I'm so sorry, Speedster. I can completely understand why you are in such pain and how confusing this must be. I think anyone would feel that way, and all of us here can appreciate what you are going through and how hard this is.
Unfortunately, pwBPD tend to form relationships extremely quickly. This is something of a survival strategy for them. Because at the root of their disorder they have a need to find and fuse with someone else's sense of "self". This is hard to understand, because for most of us we don't experience anything quite like it. But for pwBPD it's very real, and they find a period when they are without an attachment to be extremely frightening, confusing, and painful. Relationships, at least initially, are incredibly soothing and comforting for them. They often see their partner as a savior who has rescued them from the terrors of being alone and lost in the world. They idolize them, and this happens very quickly in many cases.
The most important thing to understand, however, is that this is not your fault. You didn't cause this. It is not because you aren't good enough or were a bad partner. It's not because of anything you did or didn't do. This is the reality of BPD. pwBPD are unable to sustain relationships. While they crave, even need that attachment, the degree of emotional intimacy that results often also provokes fears in them: fears of abandonment and engulfment. And these are also very real. And so they begin to push us away, and thus begins the classic push/pull cycle of BPD. Please remember, however, this isn't your fault. This is the disorder.
Lucky Jim has good advice for you. Now is the best time to focus on ourselves. For now while this is so fresh and you are hurting so much, this may just mean being good to you. Taking care of you. Eating right, sleeping enough, getting some exercise, socializing enough. Things to help us feel better and don't feed the negative. Eventually there will be time to analyze the relationship, our wounds, and how we can learn from our experience. But, for right now take care of you. You deserve it.