Hi LnL & Panda39;
Thanks for the welcome!
Panda39: Yup, I'm definitely looking for support & tools -- seems like these high conflict situations aren't really made for traditional stepparenting support groups. I can picture myself in one now: Me: "But she has the kids call Stepdad ':)ad', lets them decide if they want to see H, and won't let go of the negative engagement!" Moderator: "Can't you be more understanding?" Me:
I will certainly keep posting away!
LnL: yeah, I think the alienation is more like whack-a-mole -- it shows up in one form, we sort of figure out how to deal with it, and it pops up in some other random area. Mom identifies strongly with older D and so has focused more "independent thinking and emotional health" efforts on her (if you know what I mean... .aka the opposite of that). Now that older D has more a mind of her own, I'm wondering if Mom might start putting pressure on younger D, who is much, much more credulous (i.e., she's said the two people she thinks are automatic ins for heaven are Mom & Stepdad). So yeah, the situation sounds potentially similar to yours.
Childress' Jiu-jitsu Parenting was super helpful and an article that H appropriated for himself. I think usually H gets swamped by uBPDxw but he was really able to see the good in that article and apply it. H hasn’t used the term alienation and frankly I kept hoping over the past year+ that it wasn’t and that I was just projecting fears onto the situation. Seems more likely now, though.
In terms of if H still loses parenting time, it's pretty bare bones right now, but on the up side, older D has started to choose to spend time with him instead of going to optional sports practices (possibly suggested by Mom) on H's night. I think that might be starting to trigger Mom, along with older D starting to talk back to Mom/get a bit of an attitude. Might be time to teach older D S.E.T.
Mom wants to readjust the summer schedule (no detailed PP on file, so they do this every year). She says she doesn’t want any major changes which I think means she wants major changes. Also says it’s based on feedback from girls. Sort of seems like if you’re at Disneyland and you ask the kids if they want to stay at Disneyland of course they’ll say Yes. Maybe if they’re at Mom’s and she asks do you want to have weekend vacations with me and Stepdad then what else are they supposed to say?
That’s just a little more background on where we’re at… I’ll try to get a different thread on the school situation going, because I could definitely use feedback -- again, not really something you can bring to a normal stepparenting group. But you all know what that’s like