Anyway, I have access to her phone recs and was studying them last night to put together patterns and timelines. I know. I'm now the crazy, obsessed one but I want to know what the heck just happened to me and if it was real. Looks like she would have her one nighters with him about every couple of months. She told me about him when we first met. That he was a sex thing They would eat molly (a drug I'd nrver heard of until then) and have sex all night. Supposedly it was a thing of the past.
ugh! I remember being that obsessed person who broke down and looked at phone records only to realize so much of those last 9 months were utterly a lie. I know how much that hurts and how dazed you feel - I am sorry. With time, you will not feel like you do now - but in it, it is really hard.
So was it ever real? she would run right back to me and profess her undying love. I would not even know what had went on. The time I did catch her and dumped her she called me over doing just that the next day after seeing him. I was unaware at the time. This is a dark side like I've never seen.
Your part was real - you just were not able to make choices with full information. I remember wishing I would have left the first time because going back under a false reality about destroyed me... . honestly.
This much is true even though it is hard to believe right now for you - BPD is a very serious mental illness. pwBPD are way better in the world of illusion than we are - it is their life, not ours. It is their normal, not ours. So when we realize we were in a world we did not know we were in, it truly is shattering of our very existence.
My advice (based on being where you are and working through it), put the phone records away and start training your mind now to not go there - it really is crazy-making.
I printed article 9 -
Any time I was starting to get caught in that mind-mess of "what the heck", I could literally read through the 10 False Beliefs that keep us stuck and every time it was a False Belief that had me. Learning the facts helped me depersonalize enough so I could properly grieve.
Hang in there - you are not alone here.