
Welcome! I'm so glad that you have reached out to us here and shared your story with us. I am so very sorry for the awful situation you are in right now! You seem to be doing your best to hold out and survive no matter what. Kudos to you!

Some of your question I don't know how to answer since it seems there are legal issues involved. You can go on over to our Family Law board. Look at the green bar above and click on "groups" and scroll down to find the board. I think you might get some good help concerning some of the issues you are facing at the moment.
About having a BPDm and a N dad, well we are pretty familiar with that here on this board! Sounds like you need boundaries with both parents. Let's start with talking about being safe first, as that is always a priority here.
She has in fact physically assaulted me and stabbed me resulting in a police report.
He already has punched me three times, given me dog feces on a plate, and thrown pots and pans.
So many of us here have suffered at the hands of our angry parents who are not able to function in healthy manners towards us. In my own home while growing up, there were many different kinds of abuse including physical abuse. I would guess that if you are experiencing it now as an adult, you probably also experienced it as a child. Am I correct?
Do you have a safety plan at all? If so, can you tell me what that looks like? If you need some ideas, we are great with helping you to figure that out. Do you have some friends who understand that you may need a safe place to hang out?
Please keep sharing! We love to listen!
