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BPD wife is driving me insane (no emotional connection, no affection, no sex)
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Topic: BPD wife is driving me insane (no emotional connection, no affection, no sex) (Read 623 times)
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: Together for 15 yrs, married for 10 yrs, now divorced. No children.
Posts: 4
BPD wife is driving me insane (no emotional connection, no affection, no sex)
September 06, 2015, 01:20:23 AM »
Hi all!
I've hesitated to join one of these forums because I barely have the energy anymore to "rewind" my memory and "verbalize" the events that occur with my (my diagnosis) BPD wife of 10 years. I'm honestly run down to the point - I guess I don't really care anymore. No, no, no! Not suicide ideation - I just generally don't give a sh*t!
Anyhow, without sounding like a disaster myself, I met and eventually married a
attractive woman. Of course, after reading through the BPD stuff, I now see all the reasons how I got snared in her "trap." Classic, CLASSIC stuff - everything I liked/wanted/did/etc she aligned herself with, and completely put me under her spell. Naturally, at some point, she couldn't maintain the facade, and the inner demon b***h presented - at which point I promptly exited the relationship with GREAT sadness. And so began the cycle of stalking, coming over to my house and sitting on my back porch for HOURS, smoking cigarettes and frantically calling me (unbeknownst to her I would be home of course, car in the garage). I used to sneak around inside my house as it got dark and literally laughing to myself about how ridiculous and insane it was to be doing this as a 30+ year old man. Moving around my house being as quiet as a mouse so I didn't have to face her - TRYING to do the right thing and stay away - I
something was wrong with her but didn't know exactly what. Actually, looking back when I picture her doing this, sitting outside in the Georgia summer heat, freaking out, desperately wanting me back - it's really pathetic and sad and I kind of feel sorry for her - a little. Again, classic push/pull, and I would eventually cave in after weeks of INCESSANT pleas, and this, and that. I would always think, "Wow, she was really upset and it honestly seemed like it hurt her. I only have to reach out and touch a hot stove once to learn action=pain and don't EVER do it again. I guess she's learned that I don't like her acting like _(insert insane episode here)_ because I'll be gone if she does." Wash, rinse, repeat - ad infinitum. Yeah, I see the problem with that now, but I had no clue that I was dealing with a professional, no - make that PhD - in manipulation.
It turns out my best friend from college ended up having a relationship with a married, *diagnosed* BPD woman. He and I met in engineering school but he eventually decided he would rather be in the medical field (? big jump I know). He eventually became a paramedic, and was working on numerous other certifications. The reason that's all relevant is because it was those ties to doctors/nurses/professionals at a small hospital in a small town that he learned that this woman he was seeing was diagnosed BPD. I won't go into any of the details, as if I could remember, but someone went into a really dark gray area and he was cautiously informed that he needed to be careful. I know, I know, this was treading into confidentiality, ethics and HIPAA, etc, etc. But it's how he *knew* what he was dealing with.
The upshot of this? When he and I talked, and I would seek validation on my wife's most recent bat s**t crazy episode and it wasn't long before he started to tell me that she was behaving in ways that were almost IDENTICAL to his BPD girlfriend - and the first I had ever even heard of this borderline stuff.
After many, many hours of discussion and comparisons we concluded that my wife was of the high functioning type. She has a great job, makes tons of money, they all seem to love her, my family thinks she just the sweetest thing, etc. So if I ever tried to describe one of her episodes, the conversation would invariably end with a family member looking somewhat puzzled - unable to reconcile my sweet, pretty, darling, thoughtful wife they have always known with this hateful, venom spitting, satanic b***h straight from hell (and I'm understaing this) that I had just described. I quickly realized that any attempt to explain why I was upset or looked like s**t because of the torture from my marriage only made ME look like the ass. To THIS DAY I honestly don't think any of them believe me - I'd be willing to bet that they listened to a story and thought to themselves, "Yeah, but what all did YOU do? I'm sure she didn't just act that way unprovoked. What part do you play in all of this that's causing her to act like that?" So, naturally there aren't too many people to talk to about all this. I finally got my mom to realize what she was capable of - I made her promise me that if my wife ever called her and told her some outlandish thing about me (the smear campaign) that she would take it all with a grain of salt and talk to me ASAP to get the other side of the story. Not going into it now, but there had been some small attempts by my wife to cast me in a negative light to my mom. What was cool was that eventually my mom took down all of our wedding pictures and stuff! So I knew I finally had her at worst neutral and most likely in my corner. Of course I didn't want to weigh my mom down with this crap, but I would get a little validation from her from time to time (we were always pretty close).
Sadly, she passed in the middle of 2014 so... . And please don't think I'm trying to boo hoo it up - feel sorry for "widdle owe me," but my best friend died unexpectedly in an accident. After losing those two, "sounding boards" if you will, I've fallen into quite a hole (of my own making). My best friend was the only one who TRULY understood what it was like being in this cesspool and why it was so difficult to walk away. I will forever remember one time when he told me that falling in love with the person I *thought* my wife was, it was like falling in love with a character in a movie. The actor is "faking" being a person they truly aren't - for the purposes of entertainment. He said, your wife is doing it for survival. The person you love and keep holding onto, doesn't really exist and never really has. All so, so true but also so f*****g hard to accept!
In a lot of the articles I've read, it's desribed as giving a thristy man a thimble of water or a hungry man a crumb - that's what keeps you coming back. Before I had ever heard it stated that way, I told him I felt like it was like floating in a river of nasty, rotten sewage and every know and then a beautiful, longed for flower pops up to punctuate the despair only to disappear as quickly as it appeared. Then spending every ounce of energy searching for that flower again, because finding it is such a satisfying comfort and boost of "energy."
My point? I don't know - it's late and I think I'm rambling. I am reaching the end of my ability to cope with this sexless, no emotional connection, disaster that has become my marriage. Countless things that have happened, that even if by some miracle she were cured of her BPD, I don't know if I could ever get past them - her breast implants and going to work all dolled up (reasonably professional of course) long hair down - but around me I get hair wadded up in a bun on top of her head and baggy, paint stained shorts or sweatpants and a t-shirt. The contrast between what I want and would like our relationship to be and what actually I get, coupled with her lack of concern for what it's doing to me (she knows, I've talked/cried/nearly begged for it to change) - it's just f*****g unbearable at this point.
I've been telling her for a while that I'm becoming unglued. What's the point of having a beautiful wife if she jiggles around all sexy at work, but it's all toned down/covered up around me at home? Oh yeah, hey dude, nice Ferrari! Thanks man! But it doesn't have a transmission so it doesn't do anything but just look good. I'm so sick and tired of hearing people tell me blah, blah, your wife is so pretty - she's like a model - blah blah, and feeding her ego and then at some point I get that quick glance from her that says, "See how lucky your are to have me as your cute wife?" Pfffffff___. I see very very little if any of it. Is she cheating? Yes, no, maybe - I can detail more on that some other time I guess.
This past week there has been such an unbearable anger building inside me. For spending so much time with her, for wasting all of this time. We have no kids - she is unable to have them - which has always been fine by me, I thankfully never had the desire. Which turns out to be an incredible benefit for obvious reasons. Coincidentally, she can't have kids because of an STD she contracted very early on in her sexual career (which when dating, she used to almost be dying to tell me about it seems) and it damaged her fallopian tubes. Based on other comments she made years ago, it's almost certain that she had a rather promiscuous past that started considerably earlier than average.
Anyway, after months of telling her I just can't stand this total lack of affection - and I mean it, no hugs or touching of any kind - maybe a peck on the check for goodnight, and sex MAYBE every couple of months. MONTHS! Admittedly partly my fault because she acts like she has no desire whatsoever towards me and I'll me damned if I show any towards her (please understand that all developed slowly, over time). But when *SHE* wants some, holy s**t!  :)id you feel the ground just tremble?  :)id you see those sparks and blinding flash of light? I mean incredible stuff - I'm not stupid - I know what's real and fake. Any observant male knows what to look for - it's there, it's real. I do not claim to be anything special other than very observant and attentive. What I would give to trade places with her in that "magical moment." Afterwards even I'm saying out loud, ":)amn!" But the afterglow? NOTHING! It's like it never happened. Weeks, usually
go by - not even a text or e-mail saying, "That was NICE!" The normal human desire to do something pleasurable again - that does not apply here. Beautiful wife, an occasional earth shattering moment - and then this vacuous, black hole - soul devouring avoidance. It's just so far beyond my understanding, I just don't get it (and probably never will). And I'm afraid I'm going insane because of it... .
I told her at the end of last week I was sick of spilling my guts and baring my soul to her, amidst my pleas of how I had always envisioned and what I wanted our marriage to be like. Yet nothing changes. I told her this has all been leading to a divorce, I cannot live my life like this anymore - her ignoring the damn near physical pain I tell her I feel from this. Yet, nothing changes - NOTHING. Afterwards - it's like I never spoke a word of how I felt to her.
So along comes Wednesday, last week. Long story, but she comes home late from work after a "training class" (she told me about it beforehand) and is so drunk she has to be driven home by "somebody." Who? At this point I couldn't care less - but I snapped. I didn't totally lose it, but I engaged her and let her know what I had been thinking about us in general and especially this party girl s**t. It's no surprise I was met with all kinds of venom - you know what they say, alcohol just brings out the true, inner you. A real, grade A, category 5 ass in this case. I calmly listened to her as she hammered one nail after another into the coffin of our marriage. The following day, she knew I was beyond pissed - because of a few specific things she said. So she actually, for ONCE, called me from work several times during the day and apologized for "being so mean." Sprinkled in between her half assed apologies, she would inquire "Are you still mad at me?" To which I responded with silence. And she would say, "Oh. I guess so." Then she would change the subject and quickly need to get off the phone.
So Thursday night after work, after an afternoon of her telephone apologies, I decided to push the envelope. I have been researching divorce attorneys recently (with a weak intent of actually being able to go through with it) to help me try to feel like I was getting some control over this train wreck. In the heat of the moment (a continuation of my ongoing description of how she has been avoiding our marriage issues) - I told her that I had finally found the edge - I was going to meet with an attorney the following day, Friday. Which was all bulls**t. But it came out of my mouth in complete frustration. I'm totally aware of setting boundaries BPD's and sticking to them - which I have done to the best of my ability. You do this, and keep doing it, here's what's going to happen - and I MAKE that consequence happen. No idle threats. But up to this point it doesn't seem to matter. So, once I told her of my intententions on Friday, I was met with the, "Ucccchhhhh"... .and she simultaneously stands up, puts both hands in the air and walks away. "This conversation is OVER," Tyler Durden might say. But oh boy... .what now? I can't make a hollow threat.
So, and I hope I convey my genuine honesty here, but I really did think this was funny, and clever. I took a pair of slacks with a belt threaded through the loops, rolled up the sleeves on a dress shirt, and pulled out some dress shoes and tossed them back into the closet. In a way that it was obvious, yet somewhat subtle - as if I had come home and quickly changed out of them but was too stupid to put it all back completely so she wouldn't notice. The dark dress socks in the dirty clothes was the cherry on top. After she came from work, I could tell she didn't notice anything yet. She said she was tired and going to take a quick nap. I had to run to the store, so I promptly left and did everything I could to stay away from home until the last minute. No sooner than I pulled into the garage and shut off the engine, she came out, tears in her eyes and sniffling. That was when I realized my scam had worked! She came over to my door, while I was still sitting down, and asked me multiple times - did you really go to a lawyer today?  :)id you? What did you say to them? Why? Bub, bub, blah... .waaaaaaaaa! NOO... .Please don't! But, but, but... ."
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: Together for 15 yrs, married for 10 yrs, now divorced. No children.
Posts: 4
Re: BPD wife is driving me insane (no emotional connection, no affection, no sex)
Reply #1 on:
September 06, 2015, 01:20:58 AM »
If this is wrong I'm sorry, but I was screaming laughing on the inside that it worked so well. Inside my mind, as I'm looking at her, not hearing a word she's saying, I'm screaming F you! F you! and flipping her off. I enjoyed that so much - to see her panic like that. She followed me around, asking questions. I offered very little - I didn't outright lie to her and say I did or didn't do anything. Just brushed her off. But once I got a few moments to myself, and the adrenaline rush from my little perceived battle victory wore off, I quickly realized why nothing has changed. No matter what I have told her was going to happen, or how I could barely stand waking up in the morning, she has ignored me. Either not caring or not believing I would do anything. She has felt like she could do whatever and I will just keep taking it. She has had NO incentive to make a change. "He's not going anywhere - I'll keep kicking him in the nuts." And my internal laughter quickly faded to a sad realization - she TRULY does not care about me. She does not believe in the consequences of her actions or inaction and the hurt it is causing me. Suddenly it all made sense. I mean, I'm not stupid, I've always seen that as a possiblity, but never REALLY thought that was *the* answer to what I keep asking myself, "Why does this continue to be like this? Why is this getting worse? Why doesn't she care how bad she's hurting me?"
And that is where I am now... . Just absorbing that realization - seeing her react to "evidence" that I dressed up to go meet a divorce attorney as if I had never even mentioned it. After flat out stating to her the night before: I-am-going-to-meet-an-attorney-tomorrow. The clarity of this, is just so... . I don't know... . I'm falling, spinning. If you've ever heard the lyrics to the song by AC/DC "Spellbound," that's a perfect description of my internal state.
Woah, I didn't mean to write a book! I have no idea what protocol is around here - so forgive me if I went overboard! Woah, woah there chief! Too-Much-Information! This was supposed to be just an introduction!
Any thoughts?
Take care all, I hope everyone is doing well!
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: Together for 15 yrs, married for 10 yrs, now divorced. No children.
Posts: 4
Re: BPD wife is driving me insane (no emotional connection, no affection, no sex)
Reply #2 on:
September 06, 2015, 01:46:02 AM »
After re-reading my message I thought I would clarify some things. I don't really know what my intent was for bringing up the attorney thing like that. I guess it was an attempt to get a reaction from her, any reaction. It's been soo, long since I've seen her express any concern over the future of things. A long time, as in years. Half-heartedly threating divorce was the highest level of escalation to try and determine where I stand - what is going on in her mind.
I'm a little embarassed to have admitted thinking that it was funny to see her react that way, to *FINALLY* see her react in a way that might indicate she *might* care. On second thought, funny is the wrong term - I think what I felt was overwhelming relief - "Maybe she DOES care after all!" Of course as I mentioned, that feeling quickly faded, but for a brief time - it was actually "happiness" from seeing her get upset - "proof" she might care. I know, that's backwards as hell. Who in their right mind would feel joy of any kind because they had just made someone else upset?
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 790
Re: BPD wife is driving me insane (no emotional connection, no affection, no sex)
Reply #3 on:
September 06, 2015, 02:31:50 AM »
You do realize of course, that you can't fix someone with BPD. If you are addicted to the drama, by all means have at it. Seriously though, it would better for you mentally & physically to move on with your life and find real peace and happiness. Just saying.
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 641
Re: BPD wife is driving me insane (no emotional connection, no affection, no sex)
Reply #4 on:
September 06, 2015, 10:05:58 AM »
BluntForceTrama, welcome to bpdfamily.
I relate to the difficulty to rewind the memory and verbilize the events to write and post. But keep doing so here as there are many here that can help you navigate the exit of a marriage to a pwPD.
My sympathy to you on the loss of your friend and your mom. A few years ago I met with a L to start my divorce , did not actually file , then I had two deaths in my family. Then after wards I continued with filing of divorce. You are going though so much right now. It's like you have to put your natural grieving on hold to take care of the business of divorce and healing from it .
In your last lines of joy that you made someone upset , to me , it's not that but joy that you stood up for yourself. ( takes practice) You are stopping the addiction of... .thinking that she is going to be normal. Been there done that with the drop of niceness ,from my now xh, thinking he really does care and blaming myself for thinking otherwise. I was his doormat and every now and then he'd shake off the dirt , only to add more again. These people do not change!
They are not sad that we are divorcing them but they are angry at loosing the power they have over us.
And careful to not have sex with her anymore no matter how hot gorgeous she might be , or she uses you to kiss and make up , and her StD from the past, unless her tubes are cut , and tied, you never know when one of those little sperms slips by to create a ,forever tied her , baby.
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You can't reason with the Voice of Unreason...
Re: BPD wife is driving me insane (no emotional connection, no affection, no sex)
Reply #5 on:
September 08, 2015, 11:27:05 AM »
PwBPD almost always don't change on their own. (I think there are uncommon cases of self-initiated recovery like Marsha Lineham, an early crusader addressing BPD and its impact on the person and everyone nearby.) Improvement or recovery generally depends on
the sufferer
overcoming the Denial, Blaming and Blame Shifting, accepting real therapy, not faking it, diligently applying the counsel and making solid progress over time, over years. You can't do it for the pwBPD, for it to be real and lasting recovery the person has to do it for himself/herself, not for others.
Has your ex done that? If not, then recovery is unlikely. Knowing that, you have to accept that and then proceed with your future decisions based on that realization.
Understand that trying to reason with someone who isn't reasoning or being reasonable will fail.
from someone close. BPD behaviors are more evident the closer the relationship. You would do well to accept those limitations and 'gift' yourself closure, trying to get closure from someone with BPD can boomerang.
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