Take the Pledge (check all that you can commit to).
I understand that my SO has a mental illness (my partner did not create it).
489 (10.8%)
I understand that our relationship problems are relationship problems (attributable to both of us).
468 (10.3%)
I understand that our relationship problems affect others including our children.
399 (8.8%)
I no longer wish to be a victim in my relationship.
487 (10.7%)
I understand my role in the "cycle of conflict"
411 (9.1%)
I understand that leadership and change on my part requires strength, commitment, patience, self-awareness
491 (10.8%)
I understand that influencing change is about providing love, validation, structure and motivation, and diffusing conflict.
457 (10.1%)
I will actively seek to understand BPD. I understand that I have the capacity to support and lead my partner - but not to drive someone else's healing.
485 (10.7%)
I welcome challenges from BPDFamily.com members, even when the question and challenge may be emotionally upsetting.
485 (10.7%)
I accept the responsibility of knowing when to protect my children.