I feel your pain and compassion for your brother.
If he's stayed on a shelter, then it might be pretty bad. He's a father you say. How old are the kids and what details do you know about how they have been affected?
We have protocols here for working with members who are victims of abuse. Read past the parts which are specific to us working with a member, but the overall info is good. It helped me to convince my ex to call a local anonymous hotline when she was in a DV situation and felt like she had nowhere to which to turn.
https://bpdfamily.com/discussions/search-info4.htmSpecifically, you might want a to send him these two links:
https://bpdfamily.com/pdfs/safety_first.pdfMOSAIC Threat Assesment If he's stayed at a shelter, then he's likely gotten counseling. More long term guidance with a therapist would be better as I think you are thinking. Given a kid or kids, this is more complicated.
We have this tool for dealing with people with BPD, but it works on anybody, based upon validation. It would help you to use it when you are talking to him:
1.16 | Communicate - S.E.T. (Support, Empathy and Truth)Your initial question was what is your role? Though he is hesitant to be entirely truthful with you, which must be frustrating, he's your brother and you love and care about him with to reach out for help. I would say that you are being a great sister
It would be good for him to join here as
Harri said.
Take a look at the resources. Let us know if they are helpful to start.