Oh Murbay - I am so happy for you.
Your little girls need their Daddy. When do you get to see them again?
Unfortunately she was playing a game DreamGirl, got an e-mail from her today which made me angry and disappointed.
Today was for the girls to see you and for me to see their reactions after all this time and I didn't mean for you to think it was a start to contact with the girls. It has taken a lot of hard work and effort from me to have the close bond that I do with them.What made me angry is that it does not take hard work and effort to bond with your children. What angered her yesterday was that she didn't get the reaction she was hoping for to validate herself. She thought the girls wouldn't care or would be standoffish instead of how they both reacted.
I'm really angry that she would use the girls in that way and although it has been 2 years, it hasn't been through want of trying. She is the one who has dictated everything, stopped the contact, dictated when I can and can't call and in her previous e-mail I actually felt sorry for her. I still do feel very sorry for her because she can't be that happy in her life.
Sadly, her idea of bonding has been through control and the eldest retaliates all the time. I bonded with my girls through love, care and attention and although I only got a year with the youngest, the eldest won't let her forget.
2 years ago, the eldest asked me if I would go to her Christmas concert because she had worked hard at it and nobody was going. I was overseas at the time but I flew back for it. I had never seen her look so proud as when she realised I was there. It is one bond that no matter how much my exgf tries to break, won't ever break and yesterday only proved that to her
She had 2 sons from a previous relationship when I met her and did something similar with them. When she broke the news to the boys that our relationship was over, her eldest called his dad and left home. She did the same thing to them as she is doing to me and the outcome is going to be exactly the same. She has to take responsibility for that and that's another reason I feel badly for her because she doesn't deserve the bad luck she always seems to have but she never understands it's related to her own actions too.
The positives I take out of yesterday is that I got to see my girls and their reactions just went to show the positive influence I have had and still have in their lives.