So...on the one hand..undeniable and massive improvements in my relationship over the past several years.
On the other hand, some parts of my relationship are resistant to change.
One area: If I consistently express satisfaction or enjoyment of doing something with my's often (more often that not) a kiss of death for that activity.
Whereas...if I'm neutral or act like I'm be dragged into it, she seems to enjoy it much more.
Case in point.
Beekeeping has been on standby for several years since moving off the farm. We used to enjoy it and it was my favorite activity (compared to goats, cows, horses and all the rest...ducks were a close second..those guys had personality)
Anyway we really were together on getting out the boxes and putting them on Mom's land (near us). We had been making steady progress...she said she like it..I said I liked it. Togetherness...joint activity...I really was enjoying it.
Then...she see's something on the internet. we can't do that...there is no use, since beekeeping was so awful..such a pain...who would want to do that again...(sigh)
Then she realizes she doesn't have the money for it.
She said it was "only" $500 and if I gave her that everything would be wonderful (she really asked nicely) would make more sense to buy it out of the farm business so I got to looking into it more..rather than give her the $$'s not $500. It's $887 and likely $49 shipping and there are hints of other charges.
The first couple reviews I clicked on talked about poor build quality.
I'm completely intrigued by the idea and would love to have this as an aspirational goal to "graduate" up to this someday and I'd love to do more research.
She now seems really put threatening to cancel the bee order...
I'm open to change I would hope, especially since we got together and started going down this path together...that we could wait until we are both "together" on the wisdom of change.
Que the laughter out in the crowds... I get it..that's an unreasonable hope..but that's where I am.
Feeling a bit defeated...