Tulip63. Welcome to bpdfamily. I’m sorry for what has led you to this community, but very glad that you’ve found us. You’ll find a lot of support here and we “get it”.

It sounds like your childhood was quite an experience. Enduring BPD isn’t an easy thing. Especially when there are several disordered people in the mix. It doesn’t get much lonelier than that. It’s great that you have an aunt that understands. What were you able to take away from the book?
BPD along with a grocery list of disordered behaviors can be multigenerational if the family dynamic isn’t realized. You’ll notice while interacting here that a common theme has been one of one or two people that come from situations like yours have done exactly what you’re doing. We’ve identified a problem and we’re deciding to make some changes. That takes a lot of courage and you should be proud of yourself.
Please don’t beat yourself up over your first marriage. It’s very, very common for people from disordered families to eventually find themselves in one of their own. It’s what we were taught growing up. It’s what we know. We were groomed for it. It’s great that you were able to remove yourself from that and eventually find a soft place to fall. You mentioned that you’re still feeling some negative residual stuff. Is this from your first marriage, your FOO (Family Of Origin) or both? What types of feelings have you been having? We’re glad you’re here. How can we help?