My then-spouse did as yours did, she filed allegations and sought protection from me and naturally included our preschooler. (There was a Threat of DV case pending against her and I already had a TPO against her.) Since it was
ex parte a hearing was scheduled within a couple weeks. Meanwhile a CPS worker interviewed me and when we had the hearing he literally stood up and stated "We have
No concerns." Our son was immediately removed from the temp order.
I am concerned that for 6 or 9 months you were limited to supervised visitation. On what basis did the court and any professionals supervising see a need to continue the supervision? Did you have legal representation?
now she has made more allegations and I have not seen my kids for 4 weeks.
How can there be more allegations if you've been supervised this whole time? I suspect she's doing what my Ex did then, "My son told me..." You're right, the longer the kids are away from your parenting, the more likely she'll crush their love for you and their honesty about you as a good stable parent as well.
Note that additional allegations were predictable, looking back. She saw her first allegations working for many months, surely more allegations would punish you more and leave her in control even longer, so there was nothing to lose and everything to gain in her mind. My ex made allegations through two years of divorce and at least another year or so after my final decree.
Do you have an experienced lawyer to advocate for you?