At any rate, I don't know how in the hell you ever come back from some of the ___ he said. It's not the first time he has verbally assaulted me, but to have such a concentrated blitzkrurg all in one place is just making my mind spin. For those who have had this experience - were you ever able to completely move on? How?
Extra credit homework assignment for Lalathegreat:
Please try changing your question from "How?" to "Why?".
I'm reading your question as "How do I process or forget all the horrible things my pwBPD has said/done and move on to a renewed relationship with him?", but it works equally well if you are asking "How do I let go of not only the horrible things my pwBPD has said/done and move on with my life without him?" In my experience, neither is easily sustainable until you first ask the "Why?" form of the question. And while we might be able to give you some of our "Why?s" that you can try on for size, none of them will hold you through the road ahead unless you own them fully.
IF your aim is to work through all that has happened in the past week, WHY? What is it about the relationship that makes it worth holding onto and fighting for?
IF your aim is to move on from a relationship that has been unhealthy, WHY? What is it about yourself that is valuable enough to protect and heal?
I know that the way I phrased the questions above probably reveals a bias, so I'll just say what I think, with the disclaimer that I am HUGELY influenced by the situation I am in and want you to know that I support whatever decision you make for YOU.
I am, frankly, jealous of the relative lack of things binding you to a man who has been abusive, manipulative, and controlling. While I understand the pull of his son on your heart and life, you have (wisely) limited the amount of your life your pwBPD has access to and you don't have children together that would necessitate lifelong contact. That doesn't mean that there isn't a large part of your heart in his possession, and the hopes and dreams that you invested in the relationship that you would have to uproot at the risk of watching some of them die.
I'm here to tell you that there is at least one person in the world who thinks you are beautiful and have an amazing heart to offer the world at large and, possibly, another man who will take better care of it. I know we don't get to fully know people in a limited format such as this site, but what I have read in and into your posts tell me that you are a woman who has an incredible capacity to love. I also see you as a woman who is strong and intelligent. You are faithful and loyal and ready to shoulder the burdens of others. You are empathetic and optimistic. You strive to solve problems and bring joy into the lives of others. You are willing to be vulnerable. You desire and strive to be better tomorrow than you are today.
I get the sense that you want someone (a man) to validate those things in you. I get the sense that your divorce, though amicable, may have removed your previous source (your ex) of that validation. I may totally be missing the mark on these, but if I'm accurate, I can understand how frightening it could be to have another "failed" relationship. You may be wondering if there is something wrong with you and, even if there isn't, the pickings are slim out there and you would rather settle for what you can get than be alone.
Please know that I know that, on some level, I'm reflecting back to you my feelings about my situation (though I have some additional ties holding me to my husband) and my own fears. This is why I have started to see my "Red Dress Moments" as the answers to my own "Why"s. Ultimately, those are the ones that will hold true even after they guide me through this initial decision making stage. If I find the answers to my "Why" and act out of who I am, the "How" seems to fall into place. I hope and pray the same for you.
Some of my "Red Dress" Whys:
I am a great mother who helps her children see the mystery, adventure and sparkle in life while teaching them the strength and discipline to pursue and persevere.
I am an intelligent woman who is capable of learning and applying any subject matter that strikes my fancy.
I am a creative woman who uses the creativity both to solve problems and bring about beauty.
I am a caring woman who will "mourn with those who mourn", act compassionately towards those in need, and carry the friend when I can't carry their burden.
I am a stubborn woman who does not give up, even when there seems to be no way.
I am a flawed woman who has much to learn from others.
I am a woman of faith who can find hope in the unseen promises.
I am a woman who was made to love and be loved.