I'm back again after a 30-day hiatus from the forums intended to give BPD a bit less space in my head.
Quick update on my situation: I can take a break from the forum, but not the disorder. uBPDw flew into a major tailspin a few weeks ago after she raised Kim Kardashian's (sp?) nude rear end as a topic of conversation and I tried to steer the conversation away from that, knowing it would be a likely trigger for her. Mind you, I never saw the rear end in question but was generally aware of it due to a print newspaper headline the previous day, and my walking on eggshells over it triggered a major waif dysregulation that included lots of suicidal ideation and her spending about 3 consecutive days in bed and/or drinking.
Since that time, things have turned around significantly, and uBPDw seems just about as happy as she has ever been. Generally good moods, lots of intimacy, etc., so presently I have no complaints in the relationship department. Also, she started guitar lessons and is making good progress, which has seemed to help out a bit in the boredom and sense of self departments.
Of course the other shoe will drop sooner or later, so I will enjoy the good times while they last. Good to see everyone again - best wishes to all you nons. Cheers!