If you can, park the appeal and neverending fears aside and enjoy the very real victory you were awarded. The momentum is in your favor.
We have a saying here, Don't let them rent space in your head.
If you feel yourself ruminating on the legal stuff, try to come up with a way to shake those thoughts. For me, I decided my therapist and lawyer would help me handle what I was going through (and this board) and everything else was where I built a wonderful life.
My ex was a former trial attorney and we were in court on average once a month for four years. I began to think of him like a medical condition that was going to be part of my life, and did my best to make the most of it. After a while it became almost background noise.
It's really hard to get far with an appeal. Even so, I know the expense and having this stuff hang over your head takes a toll. If it helps, my current therapist (who is helping me in part with a BPD step daughter) explained that part of the effects of BPD splitting is to create friction. I found that useful because now I can recognize when SD23 is hard at work and do what I can to neutralize her efforts. You've already taken a giant step in the right direction. That's partly why she's still fighting -- she is desperate to get back to a one-up position even if it looks like a long shot.
Livednlearned, thank you! I have been repeating the rent space in my head frequently
I'm making a few steps forward, one back. But at least I have some forward movement.
We had a successful hearing yesterday. The motion they requested to put up bond money to put everything on hold...yet they refused to put any money up. M'kay...so when they then said they would the judge denied it, she has to pay the legal fees to my attorney now and new order remains while they do their appeal. Thank goodness!