Its been a busy last 2 weeks... .my 50 50 deal went south the other night, and now i have them fulltime.
As difficult as it is and as busy as you are, this is Good News. The children will do better with a stable parent in charge. If the agencies want her to resume parenting, try to keep
majority time, it will make your parenting much less contentious.
Also, don't try to make her parent. If her level of parenting comfort zone is low, that's okay. You're not blocking improperly but you're also not pushing her to be a parent. (No agency or court will force a parent to be a parent. They may enforce child support $$$ but they won't force a parent to take the kids whenever scheduled.)
Be aware that one of our worst qualities (that are excellent qualities in normal relationships) is a need to feel we have to be fair, too fair, overly fair or whatever. The children need you to step up and take charge. If you hand back too much parenting to an acting-out disordered parent then you would be sabotaging yourself. If you're ordered to do so despite your objections, then you live with it. But don't volunteer it, you'll pay for it for many years to come.
My case, I had alternate weekends for two years. Then we settled for equal time on Trail Day. She was still overly entitled so I went back to court and became Legal Guardian. Court didn't want to give me majority time. She was still overly entitled so I went back to court and got majority time during the school year only. Finally, after over
8 years in and out of court - very expensive - the entitlement deflated a bit. If only I had gotten the current order
8 years earlier, I could have avoided so much grief and expenses... .so if you have majority now, then whatever else, don't GIFT it away.
From my experience as a working father, I would much rather have paid only daycare rather than lawyers, therapists and GALs too - and ex's conflict - all those years.