any advice on dealing with the psychological effects of repeated threats of leaving with child?
It's been a week, please return and let us know more so we can provide more focused support.
As for the threats, my ex-spouse made similar threats when she was ranting and raging. However, the emotional hurt was far more impacting than the legal repercussions. Did I never see my son again? No. While there are some reports of a member's spouse skipping with the kids, it doesn't actually happen all that often. That's why I said the impact is more emotional than real.
However, is your spouse does flee, then you can turn to the police (likely do little at first) and court. Court will be more likely to act, such as consider something like a warrant or potentially a kidnapping charge, if a divorce case has already been started. That's because the initial temp order usually states that the children cannot be removed from the area without court approval.
The reality is that the threat (bark) is common and less likely to result in follow-through (bite). You do need to get confidential legal advice from local experienced attorneys. I emphasize
confidential... .attorneys you get consultations with (often inexpensive) cannot share your confidential information with your spouse or spouse's attorney. The greater risk is the your spouse finds your receipts, notes or billing statements. Or gets hold of your computer browsing history. Or that you "confess" seeking support and options during predictable late night interrogations.
You have a right to confidentiality and privacy, especially if the marriage is dysfunctional and failing.
Please, how can we be of further help? We've been there, done that, and not only survived but even prospered, well, more or less. You know how hard it is to stand alone against the verbal and emotional attacks. Peer support can stand with you, aid you and share vital skills and valuable education. Just reach out again... .