I'm not aware of a book on divorce that's better than Bill Eddy's:
Book Review: Splitting by Bill EddyThis is an honest and supportive book, with practical suggestions for handling the many predictable issues of legal manipulations, abusive behavior, false allegations of abusive behavior, finding an attorney, and a prolonged legal process.
Book Review: It's All Your Fault by Bill Eddy Eddy finds ways to put complex psychological concepts into simple, clear, everyday language. This is a very helpful book for understanding BPD, especially at a time of crisis when a lot of the psychological language in other resources can be a bit bewildering.
We also have some fairly
comprehensive lessons on this here.
In particular, I recommend
High-Conflict Family Matters and Personality Disorders. The original article was written by lawyers for lawyers, and it helps you get a sense of the mind-set you need (assertive approach).
Eddy also has the High Conflict Institute with helpful material: