Ooor he is pretending he believed he was borderline to manipulate. hes a psychological liar... .and a deciever. so i really wouldnt be surprised.
i once found him communicating
with a pediphile to see pics of his daughter once...
after days of grilling he admittes to downloading child porn
and looking at it. but made it seem like hes not a pedophile... .
but that he was just going through a dark time... .which may be true but
ill never know for sure. sick...
this is the same guy that "loves and cares" about children...
i believed he was a good person... .He even this "code" he created
that he believed in that was all about doing no harm.
it was just cobfusing bc he is a perv ib general... addicted (and in denial)
to porn... .and he looks and lusts
after grown women... but he also loves teens...
and possiblu younger... i didnt want to believe that.
heartbreaking to start seeing who he really was once the fog is lifted