Good Morning

I was off the site a little longer than expected and spent today reading through some of your posts to get to know you better. You are really supportive and offer a lot of great advice. I hope I will be able to read more about what you are going through too. I am seeking help from many different sources and do feel very positive and hopeful about my future, but am still having a hard time with talking/understanding a lot of what happened. You can probably tell by my vague responses that I don't talk about it much. I have improved by writing a "dead letter" and printed it out for my therapists/counselors/psychiatrists. That has been my huge step recently and I hope to move into talking about my experiences with others of similar situations. The professionals I see are very sympathetic (one said, "forget eggshells, you're walking on broken glass!", but there will always be a difference between someone saying "others are going through what you are going through" and someone saying "I am going through what you are going through".
I am not connecting my symptoms to my ex because I am not qualified to and I don't know if it would really help either. I was first showing symptoms about a year after we were first together (at the time it was said to be sitiuational), actually diagnosed 4~ months after we divorced, and all of the negative feelings/triggers are linked to things related to him/things he did.
I have different reactions, depending on what trigger I am in contact with, that ranges from paranoia to anxiety to very disoriented and afraid. That's part of the "going crazy". The other part is to help me understand my emotions, huge gaps in memory, triggers, and other things that could be related to what happened. I have many huge "Aha" moments by reading posts in relation to BPD (ex mailed us weird things, tries to limit contact when she visits him/said my calling was harrassing her, distorts the truth to a point that doesn't make sense). I am now looking for that in the cases of trauma and how to move on from here. I had not gotten many responses here and started looking for/did find a few support websites for the things outside of BPD.
I will definitely continue on this site for the upBPD things and I always appreciate any additional ideas on coping and working with bpdfamily on similar stories. Thank you.