
Welcome to bpdfamily. I’m sorry for what led you to find this community, but glad that you did. We “get it” here. If I read correctly, your mom told you that she has BPD. Is it safe to assume that she’s clinically diagnosed? Although it may be hard to see, it’s a positive if she’s accepting of her condition and not in denial about it. Is this the case with your mom?
You would like to rekindle the relationship with your mom. It’s been rocky for 10 years. This is possible, but it’ll take some work on your part. Being objective here, I wouldn’t expect much effort on your mom’s part, so you’ll have to take the reigns on this.
Being yelled out and verbally abused is awful. Unfortunately, it’s a common theme with pwBPD (people with Borderline Personality Disorder). The good news is that there are tools and skills that are available for folks like you that are willing to see past the disorder and try to have a meaningful relationship with your mom. I’d recommend learning how to set healthy boundaries first. This is about self preservation and protecting your own health. I’d also like to recommend learning how to effectively communicate with a pwBPD. I’ll provide you with some links to some very helpful articles that are offered here at the end of this post.
You’ve found a great community here. I encourage you to dig in and look around here. Continue to start your own threads as well as join in on conversations in other members threads. There’s plenty to read and learn about here. We’re glad that you’re here,
Here are the links...
https://bpdfamily.com/content/setting-boundarieshttps://bpdfamily.com/content/communication-skills-dont-be-invalidatinghttps://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=143695.0Hope these articles are helpful.