I would also like you to think about whether he is getting help to keep you because this is what you have asked him to do (being manipulative) or is he getting it for himself because he feels/believes he needs it and is making a sincere effort to help himself.
Because if he is only going to get help to keep you connected to him, he isn't going to therapy for the right reasons and I believe he is doomed to fail.
Whatever happens between you continue to listen to your inner voice don't ignore it, because when you do you ignore yourself.
I agree with Panda39 on this one. The historical pattern you describe (6 breakups in the past year?) are that you normally breakup, then you beg him to return. He comes back, then the cycle repeats. So this last breakup, the only thing that's changed actually is *you*. Not him. Now instead of begging for him to come back, your body is frantically trying to tell you NO I NEED A BREAK. He senses this change in your attachment so now he's making up all of this therapy stuff to counteract this bit of independence you've gained.
Ultimately it sounds to me that you want to remain detached for at least 6 months, then check in with him to see how much he's 'changed'. Can you/Have you set this firm boundary with him? If you don't feel comfortable telling him *your* needs if there's going to be any reconciliation, then the reality is that he's still in control of the dynamic. Here you are, willing to work with him while keeping a safe distance while he works on himself--these are your needs. Is he willing to give you what you need? If he loves you so much as his desperate texts imply then it should be no problem to take some months off and give you the space you need. In short, if your ex can't give you the space you are asking for and recognize that this is healthy for you--then no nothing will ever work out. I think this is still more about him and his immediate desires and needs. His repeated attempts to recycle are more about his own unhealthy, uncontrollable needs than it is about the mutual respect and care for you he would need for any type of r/s to work.