going places,
I could go on a long diatribe of how and when your projections are obscuring you from being to actually empathize with your daughter... .but I think Tracy Chapman - Fast Car does a much better job. I imagine this is why your daughter was driving fast underneath it all.
https://youtu.be/uTIB10eQnA0What do you hope to accomplish by this post?
Is this for guidance, help, direction?
Is this to help me understand a concept I am missing?
I honestly have no idea how a pop song has to do with anything? Is this a cryptic message?
I am looking honestly for answers, guidance, help. I am doing so on the forum and through PM's.
If all you have to offer is cryptic messages thru pop music, and thinly veiled attacks, please, feel free to pass on my topics.
Thank you and have a good day.
It is not an attack. This is not an empty pop song either. This is poetry in motion and captures the essense of someone who, to paraphrase had an abusive father she was left with and a mother who ran away and is driving her car fast chasing the fantasy of being free from the situation she is in. It echos not only your position but your daughters. The intention was to give you a medium through which you could actually feel something from within through which to empathize with your daughter, rather than a list of how and what you are supposed to be feeling. Something that is able to potentially transcend all of that and allow you access to that place within yourself if you will open your heart.
empathy comes from being able to realate to the other through a point in yourself that you feel yourself in the position of the other. Sometimes it is difficult to put that feeling exactly into words, but Tracy chapman has done that here and it is in my opinion a masterpiece. If we just give you a list or protocol to follow because the people on the internet said so, that is not actual empathy but more of a gameplan to coerce your daughter.