going places
« on: July 01, 2014, 06:19:44 AM » |
3 years ago, 2 weeks after our 20th wedding anniversary, I busted my exh having an affair.
After 1 week of him being out of the home, he came back (me begging) and we attempted to work it out.
In the following 6 months, I found out about his addiction to porn, lying, and many other horrible things.
1 year after the initial offense, I was unofficially diagnosed with PTSD and depression.
2012 was quite possibly the worst year of my life.
July 2013, I filed for divorce, put the house up for sale.
Sept 2013, I pulled the house off the market, threw the divorce in the trash, and "tried again".
He never tried back. Ever.
April 2014 I filed for divorce, again.
House went on the market June 15th.
I am now, divorced, but he is still living in the home.
He 'cannot leave' because he cannot afford to pay the bills (court ordered) AND pay to live somewhere else. That is why he is still here.
I know he's been seeing someone else... . I have a very good idea where he met her.
He is not 'original' (repeats the same patterns of behavior)
On one hand, I say "who cares, he's paying the bills until the house sells, then I can get the hades outta here".
On the other hand it hurts.
Logically, I know, (1) the thought of him touching me hits my gag reflex, and makes me shiver... . so I do not want to be his 'wife'.
So why does it bother me so much that he can just give up on me and the kids and pick up with some new trick like a 13 year old breaks up with his gf because he found someone else that's interested in him?
Logically, I know, what goes around, comes around. That God sees what he is doing and he will have to answer for that.
So why does it bother me that he can just be sleezy, lie, cheat, manipulate and get away with it?
Why is it one day I am 100% focused and driven, and I get a TON of things done (packing, taking loads to storage, cleaning repairing the home, etc) and on other days I am completely overwhelmed, sad, and cannot move or make decisions.
3 years ago, I was NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING like this.
Before I found out about the affair... . I was full of energy, content, trusting, loving, caring, driven, got things done... . etc.
Now, it's like a roller coaster ride.
It's better today than it was 2 years ago... . but still.
Any ideas?