skip    Mar-10
Lemon Squeezy    Mar-1
SamwizeGamgee    Feb-7
Goldcrest    Feb-7

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