Hi westlondonboy22,

I'm sorry you're going through all of this. I can understand how horrible that would be finding a conversation with another man on your significant others phone.
I accidentally picked up moll fone one day as we have the same fone. I was curious and looked at the whatsapp convo. My wife had written that she went to morroc with her new boyfriend but won't tell me. I was horrified... when I confronted her she exploded saying well she wanted a divorce since that time we went on vacation in December so it was my fault for not letting her go. She said I now needed to stop calling her as it sad harassment and she would report me to the police and get my teaching license revoked. However she would like her stuff back and did want to remain friends (?)
At the center of BPD is a abandonment, abandonment fears, a narcissistic wound, the core wound of abandonment and it seems like she may subconsciously knows this and she did say:
"don't ever leave me everyone leaves me"
A pwBPD have feel low self worth, insecurities, feelings of emptiness and often project negative feelings about themselves. Projection is taking an uncomfortable feeling or action and attributing it to someone else. I think she's using the mention of divorce back in February and projecting and she may very well be dissociating and altering reality to match her out of place feelings. It makes it sound like you already knew that about divorcing and makes it Ok for her?
I can see how confronting her triggered shame and guilt and she likely called the cops to quickly triangulate you. I can understand how confusing that would be that she still wants to be friends. She needs to attach for ger survival and she fears abandonment, it's very well possible that she's not attached to the other person and wants to validate your attachment because she fears being alone and is scared of the world.
Do you have kids?