The other day I receive this text from my wife - how she is going to ask that I am forced to sell the house (which is listed under one of my assetts) so she can pay off her CC debt. I don't respond and get about 6 more texts. Finally she asks if she should contact a relator or if we have to go through attorneys. Still I don't asnswer - then I receive this text again are we going to do this as adults or do we need to go through attorney. I finally respond this will need to go through the attorney.
May I suggest you just lay down the sword. You understand the results from this person, when they dont get the answers they are expecting. There are no winners, when you respond, and looking for validation through your 13 yr old daughter, is not going to help you for very long either. The victory will be short lived. Ive been in your exact position, and putting your child in the middle, is not a wise choice. The mental illness will speak for itself, in due time. Your daughter has been made to endure a situation, in which she has had no voice, or control, in the outcome. You have an opportunity to be the parent, you never could have been, with this other person. The more you focus on this, the sooner you and your daughters lives can stabilize... . When you respond 2 things can happen. If its an answer she wants to hear, she gets her way and it strokes her ego, at the price of yours. If its an answer she doesnt want to hear, you get this. If you havent been to temporary orders hearing yet, save these text, so when you do get in front of the judge, you can request, contact only through emails, and only concerning the kids. Phone calls or text, for medical emergencies only. I personally, blocked my exs' number, to stop the text, and conversations and told her of only email contact, about 2 yrs ago. It helps to keep the chaos, at arms length. When your daughter brings this subject up, I would respond something like this. " Im really sorry you are having to go through this whole ordeal. Im not really sure how any of this is going to turn out sweetheart, but if I have any control over it, I wouldnt sell the house.
She then starts to rant and rave how she is going to tell our daughter how I am kicking her (daughter 13) out of her childhood home and that I am forcing my wife to sell the house.
Is this really a surprise?... . What is it about her illness, that you dont understand. If there is one thing I have learned. There is an order, to all disorder. The episode may change, but its still the same dance. Almost like a sitcom, or soap opera.
UGH! - my question is that she pulls this type of crap all the time and I'm getting sick of it. Should I share the texts with my daughter and let her see the truth - or should I share this info with my daughters councilor and get her advise on if or when I should share this with my daughter.
OK, so you are now tired of the behavior, you have allowed for how long?... . You are now expecting a person with a childs mentality, to stop this type of behavior, that you have allowed in the past. Good luck. The only behavior, you have the ability to control, is your own. Focusing on hers, will only have one outcome. The dance will continue.
Should I share the texts with my daughter and let her see the truth - or should I share this info with my daughters councilor and get her advise on if or when I should share this with my daughter.
I suggest you share this with the counselor. Im going to go out on a limb, and say that the odds are pretty good, your daughter doesnt want to get in the middle of her divorcing parents, pissing match, over the house.
Any advise of anyone who has had to deal with this or how their situation turned out?
That still remains to be seen. Im 2 1/2 yrs separated, and 10 months divorced. I communicate through emails only, and the ex seems to one up her last episode, periodically. Its no longer a surprise. The real test will be whom my 2 daughters (now 12 and 14), decide to have relationships with, and how healthy these relationships are. This will tell me how the situation turned out... . I wish you well... . PEACE