Just like booze, cocaine, meth, any other addiction, the pull is relentless until you take control of yourself; maybe there should be Borderlines Anonymous meetings. Maybe this is one.
My relationship felt very much like an addiction... .it became an addiction. The Leaving Board is a lot like a Borderlines Anonymous meeting, at least it has been for me! I've never heard it put that way, but it makes perfect sense to me. I also started to realize that my 'addiction' has a lot to do with core trauma from my childhood. My ex has a lot of similarities with my mother, especially emotionally. I could not see this at all until a very talented therapist started making some connections for me. So much of this now is about me learning how to take care of myself and not put myself through abuse. Yes, I allowed it. All of the pain and turmoil is just as much on me as it is on my ex. We have my more power that we realize. Find your power.