hi techguy,
I am sorry that things are difficult for your family. I can only imagine the confusion and pain.
and I am in a daze. I don't know what to do.
You've had quite a shock. It's natural to be dazed, all of us would be. What I find helps me is when I am on the receiving end of a bitter blow, and it doesn't really matter what the shock is, is to return to the basics. As some one put it to me, to take care of the simple things so that the big things can be handled better later. Or to say it in another way, do the next (small) right thing and build on that.
For the short term that means, eating, sleeping and maybe a little exercise. Take good care of yourself and your little daughter.
When I asked her what the hell happened to cause this again she basically said I had been neglecting her.
You mentioned you have an understanding of BPD? What I know is that there is no way to over estimate the amount of shame and self loathing a pwBPD experiences. Embracing responsibility for their actions is hard for a pwBPD because if they admit to a mistake they are a mistake. The fragile sense of self they live with needs problems to be some one else's fault. One of the traits of BPD is seeing their emotions as being caused by others or by events outside themselves, with no belief that they have any sort of control over their emotions.
I'm afraid to make the big decisions right now, part of my anxiety issue and it being so soon after everything.
That sounds pretty smart to me. You have the rudiments of a plan in place, talking to your psychiatrist, and considering all options.
Writing things out here on this forum will help to organize your thoughts. Sometimes the mere act of putting things down in text helps. Continue to post. And continue to read. There are lots of tools and workshops here. Some will apply and some won't. This is a huge website. Participating here has been a big part of my recovery/story.
Is your wife still at the hotel? Are there plans for her to come home? and how do you think that will go?