Thank you for coming and reaching out to us, and how wonderful that your psychologist referred you here.
I'm so glad to have you share some of your story with us. It helps us to understand. I can tell that you love your children very much and have bonded with them. That is huge to be able to show them that they are not to blame in the conflict going on.
A few questions for you to make sure I understand correctly. I think you live near your children in one country but are from another country, right? And you are separated but anticipating that your parental rights will be challenged? Are you keeping record of what you are paying her to help with the bills? What kind of visitation or custody do you have now?
Please keep us updated! I'm sure we will be able to support you. We care so much about our members and want to help you have the tools you need to encourage you to grow and find strength for yourself.