So, a few weeks ago I was brought to the hospital in handcuffs after losing my sh#! and threatening suicide. If you're interested in more of the backstory you can read it from this thread. then we've finally had a therapy session. Previously my ex was threatening me with filing for custody. Her threats made it sound like the paper work had already been handed in. Of course I called an attorney, and got advice. In therapy it sort of turned into, I was only considering filing for custody. Where would you get this crazy idea that I had filed for custody. My parents and friends who are concerned about this situation, also thought it sounded like she definitely was filing.
Our baby sitter's husband has since been diagnosed with Covid. Because my ex has a demanding job, I told her that I was willing to go home and help take care of our boy, if she had conflicts with work since we lost childcare. The response I got was about me forgetting to wash a spoon, smooshed a dropped a blueberry on the floor, and dispose of a diaper improperly on my last visit made her feel like the primary caregiver. (For the record, when I agreed to having a kid, she promised that she would be a primary caregiver.) Anyway a couple hours later she said she was nervous about an important meeting that was happening in an hour. There was no mention that she actually needed help, just that she was nervous about the meeting. I responded that I could get there shortly after her meeting started and watch our son. She obliged and was extremely thankful for my effort.
This seemed to have been a game changer for us. On Saturday when I went over, she was very friendly to me. At this point, I have a serious shield up anytime I interact with her. I have been choosing my words carefully for the last 6 months, but now even more so. She started talking about how her friend blew her off, and refused to visit. I felt bad for her, but could only muster a cold, "That must feel very frustrating, for you." (I told her when we first started dating that she should get a wider social circle, but she said she was an introvert and only wanted a few close friends. I understand this viewpoint and used to feel the same way, but after a previous relationship ended, I decided to try and cast a wide net with people. I ended up being really glad that I did. It completely changed my life for the better)
On Sunday morning I wake up to texts at 6 a.m., that she had scheduled a new Covid vaccine appointment for me that was 2 hours closer than my original location, and a week sooner. That was so nice of her and a trait of the woman I originally fell in love with.
However, at the same time, I can't forget that she's threatened me with court orders, etc. She's been texting me repeatedly telling me, "you need help." I absolutely do, I admit this. But the more I research, the more I think that I'm not the only one that needs help. I know I can't tell her to get help, at least not in the same way she's been telling me. For me to stay in this relationship and have a nurturing nuclear family, we're both going to need assistance.
We have a therapy session tonight, and last week in a private session, I suggested to our therapist that she might have BPD. He said that he has suspected the same thing. He seemed reluctant to give a full diagnosis, though.
She can be reasonable and understanding when life isn't too stressful. It has been really stressful for the past 18 months. Our timeline has been completely nuts, and the pandemic is just the cherry on top, bringing it all together. She is extremely intelligent, and insightful.
Can anyone offer me a way to suggest that she get her own help? This was actually one of the things that she had agreed to when we were discussing having children. My therapist at the time was the one who thought it would be a good idea.