Hello ABC123z,

We are here to listen to you and support you emotionally.
It sounds like you are going through a difficult time with your friend as you want to get closer, and she is tapping the breaks and you find this incredibly frustrating. You started off romantically; however, right now you find yourself 'friend zoned'. Am I hearing you correctly?
I don't know what to do here. I just want my friend back but it seems the more I try the more I'm pushing her away.
I will share with you what works with all relationships, including borderline ones. Focus on your partner's feelings and validating only those feelings and emotions. Avoid being critical, especially if her facts do not match your perception of the facts - so avoid talking about those, as you should not validate the invalid. Once a woman feels safe with you, and if she is romantically interested in you, then romance will happen.
However, if you are pushing her away, by being critical, setting unrealistic expectations, she will feel unsafe and shut down, you need to figure out what makes her 'tick' and then do only those things. It is different for each person.
Can you share with me if she is diagnosed, or if you just suspect her being BPD?
Generally, the more you share, the more we can emotionally support you.
While it is frustrating being in the 'friend zone', in the meantime, please be sure to do some self-care whatever that might look like for you.
Take care.