If so many ppl have relationship problems and a partner with BPD surely that means it's not a sound idea to b in a relationship with a sufferer unless u like bein treated like crap having all your money spent and taken and spoken to like I don't even know what?
Hi, Welcome to bpdfamily .
In answer to your question, yes it does feel like a revelation when you first arrive here. I personally think it's up to each of us to decide how we want to be treated and whether to stay in their relationship or leave and this site can help with that. It can be a hard decision, especially when children are involved and we have become emotionally attached.
This is a place where we can get support, definitely not a 'dating site'... .and a place where we can learn how to cope and help each other to understand why we find ourselves getting into and staying in these relationships... .
If you are seeking support it might help if you tell us a bit more about your situation?