So after the latest round of silent treatment ended after she decided to forgive me for calling her a stupid little girl, I get a text asking if I wanted to meet up next week. She also apologised for getting angry that I was out with a female friend.
So then we had a couple of days texting then a day where we spoke for a couple of hours on the phone - and I agree to meet up next week. The phone call was going well, the desire and the attraction is off the charts - she tells me she loves me and always wants to be with just me, but we end up going down the argument route - well, not maybe an argument but we came to loggerheads as it becomes increasingly clear to me that the 'relationship' isn't going and can't go anywhere as she simply will never leave her husband. She asks me why I'm getting upset about this as she's stated time and time again she's not leaving. Which she has - she's covered her bases there and can continue guilt-free knowing that she's been completely honest with the outcome and any hurt I experience is my own responsibility. And thats true, I accept that.
So after I've realised is isn't going anywhere I tell her I don't want to meet up and she's devastated and it's then a very quiet empty phone line as we both know it's not going where we want it to and we're both waiting for the other to say something. I eventually say I'm going and hang up.
And so last night comes and I get a few texts... .
Please don't end this x
Meet me on Tuesday?
... .I'm not going to give up ... .you and me have a chemistry I've never felt before. (she clearly doesn't remember the chemistry we had all through Uni.)
I've yet to reply to them. I want to see her. Im desperate to see her and for us to be together. She tells me she loves me. But I know it's ultimately pointless and for the massive high and feeling of completeness I get when we're together, the pain of the comedown is excruciating.