Something I posted a while back that might help you with the guilt as it did me was this article about failure to launch. The author lists 5 types of adult children and the emotional button each type pushes to get money from us, the parent-as-ATM-machine:
1. The first type pushes our Hope button by always promising that he's about to get the job that sticks, thus attaining his, and your, financial freedom.
2. The second type pushes our Fear button by always saying that if we don't cough up the money, she'll crash her car/sell drugs/be homeless.
3. The third type pushes our Guilt button by reminding us of any failings we had as parents when they were children, whether it be a divorce or that we inadvertently exposed them to anything less than ideal.
4. The fourth type pushes our Sympathy button by seemingly not having the intellect or ability to live independently.
5. The fifth type pushes our Intimidation button by breaking things or being verbally or physically abusive.
6. The sixth type pushes our Exhaustion button by simply refusing to do anything until we are tired and frustrated enough to just give her what she wants rather than argue anymore.
Link to the article: also created a poll to see how/if folks here were financially supporting their adult children. There weren't that many responses but the results might be of interest: there is this, the first thread I started here about stopping our help. I believe there was quite a bit of discussion about financial assistance and guilt: at first felt tremendously guilty even thinking about stopping my financial support completely. Three years after those initial first thoughts and now two years after stopping it and one year since he aged out of family health insurance, I can say that it was without doubt the best decision I made in regard to all this. With zero financial ties between us, our relationship has moved much further away from being a transactional one.